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Success lies beyond what people say you can't accomplish.

Mateja Petrovic mateja176

Success lies beyond what people say you can't accomplish.
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const quickSort = (a: Array<number>): Array<number> => {
if (a.length <= 1) {
return a
const [n, ...ns] = a
const { left, right } = ns.reduce<{ left: Array<number>; right: Array<number> }>(
({ left: left1, right: right1 }, m) => {
if (m > n) {
return { left: left1, right: right1.concat(m) }
choco install -y `
autohotkey `
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crystaldiskinfo `
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geforce-experience `
git `
googlechrome `
gpu-z `
function christmasTree(n: number) {
let padding = n - 1;
for (let index = 1; index < n; index++) {
const oddNumber = index * 2 - 1;
console.log(' '.repeat(padding), '*'.repeat(oddNumber));
padding -= 1;
type A = { a: 1; b: 2 };
type ObjectToArray<O> = {
[Key in keyof O]: [Key, O[Key]];
}[keyof O][];
type B = ObjectToArray<A>;
const entries = <O>(o: O): ObjectToArray<O> => {
const a: ObjectToArray<O> = [];
for (const key in o) {
const element = o[key];
const groupByProp = <P extends string, O extends { [Key in P]: string }>(
objects: O[],
prop: P,
) => {
return objects.reduce((groups, object) => {
const key = object[prop];
return { ...groups, [key]: (groups[key] ?? []).concat(object) };
}, {} as Record<O[P], O[]>);
type RequiredKeys<O extends unknown> = {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
[Key in keyof O]: {} extends Pick<O, Key> ? never : Key;
}[keyof O];
type DeepPick<O extends unknown, Keys extends unknown[]> = Keys extends [
keyof O,
...infer Rest
? Keys[0] extends RequiredKeys<O>
  • HTML
    • HTML page
    • tags
    • semantic HTML
    • style tag
    • script tag
      • blocking: async+defer
    • form tag
      • input tag and variants
  • CSS