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Last active June 7, 2021 00:09
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// HACK: Use Node's testing APIs to be able to log custom trace
// events. I… genuinely didn't find a better way to do
// local nodejs custom tracing??
// To enable tracing, run this with:
// node --expose-internals --trace-event-categories app
// Without that, the require will throw an error, so the trace
// functions will be no-ops!
let trace;
let withTrace;
try {
const { internalBinding } = require("internal/test/binding");
const rawTrace = internalBinding("trace_events").trace;
// `trace` lets you wrap an async block with start/end trace events!
// Like: `await trace("fetchThatOneWebpage", {url}, () => fetch(url))`
let nextTraceId = 0;
trace = async (eventName, traceArgs, fn) => {
let traceId = nextTraceId++;
rawTrace("b".charCodeAt(0), "app", eventName, traceId, traceArgs);
try {
return await fn();
} finally {
rawTrace("e".charCodeAt(0), "app", eventName, traceId, traceArgs);
// `withTrace` lets you wrap an async function with start/end trace
// events for every time you call it! First parameter is the function,
// second parameter is a function to transform the arguments into an
// object of safe, serializable arguments to log with the trace.
withTrace =
(fn, getTraceArgsFromFnArgs, name = null) =>
(...args) =>
trace(name ||, getTraceArgsFromFnArgs(...args), () =>
} catch (e) {
trace = (_, __, fn) => fn();
withTrace = (fn) => fn;
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