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Created September 1, 2022 19:10
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MC Anvil region unpacking/packing script
import sys, os, zlib, struct
def decompress_chunk(chunk):
l, = struct.unpack_from(">I", chunk, 0)
assert l <= len(chunk)-4, "Invalid length"
assert chunk[4:5] == b"\x02", "Only zlib-compressed chunks are supported"
return zlib.decompress(chunk[5:4+l])
def compress_chunk(nbt):
chunk = b"\x02" + zlib.compress(nbt)
return struct.pack(">I", len(chunk)) + chunk
def deserialize_region(data):
if len(data) == 0: return # empty region, it happens
locs = struct.unpack_from(">"+"I"*(32*32), data, 0)
tss = struct.unpack_from(">"+"I"*(32*32), data, 4096)
for i, (loc, ts) in enumerate(zip(locs, tss)):
z, x = divmod(i, 32)
if loc:
offs = loc>>8<<12
clen = (loc&0xff)<<12
yield x, z, ts, decompress_chunk(data[offs:offs+clen])
def serialize_region(entries):
assert len(entries) == 1024
region = bytearray()
region += b"\x00" * 8192
for i, e in enumerate(entries):
if e is None: continue
nbt, ts = e
chunk = compress_chunk(nbt)
clen = (len(chunk) + (1<<12) - 1) >> 12
assert clen < 256, "Compressed chunk too long for Anvil format"
chunk += b"\x00" * ((clen<<12) - len(chunk))
offs = len(region)>>12
region += chunk
struct.pack_into(">I", region, 4*i, (offs<<8) | clen)
struct.pack_into(">I", region, 4096 + 4*i, int(ts))
return bytes(region)
def usage():
print(" unpack <region x> <region z>")
print(" pack <region x> <region z>")
print("This script should be ran within a world folder")
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = sys.argv[1:]
if not args: usage()
if args[0] == "unpack" and len(args) == 3:
rx, rz = int(args[1]), int(args[2])
ox, oz = rx*32, rz*32
base = "region/r.%d.%d" % (rx, rz)
with open(base+".mca","rb") as regf:
reg =
if not os.path.isdir(base):
for x, z, ts, nbt in deserialize_region(reg):
cpath = base+"/chunk.%d.%d.nbt" % (ox+x, oz+z)
with open(cpath, "wb") as chf:
os.utime(cpath, (ts, ts))
print("Unpacked %s, %d bytes uncompressed" % (cpath, len(nbt)))
elif args[0] == "pack" and len(args) == 3:
rx, rz = int(args[1]), int(args[2])
base = "region/r.%d.%d" % (rx, rz)
if not os.path.isdir(base):
print("Could not find chunk directory %s/" % base)
ox, oz = rx*32, rz*32
entries = [None] * 1024
for dz in range(32):
for dx in range(32):
cpath = base + "/chunk.%d.%d.nbt" % (ox+dx, oz+dz)
st = os.stat(cpath)
except FileNotFoundError:
with open(cpath, "rb") as f:
nbt =
entries[dz*32+dx] = (nbt, st.st_mtime)
mca = serialize_region(entries)
print("New region size: %d bytes" % len(mca))
os.rename(base+".mca", base+".mca.old")
with open(base+".mca", "wb") as regf:
print("Comparing to old region data")
with open(base+".mca.old","rb") as regf:
oreg =
newd = {}
oldd = {}
for x, z, ts, nbt in deserialize_region(mca):
newd[(ox+x, oz+z)] = (ts, nbt)
for x, z, ts, nbt in deserialize_region(oreg):
oldd[(ox+x, oz+z)] = (ts, nbt)
if newd == oldd: print("Regions contain identical data")
for k in set(newd.keys()) | set(oldd.keys()):
if k in newd and k in oldd:
if newd[k] != oldd[k]: print("Chunk %r modified, (%d bytes, timestamp %d) -> (%d bytes, timestamp %d)" % (k, len(oldd[k][1]), oldd[k][0], len(newd[k][1]), newd[k][0]))
assert k in newd or k in oldd
if k in newd:
print("Added new chunk %r" % (k,))
if k in oldd:
print("Removed chunk %r" % (k,))
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