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Last active January 4, 2022 20:42
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@mathvav's repository stability definitions

@mathvav's repository stability definitions

Also see @mathvav's repository maintenance definitions.


The following definitions are NOT a guarantee or warranty of ANY kind—they are merely for reference. It is your own responsibility to make sure that any code, library, or software you use is stable enough for your requirements.

Please read the license distributed with the code for a full warranty disclaimer.


@mathvav stability level: stable
This project works pretty much all the time and is considered to be reasonably stable enough to use in in situations where the failure of this project would not cause significant life, property, or financial loss or damage.

@mathvav stability level: experimental
This project works most of the time, and most or all identified significant bugs have been fixed, but proceed with caution before relying on this is a high-stakes environment. This project likely will work "just fine," but make sure to take special time to evaluate this project before using it.

@mathvav stability level: borked
This project has serious stability issues. The code may have been broken because of external factors (API changes) or it may have not have ever worked—regardless, don't use this for anything high stakes, at least for now.

Code (to embed into README file)

@mathvav stability level: stable

[![@mathvav stability level: stable](](

@mathvav stability level: experimental

[![@mathvav stability level: experimental](](

@mathvav stability level: borked

[![@mathvav stability level: borked](](
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