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Last active November 15, 2024 07:57
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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Set, Tuple, Dict, Any
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
from collections import deque
import sys
import time
class State(Enum):
def __str__(self):
# Return just the value of the enum member
return self.value
class EntityType(Enum):
A = "A"
B = "B"
C = "C"
D = "D"
def __str__(self):
# Return just the value of the enum member
return self.value
class EntityOwner(Enum):
ME = 1
OP = 0
NOONE = -1
class OrganDir(Enum):
EAST = 'E'
WEST = 'W'
NONE = 'X'
def __str__(self):
# Return just the value of the enum member
return self.value
EntityType.A : State.SEARCH_A,
EntityType.B : State.SEARCH_B,
EntityType.C : State.SEARCH_C,
EntityType.D : State.SEARCH_D,
State.SEARCH_A : EntityType.A,
State.SEARCH_B : EntityType.B,
State.SEARCH_C : EntityType.C,
State.SEARCH_D : EntityType.D
def organ_dir_from_pos(srce, dest):
if dest[0] - srce[0] == 1:
return OrganDir.EAST
elif dest[0] - srce[0] == -1:
return OrganDir.WEST
elif dest[1] - srce[1] == -1:
return OrganDir.NORTH
elif dest[1] - srce[1] == 1:
return OrganDir.SOUTH
assert False, "Invalid direction between positions"
def filter_grid_pos(grid, filter):
grid_positions = set()
for x in range(grid.shape[0]):
for y in range(grid.shape[1]):
if filter(grid[x, y]):
grid_positions.add((x, y))
return grid_positions
class Organism:
owner: EntityOwner
root_id: int
def __eq__(self, other):
# Ensure comparison is done correctly by checking the same fields
if not isinstance(other, Organism):
return NotImplemented
return (self.owner == other.owner) and (self.root_id == other.root_id)
def __hash__(self):
# Use a tuple of the fields for a consistent hash
return hash((self.owner, self.root_id))
def make_path(
walls: Set[Tuple[int, int]],
starts: Set[Tuple[int, int]],
ends: Set[Tuple[int, int]]
) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
# Define possible movements in 4 directions: up, down, left, right
directions = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
# Initialize the queue for BFS and visited set
queue = deque()
visited = set()
# Initialize the queue with all start points
for start in starts:
if start not in walls: # Only start from points that are not walls
queue.append((start, [start]))
# Perform BFS
while queue:
current_position, path = queue.popleft()
# Check if the current position is one of the end points
if current_position in ends:
return path # Return the path to the first reached end point
# Explore all possible directions
for direction in directions:
new_x, new_y = current_position[0] + direction[0], current_position[1] + direction[1]
new_position = (new_x, new_y)
# Check if the new position is within bounds and not a wall or visited
if (0 <= new_x < width and 0 <= new_y < height and
new_position not in walls and new_position not in visited):
queue.append((new_position, path + [new_position]))
# If no path was found, return an empty list
return []
def find_unreachable_positions(
walls: Set[Tuple[int, int]],
starts: Set[Tuple[int, int]]
) -> Set[Tuple[int, int]]:
# Directions for moving in 4 directions: up, down, left, right
directions = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
# Set to track all reachable positions
reachable = set()
# Initialize queue for BFS with all start points
queue = deque(starts)
# Perform BFS from all starting points
while queue:
current_position = queue.popleft()
# Skip if current position is a wall or already visited
if current_position in walls or current_position in reachable:
# Mark current position as reachable
# Explore all possible directions
for direction in directions:
new_x, new_y = current_position[0] + direction[0], current_position[1] + direction[1]
new_position = (new_x, new_y)
# Check if the new position is within bounds and not yet visited
if (0 <= new_x < width and 0 <= new_y < height and new_position not in reachable and new_position not in walls):
# Calculate all positions in the grid and subtract reachable positions to find unreachable ones
all_positions = {(x, y) for x in range(width) for y in range(height)}
unreachable = all_positions - reachable
return unreachable
def make_harvested_prots_and_tentacles_front(owner : EntityOwner) -> Tuple[Set[Tuple[int, int]], \
Set[Tuple[int, int]]]:
tentacles = filter_grid_pos(grid_type , lambda entity_type : entity_type == EntityType.TENTACLE)
harvesters = filter_grid_pos(grid_type , lambda entity_type : entity_type == EntityType.HARVESTER)
own = filter_grid_pos(grid_owner , lambda entity_owner : entity_owner == owner)
organ_dir_s = filter_grid_pos(grid_organ_dir, lambda organ_dir : organ_dir == OrganDir.SOUTH)
organ_dir_n = filter_grid_pos(grid_organ_dir, lambda organ_dir : organ_dir == OrganDir.NORTH)
organ_dir_w = filter_grid_pos(grid_organ_dir, lambda organ_dir : organ_dir == OrganDir.WEST)
organ_dir_e = filter_grid_pos(grid_organ_dir, lambda organ_dir : organ_dir == OrganDir.EAST)
harvested_prots = set()
tentacles_front = set()
own_harvesters = harvesters & own
own_tentacles = tentacles & own
harvested_prots |= set([(pos[0] + 0, pos[1] + 1) for pos in own_harvesters & organ_dir_s])
harvested_prots |= set([(pos[0] + 0, pos[1] - 1) for pos in own_harvesters & organ_dir_n])
harvested_prots |= set([(pos[0] + 1, pos[1] + 0) for pos in own_harvesters & organ_dir_w])
harvested_prots |= set([(pos[0] - 1, pos[1] + 0) for pos in own_harvesters & organ_dir_e])
tentacles_front |= set([(pos[0] + 0, pos[1] + 1) for pos in own_tentacles & organ_dir_s])
tentacles_front |= set([(pos[0] + 0, pos[1] - 1) for pos in own_tentacles & organ_dir_n])
tentacles_front |= set([(pos[0] + 1, pos[1] + 0) for pos in own_tentacles & organ_dir_w])
tentacles_front |= set([(pos[0] - 1, pos[1] + 0) for pos in own_tentacles & organ_dir_e])
return harvested_prots, tentacles_front
def make_grow_entity(me_harvested_stock : Dict[EntityType, int],
me_harvested_flux : Dict[EntityType, int]) -> EntityType:
if me_harvested_flux[EntityType.B] > 0 and me_harvested_flux[EntityType.C] > 0:
return EntityType.TENTACLE
if me_harvested_flux[EntityType.A] > 0:
return EntityType.BASIC
if me_harvested_stock[EntityType.A] > 0:
return EntityType.BASIC
if me_harvested_stock[EntityType.B] > 0 and me_harvested_stock[EntityType.C] > 0:
return EntityType.TENTACLE
if me_harvested_stock[EntityType.B] > 0 and me_harvested_stock[EntityType.D] > 0:
return EntityType.SPORER
if me_harvested_stock[EntityType.C] > 0 and me_harvested_stock[EntityType.D] > 0:
return EntityType.HARVESTER
# All hope is lost
return EntityType.BASIC
def make_state(me_harvested_stock : Dict[EntityType, int],
me_harvested_flux : Dict[EntityType, int],
me_paths_by_type : Dict[EntityType, List[Tuple[int, int]]]) -> State:
len_a = len(me_paths_by_type[EntityType.A])
len_b = len(me_paths_by_type[EntityType.B])
len_c = len(me_paths_by_type[EntityType.C])
def safe_search(state : State) -> State:
if me_harvested_stock [EntityType.C] == 0 and \
me_harvested_flux [EntityType.C] == 0:
return State.SEARCH_C
if me_harvested_stock [EntityType.D] == 0 and \
me_harvested_flux [EntityType.D] == 0:
return State.SEARCH_D
return state
if me_harvested_flux[EntityType.A] == 0:
if (me_harvested_flux[EntityType.B] == 0 and \
me_harvested_flux[EntityType.C] == 0):
if len_b < len_c:
if 2 * len_b < len_a:
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_B)
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_A)
if 2 * len_c < len_a:
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_C)
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_A)
if me_harvested_flux[EntityType.B] == 0:
if len_b < len_a:
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_B)
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_A)
if me_harvested_flux[EntityType.C] == 0:
if len_c < len_a:
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_C)
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_A)
if (me_harvested_flux[EntityType.B] == 0 and \
me_harvested_flux[EntityType.C] == 0):
if len_b < len_c:
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_B)
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_C)
if me_harvested_flux[EntityType.B] == 0:
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_B)
if me_harvested_flux[EntityType.C] == 0:
return safe_search(State.SEARCH_C)
def make_grow(grid_organ_id, me_prots, me_harvested_flux, path):
print(f'Targeting {path[-1]} from {path[0]}', file=sys.stderr)
grow_entity = make_grow_entity(me_prots, me_harvested_flux)
if grow_entity not in (EntityType.HARVESTER, EntityType.SPORER):
return print(f'GROW {grid_organ_id[path[0]]} {path[1][0]} {path[1][1]} {grow_entity}')
organ_dir = organ_dir_from_pos(path[1], path[0])
print(f'GROW {grid_organ_id[path[0]]} {path[1][0]} {path[1][1]} {grow_entity} {organ_dir}')
def make_move(context : Dict[str, Any], state : State | None, me_organism : Organism):
# Unpack context
grid_type = context['grid_type' ]
grid_owner = context['grid_owner' ]
grid_organ_id = context['grid_organ_id' ]
grid_organ_dir = context['grid_organ_dir' ]
grid_organ_parent_id = context['grid_organ_parent_id' ]
grid_organ_root_id = context['grid_organ_root_id' ]
me_prots = context['me_prots' ]
op_prots = context['op_prots' ]
me_organisms = context['me_organisms' ]
op_organisms = context['op_organisms' ]
me_harvested_prots = context['me_harvested_prots' ]
op_harvested_prots = context['op_harvested_prots' ]
me_tentacles_front = context['me_tentacles_front' ]
op_tentacles_front = context['op_tentacles_front' ]
op_root_ids = context['op_root_ids' ]
op_organs = context['op_organs' ]
me_organs = context['me_organs' ]
walls = context['walls' ]
empties = context['empties' ]
prots_by_type = context['prots_by_type' ]
me_paths_by_type = context['me_paths_by_type' ]
me_harvested_flux = context['me_harvested_flux']
if not state:
state = make_state(me_prots, me_harvested_flux, me_paths_by_type)
# Logic starts here
print(f'STATE: {state}', file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
if state in SEARCH_TO_PROT.keys():
path = me_paths_by_type[SEARCH_TO_PROT[state]]
if not path:
return make_move(context, State.AGGRESSIVE_GROWTH, me_organism)
# Build the harvester
if len(path) == 3:
return print(f'GROW {grid_organ_id[path[0]]} {path[1][0]} {path[1][1]} {EntityType.HARVESTER} {organ_dir_from_pos(path[-2], path[-1])}')
# Build the path to the prot
make_grow(grid_organ_id, me_prots, me_harvested_flux, path)
elif state == State.AGGRESSIVE_GROWTH:
me_unreach = find_unreachable_positions(walls | op_organs, me_organs)
op_path_to_nearest_prot = make_path(walls | me_organs | (me_unreach - op_organs), op_organs, prots - me_harvested_prots)
if not op_path_to_nearest_prot:
return make_move(context, State.AGGRESSIVE_GROWTH_BIS, me_organism)
me_path_to_nearest_op_prot = make_path(walls | me_harvested_prots | op_organs | op_tentacles_front, me_organs, set([op_path_to_nearest_prot[-1]]))
if not me_path_to_nearest_op_prot:
return make_move(context, State.AGGRESSIVE_GROWTH_BIS, me_organism)
make_grow(grid_organ_id, me_prots, me_harvested_flux, me_path_to_nearest_op_prot)
elif state == State.AGGRESSIVE_GROWTH_BIS:
me_path_to_nearest_op_organ = make_path(walls | me_harvested_prots | op_tentacles_front, me_organs, op_organs)
if not me_path_to_nearest_op_organ:
return make_move(context, State.PASSIVE_GROWTH, me_organism)
make_grow(grid_organ_id, me_prots, me_harvested_flux, me_path_to_nearest_op_organ)
elif state == State.PASSIVE_GROWTH:
path = make_path(walls | me_harvested_prots | op_tentacles_front, me_organs, empties | (prots - me_harvested_prots))
if not path:
return make_move(context, State.PASSIVE_GROWTH_BIS, me_organism)
make_grow(grid_organ_id, me_prots, me_harvested_flux, path)
elif state == State.PASSIVE_GROWTH_BIS:
path = make_path(walls | op_tentacles_front, me_organs, empties | prots)
if not path:
return print('WAIT')
make_grow(grid_organ_id, me_prots, me_harvested_flux, path)
width, height = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
grid_type = np.full ((width, height), EntityType.EMPTY)
grid_owner = np.full ((width, height), EntityOwner.NOONE)
grid_organ_id = np.zeros ((width, height), dtype=int)
grid_organ_dir = np.full ((width, height), OrganDir.NONE)
grid_organ_parent_id = np.zeros ((width, height), dtype=int)
grid_organ_root_id = np.zeros ((width, height), dtype=int)
while True:
start_time = time.time() # START TIMER
grid_type = np.full((width, height), EntityType.EMPTY)
grid_owner = np.full((width, height), EntityOwner.NOONE)
grid_organ_id = np.zeros((width, height), dtype=int)
grid_organ_dir = np.full((width, height), OrganDir.NONE)
grid_organ_parent_id = np.zeros((width, height), dtype=int)
grid_organ_root_id = np.zeros((width, height), dtype=int)
organisms = set()
entity_count = int(input())
for i in range(entity_count):
inputs = input().split()
x = int(inputs[0])
y = int(inputs[1])
grid_type [x, y] = EntityType(inputs[2])
grid_owner [x, y] = EntityOwner(int(inputs[3]))
grid_organ_id [x, y] = int(inputs[4])
grid_organ_dir [x, y] = OrganDir(inputs[5])
grid_organ_parent_id [x, y] = int(inputs[6])
grid_organ_root_id [x, y] = int(inputs[7])
organisms.add(Organism(grid_owner[x, y], grid_organ_root_id[x, y]))
me_a, me_b, me_c, me_d = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
op_a, op_b, op_c, op_d = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
required_actions_count = int(input()) # your number of organisms, output an action for each one in any order
me_harvested_prots, me_tentacles_front = make_harvested_prots_and_tentacles_front(EntityOwner.ME)
op_harvested_prots, op_tentacles_front = make_harvested_prots_and_tentacles_front(EntityOwner.OP)
context = {
'grid_type' : grid_type,
'grid_owner' : grid_owner,
'grid_organ_id' : grid_organ_id,
'grid_organ_dir' : grid_organ_dir,
'grid_organ_parent_id' : grid_organ_parent_id,
'grid_organ_root_id' : grid_organ_root_id,
'me_prots' : { EntityType.A : me_a, EntityType.B : me_b, EntityType.C : me_c, EntityType.D : me_d },
'op_prots' : { EntityType.A : op_a, EntityType.B : op_b, EntityType.C : op_c, EntityType.D : op_d },
'me_organisms' : [organism for organism in organisms if organism.owner == EntityOwner.ME],
'op_organisms' : [organism for organism in organisms if organism.owner == EntityOwner.OP],
'me_harvested_prots' : me_harvested_prots,
'op_harvested_prots' : op_harvested_prots,
'me_tentacles_front' : me_tentacles_front,
'op_tentacles_front' : op_tentacles_front,
# Computed from context
op_root_ids = set([op_organism.root_id for op_organism in context['op_organisms']])
op_organs = filter_grid_pos(grid_organ_root_id, lambda organ_root_id: organ_root_id in op_root_ids)
walls = filter_grid_pos(grid_type, lambda entity_type: entity_type == EntityType.WALL)
empties = filter_grid_pos(grid_type, lambda entity_type: entity_type == EntityType.EMPTY)
prots_by_type = {
EntityType.A : filter_grid_pos(grid_type, lambda entity_type: entity_type == EntityType.A),
EntityType.B : filter_grid_pos(grid_type, lambda entity_type: entity_type == EntityType.B),
EntityType.C : filter_grid_pos(grid_type, lambda entity_type: entity_type == EntityType.C),
EntityType.D : filter_grid_pos(grid_type, lambda entity_type: entity_type == EntityType.D)
prots = set.union(*prots_by_type.values())
me_harvested_flux = {prot_type : len(me_harvested_prots & prots_by_type[prot_type]) for prot_type in PROT_TYPES}
context['op_root_ids' ] = op_root_ids
context['op_organs' ] = op_organs
context['walls' ] = walls
context['empties' ] = empties
context['prots_by_type' ] = prots_by_type
context['prots' ] = prots
context['me_harvested_flux' ] = me_harvested_flux
for me_organism in context['me_organisms']:
me_organs = filter_grid_pos(grid_organ_root_id, lambda organ_root_id: organ_root_id == me_organism.root_id)
me_paths_by_type = {
prot_type : make_path(walls | me_harvested_prots, me_organs, prots_by_type[prot_type] - me_harvested_prots) \
for prot_type in PROT_TYPES
context['me_organs' ] = me_organs
context['me_paths_by_type' ] = me_paths_by_type
make_move(context, None, me_organism)
end_time = time.time()
elapsed_time_ms = (end_time - start_time) * 1000
print(f"Elapsed time: {elapsed_time_ms:.2f} ms", file=sys.stderr)
# def is_protein(entity_type: EntityType) -> bool:
# """Returns True if the entity type is A, B, C, or D (protein types)."""
# return entity_type in {EntityType.A, EntityType.B, EntityType.C, EntityType.D}
# def is_pos_next_to_prot(pos : Tuple[int, int]) -> OrganDir:
# NEIGHB_0 = grid_type[(pos[0] + 1, pos[1] + 0)] if pos[0] + 1 < height else EntityType.WALL
# NEIGHB_1 = grid_type[(pos[0] - 1, pos[1] + 0)] if pos[0] - 1 >= 0 else EntityType.WALL
# NEIGHB_2 = grid_type[(pos[0] + 0, pos[1] + 1)] if pos[1] + 1 < width else EntityType.WALL
# NEIGHB_3 = grid_type[(pos[0] + 0, pos[1] - 1)] if pos[1] - 1 >= 0 else EntityType.WALL
# if is_protein(NEIGHB_0):
# return OrganDir.EAST
# if is_protein(NEIGHB_1):
# return OrganDir.WEST
# if is_protein(NEIGHB_2):
# return OrganDir.SOUTH
# if is_protein(NEIGHB_3):
# return OrganDir.NORTH
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