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Last active June 29, 2023 13:22
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Update AUR packages automatically
set -e
git pull
ver=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | sed 's/-/_/g')
echo "Version is $ver"
update () {
sed -i "s/^pkgver.\+\$/pkgver=$ver/g" PKGBUILD
git remote set-url origin "$(git remote get-url origin | sed 's#^https://#ssh://aur@#')"
git clean -fdx
checksums=$(makepkg -g)
# split checksums but line breaks
checksum_lines=(${checksums//\n/ })
# loop over them and replace the matching lines of PKGBUILD
for line in "${checksum_lines[@]}"; do
| var_value=(${line//=/ })
| type=${var_value[0]}
| # Replace line with $type with $line
| sed -i "s/^$type.\+\$/$line/g" PKGBUILD
makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO
git commit -am "Update to $ver" || true
git push origin master || true
# Loop over folders of aur/
for repo in aur/*
cd "$repo"
echo "Processing $repo"
cd "$dir"
echo $(pwd)
echo "------------------------------------------------"
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