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Created September 27, 2015 23:22
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  • Save mateor/a38e1c7481d0ab0b1d7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mateor/a38e1c7481d0ab0b1d7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
python profiling in pants snippet. Install guppy into the virtual env (env/bin/pip install guppy).
def _run(exiter):
# We want to present warnings to the user, set this up early to ensure all warnings are seen.
# The "default" action displays a warning for a particular file and line number exactly once.
# See for the complete action
# list.
# Bootstrap options and logging.
options, build_config = OptionsInitializer().setup()
# Apply exiter options.
# Launch RunTracker as early as possible (just after Subsystem options are initialized).
run_tracker, reporting = ReportingInitializer().setup()
# Determine the build root dir.
root_dir = get_buildroot()
# Setup and run GoalRunner.
from guppy import hpy
h = hpy()
before = h.heap()
goal_runner = GoalRunner.Factory(root_dir, options, build_config, run_tracker, reporting).setup()
result =
except KeyboardInterrupt:
after = h.heap()
pants_heap = after - before
print("!!!!!!! Starting a trace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
print("!!!!!!! Ending a trace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
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