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Created October 17, 2016 23:35
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Sample code change after ItemStack#setItem deprecation
public static boolean extinguishItemTorch(ItemStack stack, Entity owner, int itemSlot, boolean extinguishByWater)
if (extinguishByWater == true)
setItemHumidity(stack.getTagCompound(), SharedDefines.TORCH_HUMIDITY_THRESHOLD);
if (ItemTorch.isItemTorch(stack.getItem(), false))
ItemStack unlitTorch = new ItemStack(ResourceLibrary.TORCH_UNLIT, 1);
ItemTorch.createCustomItemNBTFromExisting(unlitTorch, owner.worldObj, stack.getTagCompound());
if (owner instanceof EntityPlayer)
EntityPlayer playerOwner = (EntityPlayer) owner;
final int mainInventorySize = playerOwner.inventory.mainInventory.length;
if (itemSlot < 0) // Search all player inventories to find the stack.
if (ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(playerOwner.getHeldItemOffhand(), stack))
playerOwner.setHeldItem(EnumHand.OFF_HAND, unlitTorch);
return true;
else for (int i = 0; i < mainInventorySize; i++)
if (ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(playerOwner.inventory.getStackInSlot(i), stack))
if (playerOwner.replaceItemInInventory(i, unlitTorch))
return true;
else if (itemSlot < mainInventorySize) // Check for specific item slot
if (itemSlot == 0) // Could be an OFF_HAND slot
if (ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(playerOwner.getHeldItemOffhand(), stack))
playerOwner.setHeldItem(EnumHand.OFF_HAND, unlitTorch);
return true;
if (ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(playerOwner.inventory.getStackInSlot(itemSlot), stack))
if (owner.replaceItemInInventory(itemSlot, unlitTorch))
return true;
else Logger.error("Failed to extinguish ItemTorch, item was not found in inventory.", new java.util.NoSuchElementException());
else Logger.error("Failed to extinguish ItemTorch, itemSlot value is invalid.", new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException());
else if (owner instanceof EntityItem)
((EntityItem) owner).setEntityItemStack(unlitTorch);
return true;
else Logger.error("Failed to extinguish ItemTorch, owner is not EntityPlayer or EntityItem.", new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException());
else Logger.error("Failed to extinguish ItemTorch, item is not a torch.", new java.lang.TypeNotPresentException("ItemTorch", null));
return false;
public static void extinguishItemTorch(ItemStack stack, boolean extinguishByWater)
if (stack != null && ItemTorch.isItemTorch(stack.getItem(), false))
else Logger.error("Failed to extinguish ItemTorch.", stack == null ?
new NullPointerException("ItemStack was passed as null,") : new java.lang.TypeNotPresentException("ItemTorch", null));
if (extinguishByWater == true)
setItemHumidity(stack.getTagCompound(), SharedDefines.TORCH_HUMIDITY_THRESHOLD);
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