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Last active February 19, 2025 04:36
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Using Cmd.OfAsync in Avalonia FuncUI
// See corresponding blog post:
module AsyncOperation =
open System
open Elmish
open Avalonia.Controls
open Avalonia.FuncUI.DSL
open Avalonia.FuncUI.Types
let respondToRequest (request: string) =
$"{DateTime.Now}: Request was {request}"
type State = {
Request: string
Response: string
type Msg =
| UpdateRequest of string
| SendRequest
let init (): State * Cmd<Msg> =
Request = ""
Response = ""
let update (msg: Msg) (state: State): State * Cmd<Msg> =
match msg with
| UpdateRequest text ->
{ state with Request = text }, Cmd.none
| SendRequest ->
let response = respondToRequest state.Request
{ state with Response = response }, Cmd.none
let view (state: State) (dispatch: Msg -> unit): IView =
StackPanel.create [
StackPanel.children [
TextBox.create [
TextBox.watermark "Type your request"
TextBox.text $"{state.Request}"
TextBox.onTextChanged (fun text ->
|> UpdateRequest
|> dispatch
Button.create [
Button.content "Send Request"
Button.onClick (fun _ ->
|> dispatch
TextBlock.create [
TextBlock.text state.Response
// See corresponding blog post:
module AsyncOperation =
open System
open Elmish
open Avalonia.Controls
open Avalonia.FuncUI.DSL
open Avalonia.FuncUI.Types
let respondToRequest (request: string) =
task {
// Create an artificial delay
do! Async.Sleep 1000
return $"{DateTime.Now}: Request was {request}"
type State = {
Request: string
Response: string
type Msg =
| UpdateRequest of string
| SendRequest
| ReceivedResponse of string
let init (): State * Cmd<Msg> =
Request = ""
Response = ""
let update (msg: Msg) (state: State): State * Cmd<Msg> =
match msg with
| UpdateRequest text ->
{ state with Request = text }, Cmd.none
| SendRequest ->
// for this to work you also need to use
// Program.runWithAvaloniaSyncDispatch ()
// instead of
let deferredCmd =
state, deferredCmd
| ReceivedResponse response ->
{ state with Response = response }, Cmd.none
let view (state: State) (dispatch: Msg -> unit): IView =
StackPanel.create [
StackPanel.children [
TextBox.create [
TextBox.watermark "Type your request"
TextBox.text $"{state.Request}"
TextBox.onTextChanged (fun text ->
|> UpdateRequest
|> dispatch
Button.create [
Button.content "Send Request"
Button.onClick (fun _ ->
|> dispatch
TextBlock.create [
TextBlock.text state.Response
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