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Mathias Bynens mathiasbynens

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rwaldron / tdz-1.js
Last active April 4, 2018 21:20
Temporal Dead Zone
// The block has begun, we're in a new block scope. The TDZ for the "a" binding has begun
var f = function() {
// 2. Because f() is evaluated before `a` is actually declared,
// an exception will be thrown indicating to the author that
// `a` is not yet defined.
xem /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01 — forked from 140bytes/LICENSE.txt
Mini string encoders for the Web

Mini string encoders/decoders for the Web

Here's a list of tiny functions whose goal is to convert any Unicode string in 28 different formats used on the Web, and do the reverse operation.

An online converter using those functions can be found here:

Please contribute in the comments (or by pull request) if you have a feature idea or a code-golf improvement to make or a bug to solve.

NB: to be as short as possible, all those functions assume a valid input and convert all chars (including ASCII chars and non-ASCII chars that don't really need to be converted in some cases).

annevk / gist:3db3fbda2b95e5ae9427
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Platform requests to TC39
  • IO streams. (Domenic is leading an effort on GitHub. This is high priority, like promises was last year.)
  • Asynchronous iteration (event streams?). (Database cursor, going through a directory, going through entries in storage, scanning TV channels.)
  • A plan around distinct Error types and detection (e.g. for APIs that can fail in multiple ways where you might want to recover from certain class of errors; think network APIs, databases)
  • A better way to define ES APIs than WebIDL. (Part of the problem here is lack of maintenance. So maybe it's as "simple" as finding someone.)
annevk / gist:6bfa782752dde6acb379
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
APIs that could move into ES

Not really in any particular order. Some are more logical than others.

  • TextDecoder / TextEncoder
  • URL
  • fetch() (unclear yet how we are going to namespace this, CORS behavior also does not make much sense outside browser context)
  • Worker / SharedWorker (and all the port business, structured cloning is on its way already; would require events to be ported too)
  • window.btoa() / window.atob()
  • window.setTimeout(), …
  • ImageBitmap
  • EventSource
rwaldron /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Exponentiation Operator: **

Exponentiation Operator

Performs exponential calculation on operands. Same algorithm as Math.pow(x, y)

  • Commonly used in albegra, geometry, physics and robotics.
  • Nice to have "inline" operator

Prior Art

  • Python
ebidel / highlight_custom_elements.js
Last active June 13, 2022 21:35
Bookmarklet for highlight custom elements on a page
// Highlights all custom elements on the page.
// 7/31/2016: updated to work with both shadow dom v0 and v1.
// To create a bookmarklet, use
var allCustomElements = [];
function isCustomElement(el) {
const isAttr = el.getAttribute('is');
// Check for <super-button> and <button is="super-button">.
return el.localName.includes('-') || isAttr && isAttr.includes('-');
pepelsbey / hocus.scss
Last active March 1, 2024 11:03
Simple “Hocus” Sass @mixin for :hover and :focus pseudos. Makes them easier to write and you’ll never forget to specify both.
@mixin hocus {
&:focus {
// Before
E {
# While GNU coreutil's ls is generally more featureful (including colorization
# based on file extensions, SI size formats, ISO date and time formats,
# semantic version sort, etc.), OS X's fork of FreeBSD ls allows viewing HFS+
# extended attributes and access control lists through the -@ and -e flags,
# respectively.
# This script provides a shim to allow BSD ls to be invoked with GNU-style
# flags and .dircolor files, and a function that shadows ls, invoking coreutils
# ls by default but automatically switching to the shim when the -@ and/or -e
# flags are detected.
sayIt accepts an unlimited number of chaining calls, each passing a word. When it's finally called
without arguments, all the passed words are printed in order
sayIt('have')('you')('got')('any')('fish')('fingers?')(); ->
"have you got any fish fingers?"
A regular implementaion would go sthg like this
function sayIt(firstWord) {
# I've always disliked the "./configure" incantation - it's right here! I
# shouldn't need to tell the shell where to look for it. But of course,
# putting '.' in your $PATH is terrible -- it's insecure and throws permission
# errors if you try to 'execute' regular files. Bash 4's `shopt -s autocd`
# solves half the problem; and the ability to override
# command_not_found_handle() solves the other.
# This is an OS X-oriented script that attempts to do the most intelligent
# thing possible when you enter the name of a file in your $PWD into the bash
# prompt. It will: