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Matheus Fillipe matheusfillipe

  • Germany
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matheusfillipe /
Last active April 19, 2024 21:05
Metacritic scrapper with bash and htmlq
#!/usr/bin/env bash
user_agent='user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
results=$(curl "$query/?page=1&category=3" -H "$user_agent" | htmlq 'div.c-pageSiteSearch-results a' -a href | xargs printf "\n" % '_')
item () {
matheusfillipe / gist:1d907272717201501eafe0e91b858176
Created October 28, 2023 19:50
Unreal Engine nvim wrapper for ue4cli (Completion + Debugger with vimspect)
# #!/usr/bin/env bash
# Based on
# Expand ue4cli
ue() {
ue4cli=$(which ue4)
engine_path=$($ue4cli root)
UPROJECT_PATH=$(realpath $(find . -name *.uproject))
DEBUG_BINARY_PATH="/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_5.3/Engine/Binaries/Mac/"
project_name=$(basename "$UPROJECT_PATH" | sed 's/.uproject//')
matheusfillipe /
Last active November 25, 2022 23:20
A python crash course demo for how to parse, validate, convert fields data, convert field names and serialize json/dicts using pydantic.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator, ValidationError
# Random json data or something
person_json = {
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 30,
"address": {
"street": "Main Street",
"city": "New York",
matheusfillipe /
Last active June 29, 2023 13:22
Update AUR packages automatically
set -e
git pull
ver=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | sed 's/-/_/g')
echo "Version is $ver"
update () {
sed -i "s/^pkgver.\+\$/pkgver=$ver/g" PKGBUILD
git remote set-url origin "$(git remote get-url origin | sed 's#^https://#ssh://aur@#')"
matheusfillipe /
Last active October 25, 2022 17:05
Parse the logs from apache access log and count the most acessing ip while the script it is running
import subprocess
from os import system
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from collections import Counter
LOGFILE = "/var/log/apache2/live-access_log"
matheusfillipe / leibniz_pi.lisp
Last active July 15, 2022 00:26
Compute pi with common lisp using leibnix formula
;; Way to compute pi in common lisp using Leibniz formula
(defun ^ (x n)
(if (> n 0)
(* x (^ x (- n 1)))
(if (< n 0)
(* (/ 1 x) (^ x (+ n 1)))
(defun oddnum (n) (+ (* 2 n) 1))
matheusfillipe /
Last active July 9, 2022 06:25
Auto restart process on high cpu or if check command is failing
#!/usr/bin/env bash
matheusfillipe / main.dart
Last active June 8, 2022 21:20
Irc client in dart with null safety
import 'dart:convert';
import "package:irc/client.dart";
import "dart:io";
// This stores our configuration for this client
var config = Configuration(
host: "",
port: 6697,
ssl: true,
matheusfillipe / portfoward.go
Last active May 3, 2022 05:31
Go port fowarding
package main
import (
matheusfillipe / proofOfWork.js
Last active April 26, 2022 23:49
Simple proof of work concept using javascript
// Proof or work
const difficulty = 3
async function sha256(message) {
const msgBuffer = new TextEncoder().encode(message);
const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', msgBuffer);
const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
const hashHex = => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');
return hashHex;