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Last active April 3, 2020 22:58
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Concurrent Interner for Rust
use std::{
hash::{BuildHasher, Hash, Hasher},
// hashbrown = "0.7"
use hashbrown::{hash_map::DefaultHashBuilder, HashMap};
// parking_lot = "0.10"
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Symbol(u32);
pub struct GlobalInterner<K: 'static> {
map_arena: Mutex<(HashMap<&'static K, Symbol>, Arena<K>)>,
vec: RwLock<Vec<&'static K>>,
pub struct LocalInterner<K: 'static> {
global: Arc<GlobalInterner<K>>,
map: HashMap<&'static K, Symbol>,
vec: RefCell<Vec<Option<&'static K>>>,
impl<K: 'static + Hash + Eq> GlobalInterner<K> {
pub fn with_capacity(cap: usize) -> Arc<GlobalInterner<K>> {
Arc::new(GlobalInterner {
map_arena: Mutex::new((Default::default(), Arena::with_capacity(cap))),
vec: Default::default(),
pub fn fork(self: &Arc<GlobalInterner<K>>) -> LocalInterner<K> {
LocalInterner {
global: Arc::clone(self),
map: Default::default(),
vec: Default::default(),
pub fn intern(&self, key: K) -> Symbol {
self.intern_hashed(hash(&key), key).1
fn intern_hashed(&self, hash: u64, key: K) -> (&K, Symbol) {
let mut map_arena = self.map_arena.lock();
let (map, arena) = &mut *map_arena;
let (&mut interned, &mut sym) = map
.from_key_hashed_nocheck(hash, &key)
.or_insert_with(|| {
let interned = arena.push(key);
let interned: &'static K = unsafe { &*interned };
let mut vec = self.vec.write();
let sym = Symbol(vec.len() as u32);
(interned, sym)
(interned, sym)
pub fn lookup(&self, symbol: Symbol) -> &K {[symbol.0 as usize]
impl<K: Hash + Eq + 'static> LocalInterner<K> {
pub fn intern(&mut self, key: K) -> Symbol {
let global = &*;
let hash = hash(&key);
let (&mut interned, &mut sym) = self
.from_key_hashed_nocheck(hash, &key)
.or_insert_with(|| {
let (interned, sym) = global.intern_hashed(hash, key);
let interned: &'static K = unsafe { &*(interned as *const _) };
(interned, sym)
self.record(interned, sym);
pub fn lookup(&self, sym: Symbol) -> &K {
match self.vec.borrow().get(sym.0 as usize) {
Some(Some(interned)) => return interned,
_ => (),
let interned =;
let interned: &'static K = unsafe { &*(interned as *const _) };
self.record(interned, sym);
fn record(&self, interned: &'static K, sym: Symbol) {
let mut vec = self.vec.borrow_mut();
let len = vec.len().max(sym.0 as usize + 1);
vec.resize(len, None);
vec[sym.0 as usize] = Some(interned);
struct Arena<K> {
buf: Vec<K>,
full: Vec<Vec<K>>,
impl<K> Arena<K> {
fn with_capacity(cap: usize) -> Arena<K> {
let cap = cap.next_power_of_two();
Arena {
buf: Vec::with_capacity(cap),
full: Vec::new(),
fn push(&mut self, value: K) -> *const K {
if self.buf.len() == self.buf.capacity() {
let new_buf = Vec::with_capacity(self.buf.capacity() * 2);
let old_buf = std::mem::replace(&mut self.buf, new_buf);
fn hash<K: Hash>(key: &K) -> u64 {
let mut hasher = DefaultHashBuilder::new().build_hasher();
key.hash(&mut hasher);
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