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Created August 18, 2020 00:52
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package word
import cats.implicits._
trait Scenario
object Scenario {
case class Unsolvable(reason: String) extends Scenario
case class NoA(length: Int) extends Scenario
case class ContainsA(positions: List[Int]) extends Scenario
def fromString(s: String): Scenario = {
val length = s.length
if (length < 3) {
Unsolvable("string too short")
} else {
val positions = findPositionA(s)
positions match {
case Nil => NoA(length)
case _ if positions.length % 3 != 0 => Unsolvable("odd number a")
case _ => ContainsA(positions)
/* change to an arrayBuffer w/ whileLoop for speed and return Array[Int] */
def findPositionA(s: String): List[Int] = {
s.toCharArray.zipWithIndex.foldRight(List.empty[Int]) {
case ((char, pos), acc) =>
if (char == 'a') pos +: acc else acc
object Solvers {
import Scenario._
def solve(scenario: Scenario): Either[String, Int] = scenario match {
case Unsolvable(reason) => reason.asLeft[Int]
case NoA(length) => solveJustB(length).asRight[String]
case ContainsA(pos) => solveA(pos.toArray).asRight[String]
/** there is a closed form solution but this is ok / near constant time
* you iterate over 2 lists of 3, regardless of the size of i */
def solveJustB(i: Int): Int = {
def solveConfig(anchors: List[Int]): Int = { {
case (acc, (elem, next)) => (next - elem) * acc
if(i == 3) {
} else {
val leftConfig = List(0, 1, i)
val rightConfig = List(0, i - 1, i)
solveConfig(leftConfig) + solveConfig(rightConfig) - 2 // because we have two duplicates
babaa should return 2: ba | ba | a, and |bab| a| |a|
ababa should return 4: a | ba | ba, a |bab|a, ab| a| ba, ab |ab| a
def solveA(positions: Array[Int]): Int = {
def go(newPos: Option[Array[(Int, Int)]], multiplier: Int, permutations: Int): Int = {
newPos.fold(permutations)(pos => {
val count = permutationsFromAnchors(pos, positions)
go(shrink(positions, multiplier / 3), multiplier / 3, count + permutations)
go(shrink(positions, positions.length / 3), positions.length / 3, 0)
/* shrink to 3 anchor points each time, returning new array w/ original positions
* this can be optimized to constant time to avoid the whole traversal each time but I'm lazy */
def shrink(positions: Array[Int], multiplier: Int): Option[Array[(Int, Int)]] = {
if (multiplier == 0) {
} else {
val expanded = positions.zipWithIndex.collect {
case (e, i) if ((i + 1) % multiplier) == 0 => (e, i)
if (expanded.length == 3) Some(expanded) else None
/** pos is always an array of length 3
* if they are adjacent, the length between them is 1
* otherwise you can only go as far as the _next_ a, not all the
* way to the next anchor (which is only a possible max bound) */
def permutationsFromAnchors(pos: Array[(Int, Int)], allPositions: Array[Int]): Int = {
case (acc, (left, right)) =>
val (elem, elemOrig) = left
val (next, _) = right
val count = if (next - elem == 1) 1 else findPosBetweenAnchors(elem, elemOrig, allPositions)
count * acc
def findPosBetweenAnchors(elem: Int, elemOrig: Int, original: Array[Int]): Int = {
val nextPos = original(elemOrig + 1)
nextPos - elem
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