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Forked from ELLIOTTCABLE/gist:3a945b04ed8170d710ac
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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  • Save mateor/38bd90c459a5e7667e34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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[ -n "${VAR##[NFnf]*}" ] && echo '$VAR must be truthy (but will be considered falsey by default, if empty)'
[ -z "${VAR##[YTyt]*}" ] && echo '$VAR must be truthy (and will be by default, if empty)'
[ -z "${VAR##[NFnf]*}" ] && echo '$VAR must be falsey (and will be by default, if empty)'
[ -n "${VAR##[YTyt]*}" ] && echo '$VAR must be falsey (but will be considered truthy by default, if empty)'
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