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Created December 15, 2016 08:27
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// see)
if (typeof S3BL_IGNORE_PATH == 'undefined' || S3BL_IGNORE_PATH!=true) {
var S3BL_IGNORE_PATH = false;
if (typeof BUCKET_URL == 'undefined') {
var BUCKET_URL = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname;
if (typeof BUCKET_NAME != 'undefined') {
// if bucket_url does not start with bucket_name,
// assume path-style url
if (!~BUCKET_URL.indexOf(location.protocol + '//' + BUCKET_NAME)) {
if (typeof BUCKET_WEBSITE_URL == 'undefined') {
if (typeof S3B_ROOT_DIR == 'undefined') {
var S3B_ROOT_DIR = '';
jQuery(function($) {
function getS3Data(marker, html) {
var s3_rest_url = createS3QueryUrl(marker);
// set loading notice
$('#listing').html('<img src="//" />');
.done(function(data) {
// clear loading notice
var xml = $(data);
var info = getInfoFromS3Data(xml);
html = typeof html !== 'undefined' ? html + prepareTable(info) : prepareTable(info);
if (info.nextMarker != "null") {
getS3Data(info.nextMarker, html);
} else {
document.getElementById('listing').innerHTML = '<pre>' + html + '</pre>';
.fail(function(error) {
$('#listing').html('<strong>Error: ' + error + '</strong>');
function buildNavigation(info) {
var root = '<a href="?prefix=">' + BUCKET_WEBSITE_URL + '</a> / '
if (info.prefix) {
var processedPathSegments = ''
var content = $.map(info.prefix.split('/'), function(pathSegment){
processedPathSegments = processedPathSegments + encodeURIComponent(pathSegment) + '/'
return '<a href="?prefix=' + processedPathSegments + '">' + pathSegment + '</a>'
$('#navigation').html(root + content.join(' / '))
} else {
function createS3QueryUrl(marker) {
var s3_rest_url = BUCKET_URL;
s3_rest_url += '?delimiter=/';
// Handling paths and prefixes:
// 1. S3BL_IGNORE_PATH = false
// Uses the pathname
// {bucket}/{path} => prefix = {path}
// 2. S3BL_IGNORE_PATH = true
// Uses ?prefix={prefix}
// Why both? Because we want classic directory style listing in normal
// buckets but also allow deploying to non-buckets
var rx = '.*[?&]prefix=' + S3B_ROOT_DIR + '([^&]+)(&.*)?$';
var prefix = '';
if (S3BL_IGNORE_PATH==false) {
var prefix = location.pathname.replace(/^\//, S3B_ROOT_DIR);
var match =;
if (match) {
prefix = S3B_ROOT_DIR + match[1];
} else {
var prefix = S3B_ROOT_DIR;
if (prefix) {
// make sure we end in /
var prefix = prefix.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/';
s3_rest_url += '&prefix=' + prefix;
if (marker) {
s3_rest_url += '&marker=' + marker;
return s3_rest_url;
function getInfoFromS3Data(xml) {
var files = $.map(xml.find('Contents'), function(item) {
item = $(item);
return {
Key: item.find('Key').text(),
LastModified: item.find('LastModified').text(),
Size: bytesToHumanReadable(item.find('Size').text()),
Type: 'file'
var directories = $.map(xml.find('CommonPrefixes'), function(item) {
item = $(item);
return {
Key: item.find('Prefix').text(),
LastModified: '',
Size: '0',
Type: 'directory'
if ($(xml.find('IsTruncated')[0]).text() == 'true') {
var nextMarker = $(xml.find('NextMarker')[0]).text();
} else {
var nextMarker = null;
return {
files: files,
directories: directories,
prefix: $(xml.find('Prefix')[0]).text(),
nextMarker: encodeURIComponent(nextMarker)
// info is object like:
// {
// files: ..
// directories: ..
// prefix: ...
// }
function prepareTable(info) {
var files = info.files.concat(info.directories)
, prefix = info.prefix
var cols = [ 45, 30, 15 ];
var content = [];
content.push('<div class="table-responsive"><table id="data" class="table table-striped table-bordered">\n');
content.push(' <thead><tr>\n');
content.push(' <th>Last Modified</th>\n');
content.push(' <th>Size</th>\n');
content.push(' <th>Key</th>\n');
content.push(' </tr></thead>\n');
content.push(' <tbody>\n');
// add the ../ at the start of the directory listing, unless when at the root dir already
if (prefix && prefix !== S3B_ROOT_DIR) {
var up = prefix.replace(/\/$/, '').split('/').slice(0, -1).concat('').join('/'), // one directory up
item = {
Key: up,
LastModified: '',
Size: '',
keyText: '../',
href: S3BL_IGNORE_PATH ? '?prefix=' + up : '../'
row = renderRow(item, cols);
content.push(row + '\n');
content.push(' </tbody>\n');
jQuery.each(files, function(idx, item) {
// strip off the prefix
item.keyText = item.Key.substring(prefix.length);
if (item.Type === 'directory') {
item.href = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + location.pathname + '?prefix=' + item.Key;
} else {
item.href = item.keyText;
} else {
item.href = BUCKET_WEBSITE_URL + '/' + encodeURIComponent(item.Key);
item.href = item.href.replace(/%2F/g, '/');
var row = renderRow(item, cols);
content.push(row + '\n');
return content.join('');
function renderRow(item, cols) {
var row = '<tr>';
row += '<td>' + item.LastModified + '</td>';
row += '<td>' + item.Size + '</td>';
row += '<td><a href="' + item.href + '">' + item.keyText + '</a></td>';
row += '</tr>';
return row;
function bytesToHumanReadable(sizeInBytes) {
var i = -1;
var units = [' kB', ' MB', ' GB'];
do {
sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes / 1024;
} while (sizeInBytes > 1024);
return Math.max(sizeInBytes, 0.1).toFixed(1) + units[i];
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