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Last active January 17, 2025 09:41
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Configure git/ssh to use socks/http proxy in windows, linux & wsl2


Add this to your ssh config file ( which is located in %USERPROFILE%\.ssh\config ) or create one if it's missing:

Http proxy & repo access via ssh:

Host *
    ProxyCommand "C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/connect.exe" -H {proxyserver}:{port} %h %p

or (for specific host name)

    ProxyCommand "C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/connect.exe" -H {proxyserver}:{port} %h %p

Socks proxy & repo access via ssh:

Host *
    ProxyCommand "C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/connect.exe" -S {proxyserver}:{port} %h %p

or (for specific host name)

    ProxyCommand "C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/connect.exe" -S {proxyserver}:{port} %h %p


Method 1:

install connect :

sudo apt install connect-proxy

then update ssh config file ( which is located in ~/.ssh/config ) or create one if it's missing :

Http proxy & repo access via ssh:

Host *
    ProxyCommand connect -H {proxyserver}:{port} %h %p

or (for specific host name)

    ProxyCommand connect -H {proxyserver}:{port} %h %p

Socks proxy & repo access via ssh:

Host *
    ProxyCommand connect -S {proxyserver}:{port} %h %p

or (for specific host name)

    ProxyCommand connect -S {proxyserver}:{port} %h %p

Method 2:

install proxychains :

sudo apt install proxychains-ng

create proxychains config in :


config file content (for http proxy & repo access via http/ssh):

tcp_read_time_out 150000
tcp_connect_time_out 80000

http {proxyserver} {port}

config file content (for socks proxy & repo access via http/ssh):

tcp_read_time_out 150000
tcp_connect_time_out 80000

socks5 {proxyserver} {port}

use proxychains to encapsulate git:

alias gitproxy='proxychains git'
gitproxy clone path/to/repo.git


proxychains git clone path/to/repo.git

Method 3:

install socat :

sudo apt install socat

then update ssh config file ( which is located in ~/.ssh/config ) or create one if it's missing :

Http proxy & repo access via ssh:

Host *
    ProxyCommand socat - PROXY:{proxyserver}:%h:%p,proxyport={port}

or (for specific host name)

    ProxyCommand socat - PROXY:{proxyserver}:%h:%p,proxyport={port}

WSL2 (Debian/Ubuntu)

If you want to use git inside wsl2 through proxy, GNU/Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) method works here too without any issue.

But, in my case, proxy server is running on my windows (out of wsl distro) and the problem is that localhost address inside wsl is not pointing to windows host. plus windows host ip address inside wsl can change dynamically with each startup. To fix this you need to read windows ip address from resolv.conf and here is the complete command with connect method ✨:

Http proxy & repo access via ssh:

Host *
    ProxyCommand connect -H `grep -m 1 nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'`:{port} %h %p

Socks proxy & repo access via ssh:

Host *
    ProxyCommand connect -S `grep -m 1 nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'`:{port} %h %p


Use git cli:

Http proxy & repo access via http:

git config --global http.proxy http://{proxyserver}:{port}

or (for specific host name)

git config --global http. http://{proxyserver}:{port}


Don't forget to replace {proxyserver} & {port} with your proxy address. e.g {proxyserver}:{port} =>

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