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Created December 3, 2024 06:35
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Advent of Code 2024: Day 3
input <- readLines("input")
##### Part 1 #####
vals <- tibble(
mul = str_match_all(paste(input, collapse = ""),
"(mul\\(\\d{1,3},\\d{1,3}\\))")[[1]][,2]) %>%
mutate(val1 = as.numeric(str_match(mul, "\\((\\d{1,3})\\,")[,2]),
val2 = as.numeric(str_match(mul, "\\,(\\d{1,3})\\)")[,2])) %>%
mutate(product = val1*val2)
##### Part 2 #####
vals <- vals %>%
mutate(start = str_locate_all(paste(input, collapse = ""),
cond_true <- tibble(
start = str_locate_all(paste(input, collapse = ""),
"do\\(\\)")[[1]][,1] )
cond_false <- tibble(
start = str_locate_all(paste(input, collapse = ""),
"don\\'t\\(\\)")[[1]][,1] )
cond <- bind_rows(cond_true %>% mutate(condition = TRUE),
cond_false %>% mutate(condition = FALSE))
vals_cond <- full_join(vals, cond) %>%
arrange(start) %>%
mutate(n = 1:n()) %>%
mutate(condition = ifelse(n == 1, TRUE, condition)) %>%
fill(condition) %>%
filter(condition) %>%
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