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Last active September 24, 2024 14:47
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Save mathiasverraes/9046427 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A unit testing framework in a tweet.
require_once 'TestFrameworkInATweet.php';
it("should sum two numbers", 1+1==2);
it("should display an X for a failing test", 1+1==3);
function it($m,$p){echo ($p?'✔︎':'✘')." It $m\n"; if(!$p){$GLOBALS['f']=1;}}function done(){if(@$GLOBALS['f'])die(1);}
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Also, you guys rock!

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turanct commented Mar 3, 2014

Interface matching, but couldn't get it to fit in a tweet when stripping it down... :-( maybe one of you can?


 * Matcher for interfaces
 * @param string $interface The interface name
 * @param mixed  $object    A valid classname or an object
 * @return bool
function hasInterface($interface, $object)
    try {
        $reflection = new ReflectionClass($object);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return false;

    return in_array((string) $interface, $reflection->getInterfaceNames());



it("should pass when the expected interface is implemented",
    hasInterface('Countable', new RecursiveArrayIterator(array()))

it("should pass when the expected interface is implemented",
    hasInterface('Countable', 'RecursiveArrayIterator')

it("should fail when the expected interface is not implemented",
    hasInterface('Countable', new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(__DIR__))

it("should fail when the given object doesn't exist.",
    hasInterface('Countable', '')


✔︎ It should pass when the expected interface is implemented
✔︎ It should pass when the expected interface is implemented
✘ It should fail when the expected interface is not implemented
✘ It should fail when the given object doesn't exist.

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turanct commented Mar 3, 2014

@SpacefulSpecies, too bad that class_implements doesn't throw exceptions, it shouts warnings at you when you give it an erronious class name... You can then indeed use the ugly @-way to create a function doing the same thing as what i posted before, while getting it to fit in a tweet, like this:

function hasInterface($i, $o){$is=@class_implements($o, false);return in_array((string) $i, (array) $is);}

but i'd really rather not use the @ sign to suppress errors.

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but i'd really rather not use the @ sign to suppress errors.

Wait a minute. You're trying to write to write good code. In a tweet. In a plugin for a piece of code that uses globals. :-O

Also, why do you want to test on interfaces?

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turanct commented Mar 8, 2014

Those are all valid points :-) maybe that was too eager of me.

Isn't it practical or useful in some cases to test on interfaces? For instance to describe the identity of your class before you start writing it? I could be wrong but i thought phpspec had something like it, and it looked like a fun challenge to make it work here too.

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PHPSpec has it as a default, but if you watch presentations by Marcello, it's the first thing he removes :). There are rare case where you'd want to test if an object implements a certain interface. TestFrameworkAsATweet has a built-in feature to deal with that, but it is undocumented and untested at this time. Use at your own peril!

it("should implement the Awesome interface", $object instanceof Awesome);

Bam! TestFrameworkInATweet has everything! Please test thoroughly and submit bug reports for any issues you might find. Who needs bloated frameworks like phpspec? That has like, I don't know, probably MORE THAN 100 LINES OF CODE!!!11!!

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134 character plugin to add Mockery support to TestFrameworkInATweet:

function withMock(Closure $cb){$cb();try{Mockery::close();}catch(Exception $e){echo $e->getMessage()."\n";return false;}return true;}


use Mockery as m;

it('should use SomeInterface to do Something', withMock(function () {
    $mock = m::mock('SomeInterface');

    $sut = new SystemToTest($mock);


Method someMethod("someValue") from Mockery_0_SomeInterface should be called
 exactly 1 times but called 0 times.
✘ It should use SomeInterface to do Something

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Code-coverage support in 144 characters!

function cc($c){foreach($c as $f=>$z){
$s=file($f);$r=0;foreach($s as $l=>$x){if(isset($z[++$l])){($z[$l]==1)&&$r++;}}yield [$f,$r,count($z)];}}



xdebug_start_code_coverage(XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED | XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE);

it('should do stuff here', true);

foreach (cc(xdebug_get_code_coverage()) as list($file, $run, $total)) {
    echo "$file: $run/$total lines\n";

Some cavats: PHP 5.5+ only, not much use on its own needs as it needs an output function too, and it includes code coverage in test and vendor files.

Here's an example text report function in 116 chars:

function cc_text($c) {echo "Code Coverage: \n\n";foreach($c as list($f,$r,$t)){echo "$f: $r/$t lines\n";}echo "\n";}



xdebug_start_code_coverage(XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED | XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE);

it('should do stuff here', true);



Code Coverage:

/path/to/file.php: 1/2 lines

I reality, you need to filter out test and vendor files, and would like to output in a single function, but I couldn't fit that in a tweet, here's a slightly longer version (185 chars) that does that:

function cc($c,$p){foreach($c as $f=>$z){if(preg_match($p,$f))continue;
$s=file($f);$r=0;foreach($s as $l=>$x){if(isset($z[++$l])){($z[$l]==1)&&$r++;}}$z=count($z);echo "$f: $r/$z\n";}}


xdebug_start_code_coverage(XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED | XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE);

it('should do stuff here', true);

cc(xdebug_get_code_coverage(), '/test|vendor/i');

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Multiple assertions in one go:

function all(array $ps){return array_reduce($ps,function($a,$p){return $a&&$p;},true);}

// usage
it("should do a bunch of calculations", all([
    1+1 == 2,
    1+2 == 1249,


✘ It should do a bunch of calculations
Process finished with exit code 1

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Slightly shorter.

function all($ps){return $ps===array_filter($ps);}

it('should be shorter than Mathias\' proposal and still work', all([
    strlen('function all($ps){return $ps===array_filter($ps);}') < strlen('function all(array $ps){return array_reduce($ps,function($a,$p){return $a&&$p;},true);}'),
    1+1 === 2,


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Schoolboy error there Sterling.

function all($a){return $a===array_filter($a);}

it('should be shorter than Sterling\'s proposal by three characters and still work', all([
    (strlen('function all($ps){return $ps===array_filter($ps);}') - strlen('function all($a){return $a===array_filter($a);}')) === 3,
    1+2 === 3,


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marcaube commented Jun 6, 2014

In a way, this whole exercise is reminiscent of those C/Perl code obfuscation contests. It's pretty crafty what one can do in 140 chars.

Pretty awesome!

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Installation guide with composer

  1. Remove composer.
  2. Go to
  3. Copy/paste the entire #TestFrameworkInATweet sourcecode into your own code somewhere.
  4. Write a test.
  5. Get a PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function it()
  6. Curse. (Or find a more senior developer to teach you some appropriate curses).
  7. Mess around with require_once and relative paths and directory separators and autoloaders for a bit.
  8. Oh look it's beer o'clock, maybe try again on Monday.

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everzet commented Jul 8, 2014



function it($m,$p){echo"\033[3",$p?'2m✔︎':'1m✘'.register_shutdown_function(function(){die(1);})," It $m\033[0m\n";}
  • Colours
  • Auto-exit
  • 121 char

Installation guide:



it('sums up two numbers', 1+1==2);
it('displays an X for a failing test', 1+1==3);
  • Framework auto-update built in.

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Another article

It also covers some minor frameworks like phpspec and phpunit, but of course the focus is mostly about #TestFrameworkInATweet!

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Soon we will have full stack frameworks in a tweet! Here is a prioritized event dispatcher in a tweet:

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turanct commented Oct 7, 2014

And a REPL in a tweet: gist / tweet

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liuggio commented Oct 22, 2014

framework components in tweets

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78 chars

function it($m,$p){echo"\033[3",$p?"2m✔":"1m✘"," It $m\033[0m\n";$p||die(1);}

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jm42 commented Oct 31, 2014

Dependency injection container in a tweet ...

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We have a glorious 280 characters at our disposal now.
We can bloat this framework with features. Go wild.

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brzuchal commented Nov 9, 2017

I just pushed few moments ago modified one with adjusted to 280 chars tweet and with some colors and dropped a need for done() function call at end.
It has also some debug info about last error:

function it($m,$p){echo($p?"\e[0;32m✔︎":"\e[0;31m✘")."\e[0m It $m\n";if(!$p){$GLOBALS['d']=debug_backtrace();}}
register_shutdown_function(function(){@$d=$GLOBALS['d'][0];if($d){echo "\e[1;37;41mFailed in {$d['file']} at {$d['line']}\e[0m\n";die(1);}echo "\e[1;32mOK\e[0m\n";});

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brzuchal commented Nov 9, 2017

Now there's even more, added error file and line every failed test and short summary at shutdown:

function it($m,$p){echo"\e[3".($p?"2m✔︎":"1m✘")."\e[0m It $m\n";if(!$p){$GLOBALS['e']=1;$d=debug_backtrace()[0];echo"ERROR {$d['file']}@{$d['line']}\n";}}register_shutdown_function(function(){echo"\e[1;3".(($e=@$GLOBALS['e'])?"7;41mFAIL":"2mOK")."\e[0m\n";die($e);});

Failing example:

it('should pass', true);
it('should fail', false);
it('should also fail', false);


✔︎ It should pass
✘ It should fail
ERROR /home/brzuchal/test-oneliner.php@6
✘ It should also fail
ERROR /home/brzuchal/test-oneliner.php@7

Passing example:

it('should pass', true);


✔︎ It should pass

And here is a link to my fork of this gist

So if someone would wanan use it can just:

include ''
it('should pass', true);
it('should fail', false);
it('should also fail', false);

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nice one :)

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gmazzap commented Nov 29, 2017

I gave up to colors, but

  • use standard output/error for the success/failure output
  • add some mimimum formatting
  • add possibility to pass a callback as predicate
function it($m,$p){ $d=debug_backtrace(0)[0];
 is_callable($p) and $p=$p();
 global $e;$e=$e||!$p;
 $o=($p?"":"")." It $m";
 fwrite($p?STDOUT:STDERR,$p?"$o\n":"$o FAIL: {$d['file']} #{$d['line']}\n");

register_shutdown_function(function(){global $e; $e and die(1);});


it('should display an X for a failing test.', 1+1===3);

it('should append to an ArrayIterator.', function() {
  $iterator = new ArrayIterator();
  return count($iterator) === 1 && $iterator->current() === 'test';

it('should pass test for InvalidArgumentException exception.', function() {
  try {
    throw new InvalidArgumentException();
  } catch(InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    return true;

with output:

✘ It should display an X for a failing test. FAIL: /path/to/file.php #11
✔ It should append to an ArrayIterator.
✔ It should pass test for InvalidArgumentException exception.

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