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Last active April 8, 2021 22:47
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Starship v2 Brain-dump


starship setup

  • Automated font installer
  • Automated terminal configuration
  • Automated shell config updates
  • Shell detection via parent process id: eval(starship init)
  • Preset selection: emoji, nerdfonts, text, etc.


starship doctor

  • Show various symbols to check if they appear correctly
  • Present troubleshooting steps from within the CLI, with links to long-form guides, help, and GitHub Issues


Module Detection

  • Show modules within an entire project, not just in src directories
    • Identify project root using VCS or with a project root heuristic (e.g. package.json = node)


  • A config file is automatically generated, containing all default configuration, a description for each property, and a list of available format variables
    • Similar config file output as npx typescript --init or npx jest --init
    • If the config file is untouched, it gets updated along with Starship

Custom Modules

  • A plugin system, allowing users to install community-made modules right from the CLI: starship install spotify
  • Plugins consume a Starship plugin library for easy development
  • Plugins can optionally be written with other runtimes, like xbar:



  • Developed as two packages – a library with the core logic, and a CLI consuming it
    • All logic used to check the state of the system can be used in isolation by other prompts
  • "Headless Starship" – Another CLI that outputs the state the system/directory in a structured format for use by tools looking to create a custom formatted output


  • VCS-agnostic
  • As much work is done lazily as possible, and is reused across modules
  • Module logic, configuration, and tests are all co-located
  • Per-shell formatting is done separately from module logic, right before rendering
  • Data retreived from the system is cached on disk



  • Have benchmarks for all modules, individually and together
  • Performance goal of 16ms per module (refresh rate of 60Hz monitor)
  • Prompt should always render within 100ms, no matter what.

    [0 to 100 ms...] Respond to user actions within this time window and users feel like the result is immediate. Any longer, and the connection between action and reaction is broken. RAIL Model


  • Coverage tracking for codebase and coverage diffs per PR
  • Unit tests covering complex logic
  • Integration tests mocking external commands for each module
  • End-to-end tests for the most commonly used modules, as well as the full prompt
  • End-to-end matrix tests for shell ↔ OS combination setups
  • Nightly contract testing of the output of the tools we interface with



  • Per OS, per shell installation instructions
    • Pictures and/or videos walking through the process
  • Step-by-step Starship configuration guide
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