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Last active April 21, 2016 05:42
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  • Save mateor/c033d3d89b614513e4082f11cd2a9109 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mateor/c033d3d89b614513e4082f11cd2a9109 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Settings that I use with FileHeader Sublime plugin to create headers for new python files.
The datetime format.
0: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
1: "%Y-%m-%d"
2: "%H:%M:%S"
"time_format": 0,
The custom time format. It will format `create_time` and `last_modified_time`
instead of `time_format` if you set it. The time format refers to``.
"custom_time_format": "%Y",
Whether add template to the empty file.
It's useful when you create new file through other command, for
example, the default Sublime Text's **New File...** or other plugin.
"enable_add_template_to_empty_file": true,
Set your custom template header path here, it is a directory in which
you write your own header files. The file name should be a language,
"Python.tmpl" for example.
"custom_template_header_path": "~/Documents/Documents/sublime/headers",
Set your custom template body path here, it is a directory in which
you write your own body files. The file name should be a language,
"Python.tmpl" for example.
The template structure is:
I am a file
"custom_template_body_path": "",
Whether show input panel when you add header. The default file which
you add header to is the current file you edit.
"show_input_panel_when_add_header": true,
Whether open file when you add header to files in the specified
"open_file_when_add_header_to_directory": true,
Whether enable add header to hidden directory. If false, FileHeader
won't add header to files under it.
"enable_add_header_to_hidden_dir": false,
Whether enable add header to hidden file. If false, FileHeader
won't add header to it.
"enable_add_header_to_hidden_file": true,
FileHeader judges programming language according file suffix.
Default programming language if FileHeader judges failed when you
create new file.
"syntax_when_not_match": "Text",
FileHeader will judge programming language according to file suffix.
You can add more file suffix here. Note: language should be one of
that under **Default**. If FileHeader don't find the suffix,
FileHeader will set language as **syntax_when_not_match** above.
"file_suffix_mapping": {
"as": "ActionScript",
"scpt": "AppleScript",
"asp": "ASP",
"aspx": "ASP",
"bat": "Batch File",
"cmd": "Batch File",
"c": "C",
"cs": "C#",
"cpp": "C++",
"clj": "Clojure",
"css": "CSS",
"D": "D",
"erl": "Erlang",
"go": "Go",
"groovy": "Groovy",
"hs": "Haskell",
"htm": "HTML",
"html": "HTML",
"java": "Java",
"js": "JavaScript",
"tex": "LaTeX",
"lsp": "Lisp",
"lua": "Lua",
"md": "Markdown",
"mat": "Matlab",
"m": "Objective-C",
"ml": "OCaml",
"p": "Pascal",
"pl": "Perl",
"php": "PHP",
"py": "Python",
"R": "R",
"rst": "RestructuredText",
"rb": "Ruby",
"scala": "Scala",
"scss": "SCSS",
"sh": "ShellScript",
"sql": "SQL",
"tcl": "TCL",
"txt": "Text",
"xml": "XML"
Set special file suffix equivalence. Take `blade.php` for example,
FileHeader will initial file with suffix `blade.php` with that of `html`.
"extension_equivalence": {
"blade.php": "html",
"": "NONE"
Below is the variables you render templater.
"Default": {
Builtin Variables
- create_time
The file created time. It will be automatically set when you create
a new file if you use it.
Can't be set custom.
- author
The file creator.
FileHeader will set it automatically. If it's in
a git repository and the `` has been set, `autor`
will set to ``, otherwise it will be set to current
system user.
Can be set custom.
- last_modified_by
The file last modified by who? It is specially useful when
cooperation programming.
FileHeader will set it automatically. If it's in
a git repository and the `` has been set, `autor`
will set to ``, otherwise it will be set to current
system logined user.
Can be set custom.
- last_modified_time
The file last modified time.
FileHeader will set it automatically when you save the file.
Can't be set custom.
- file_path
The absolute path of the current file.
FileHeader will update it automatically when you change it.
Can't be set custom.
- file_name
The name of current file with extension.
FileHeader will update it automatically when you change it.
Can't be set custom.
- file_name_without_extension
The name of current file without extension.
FileHeader will update it automatically when you change it.
Can't be set custom.
- project_name
The project name.
Note: `project_name` only works in ST3.
Can't be set custom.
"email": "[email protected]",
// You can add more here......
"author": "mateor"
You can set different variables in different languages. It will cover
that in "Default".
"ASP": {},
"ActionScript": {},
"AppleScript": {},
"Batch File": {},
"C#": {},
"C++": {},
"CSS": {},
"Clojure": {},
"D": {},
"Diff": {},
"Erlang": {},
"Go": {},
"Graphviz": {},
"Groovy": {},
"HTML": {},
"Haskell": {},
"Java": {},
"JavaScript": {},
"LaTeX": {},
"Lisp": {},
"Lua": {},
"Makefile": {},
"Markdown": {},
"Matlab": {},
"OCaml": {},
"Objective-C": {},
"PHP": {},
"Pascal": {},
"Perl": {},
"Python": {},
"R": {},
"RestructuredText": {},
"Ruby": {},
"SQL": {},
"Scala": {},
"ShellScript": {},
"TCL": {},
"Text": {},
"Textile": {},
"XML": {},
"YAML": {}
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mateor commented Apr 21, 2016

It treats the as a special file - in order to allow all new empty files to get the header but skip the __init__files, which are best left empty.

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