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Last active July 22, 2024 15:33
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  • Save matt-FFFFFF/f663af567320fdc4cd5f16a14daa223c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save matt-FFFFFF/f663af567320fdc4cd5f16a14daa223c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
XCTrack Lightpilot road map theme with larger city name labels, based on the Hyperpilot example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rendertheme xmlns:xsi="" map-background="#fffcfa"
version="1" xmlns=""
TRANSFORM tags ######-->
<tag-transform k="roof:colour" k-lib="roof:colour" v="blue" v-lib="#4e7ee0" />
<tag-transform k="roof:colour" k-lib="roof:colour" v="green" v-lib="#3ed889" />
<tag-transform k="roof:colour" k-lib="roof:colour" v="red" v-lib="#ad4340" />
<tag-transform k="roof:colour" k-lib="roof:colour" v="yellow" v-lib="#e5d522" />
<tag-transform k="building:colour" k-lib="building:colour" v="blue" v-lib="#416fcc" />
<tag-transform k="building:colour" k-lib="building:colour" v="green" v-lib="#38c459" />
<tag-transform k="building:colour" k-lib="building:colour" v="red" v-lib="#cc3733" />
<tag-transform k="building:colour" k-lib="building:colour" v="yellow" v-lib="#f4e216" />
TEXT styles ######-->
<style-text caption="true" dy="20" fill="#2d51bc" font-family="medium" id="caption-small-blue"
k="name" size="14" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<style-text caption="true" dy="20" fill="#ac39ac" font-family="medium" id="shop" k="name"
size="14" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<style-text caption="true" dy="20" fill="#0092da" font-family="medium" id="accommodation"
k="name" size="14" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<style-text caption="true" dy="20" fill="#da0092" font-family="medium" id="health" k="name"
size="14" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<style-text fill="#101010" id="road" k="name" priority="2" size="16" stroke="#eeeeee"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<style-text style="bold" fill="#101010" id="major-road" k="name" priority="1" size="16"
stroke="#eeeeee" stroke-width="2.0" />
<style-text style="bold" fill="#606060" id="ref" k="ref" priority="2" size="12" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<style-text caption="true" style="bold" fill="#ffffff" id="ref-caption" k="ref" priority="2"
size="12" bg-fill="#45a976" />
<style-text style="bold" fill="#606060" id="ferry" k="name" size="12" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
AREA styles ######-->
<style-area fade="11" fill="#e8e7e3" id="residential" />
<style-area fade="10" fill="#e6e3e5" id="railway|industrial" />
ordered according to their inheritance via the `use` attribute-->
<!-- Avoid patterns and textures because of old GPU issues -->
id="tex1" src="textures/rough.png" />-->
<!-- meadow|garden -->
fade="10" fill="#d9ffd9" id="greens" />-->
<!-- grass -->
fade="12" fill="#d3dcb9" id="lightgreen" />-->
<!-- grassland|scrub -->
fade="10" fill="#dfebbc" id="darkgreen" />-->
<!-- <style-area id="greens" fill="#d2e5ce" fade="10" /> -->
fade="12" fill="#e4dab5" id="farmland" />-->
<!-- marsh|wetland|mud|nature_reserve -->
<style-area fade="12" fill="#deecb9" id="greens2" />
<!-- park|common|green|cemetery|golf_course|dog_park -->
<style-area fade="11" fill="#b8ffb8" id="park" />
<!-- <style-area id="park" fill="#a3ca7b" fade="11" /> -->
<!-- fade out at z=7, blend over to 'blend-fill' in z=11 -->
<!-- src="textures/wood.png" -->
<!-- <style-area id="wood" fill="#d1dbc7" fade="8" blend="11" blend-fill="#9ac56e" /> -->
id="wood" use="park" fill="#9ac56e" fade="8" />-->
blend="11" blend-fill="#aae6aa" fade="8" fill="#d9ffd9" id="wood" use="park" />-->
<style-area blend="11" blend-fill="#d9ffd9" fade="8" fill="#e3ffe3" id="wood" use="park" />
<!-- <style-line id="wood" fix="true" cap="butt" width="1.0" stroke="#9ac56e" /> -->
<!-- de:Kleingartengebiet -->
<style-area fade="12" fill="#efeae0" id="allotments" />
<!-- de:Steinbruch, Schotter-, Kies-, Sand- und Tongrube -->
<style-area fade="10" fill="#ddddcc" id="quarry" />
<style-area fade="10" fill="#eeedea" id="military" />
<style-area fade="15" fill="#f2f0eb" id="building" />
id="water" fill="#97b7e5" afc5e3 /> -->
<!-- src="textures/water.png" -->
<style-area fade="-1" fill="#d3e7ff" id="water" />
LINE styles ######-->
<!-- base style for fixed width lines -->
<style-line cap="butt" fix="true" id="fix" width="1.0" />
<style-line id="residential" stroke="#ffffff" width="1.3" />
<style-line cap="butt" id="residential:bridge" use="residential" />
<!-- when inheriting another style with 'from' then 'width' is meant relative to the parent -->
<style-line id="pedestrian" use="residential" width="-0.4" />
<style-line cap="butt" id="pedestrian:bridge" use="pedestrian" />
<style-line id="highway:z11" stroke="#9cb8d9" width="1.8" />
<!-- <style-line id="highway:z11:bridge" use="highway:z11" cap="butt" /> -->
<style-line cap="butt" id="trunk_link" stroke="#608bbf" width="1.3" />
<style-line id="trunk" stroke="#608bbf" width="1.6" />
<style-line id="primary:z11" stroke="#9e9ede" width="1.5" />
<style-line id="secondary:z11" use="primary:z11" width="-0.1" />
<style-line id="tertiary" stroke="#cbcbd6" use="residential" width="0.2" />
<style-line id="construction" stroke="#e0e0e0" width="1.2" />
<style-line id="highway-service" use="residential" width="-0.6" />
<!-- track|footway|path|cycleway -->
<style-line cap="butt" fix="true" id="footway" stipple="2" stipple-stroke="#d35c48"
stipple-width="0.6" stroke="#aaffffff" width="1.8" />
<style-line id="highway:cycleway" stipple-stroke="#4040ee" use="footway" width="0.1" />
<style-line id="highway:track" stipple="3" stipple-stroke="#a39b68" use="footway" width="0.1" />
<style-line id="highway:path" stipple="2" stipple-stroke="#baadb9" use="footway" width="0.1" />
<!-- <style-line id="footway:z16" use="footway" width="-0.95" fixed="false" fade="-1"/> -->
<style-line id="footway:z17" stroke="#faf8f5" width="0.3" />
<!-- de: ein Weg der für Reiter vorgesehen ist.. -->
<style-line cap="butt" id="bridleway" stipple-stroke="#837b58" stroke="#d3cb98" use="footway"
width="0.1" />
<style-line cap="butt" fix="true" id="steps" stipple="2" stipple-stroke="#be6253"
stipple-width="1.0" stroke="#aaffffff" width="4.2" />
<style-line cap="butt" fix="true" id="water:outline" stroke="#a4bbcc" width="1.0" />
<!-- no-go area boundary -->
<style-line cap="butt" fix="true" id="fence" stroke="#444444" width="1.2" />
<style-line cap="butt" id="aeroway:runway" stroke="#c8ccbe" width="1.8" />
cap="butt" fade="14" fix="true" id="park" stroke="#8fffb2" width="1.0" />-->
<!-- <style-line id="building" stroke="#c9c3c1" width="1.0" fix="true" cap="butt" fade="15"/> -->
<!-- <style-line id="building" stroke="#d0cec8" width="1.0" fix="true" cap="butt" fade="15"/>
<style-area id="building" fill="#e9e6e3" fade="15"/> -->
<style-line fade="15" id="building" stroke="#eeb7b6b3" use="fix" />
<style-line cap="butt" fix="true" id="water" stroke="#a4bbcc" width="1.0" />
<style-line fix="false" id="river" stroke="#a4bbcc" use="water" />
ASSIGNMENT ######-->
<m e="way" k="natural" v="issea|sea">
<area mesh="true" use="water" />
<m e="way" k="natural" v="nosea">
<area fill="#f8f8f8" mesh="true" />
<!-- all closed ways that are not 'highway' or 'building' -->
<m closed="yes" e="way" k="highway|building" v="~">
<!-- landuse base -->
<m k="landuse">
<m v="urban">
<area fill="#f4f3f0" />
fade="11" use="greens" />-->
<m v="residential|commercial|retail|farmyard">
<area use="residential" />
k="natural" v="grassland|scrub">-->
use="darkgreen" />-->
<m k="landuse">
use="farmland" />-->
<m v="quarry">
<area use="quarry" />
<!-- <m v="farmyard|retail|commercial|industrial;retail">
<area use="residential" />
</m> -->
<m v="industrial|railway">
<area use="railway|industrial" />
<!-- <m v="military">
<area use="military"/>
</m> -->
k="landuse" v="construction|greenfield"> <area fill="#a47c41"
stroke="#e4e4e4" width="0.2" /> </m> -->
<!-- <m k="landuse" v="garages"> <area fill="#d6d6e4" /> </m> -->
<m k="landuse|natural|leisure|amenity|tourism">
<!-- kind of more like landuse imho -->
<m k="leisure|landuse" v="nature_reserve">
<area fill="#40abe29c" />
<m zoom-min="14">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#abe29c" width="1.0" />
<!-- tourism areas
Berlin Zoologischer Garten has lots of details that should be drawn above
<m k="tourism">
<!-- <m k="tourism" v="attraction"> <area fill="#f2caea" /> </m> -->
<m v="zoo|picnic_site|caravan_site|camp_site">
<area fill="#c0d69a" />
<!-- amenity -->
<m k="amenity" zoom-min="14">
<m v="kindergarten|school|college|university">
<!-- <area fill="#cdabde" /> -->
<area fade="14" fill="#e6e4c5" />
<line cap="butt" fade="14" fix="true" stroke="#9aabae" width="1.0" />
<m v="hospital">
<area fill="#f2d9b1" />
<!-- <m v="parking" zoom-min="15">
<area fill="#f4f4f4" />
<m v="fountain" closed="yes">
<area fill="#b4cbdc" />
</m> -->
<!-- landuse -->
k="landuse" zoom-min="11">-->
how about 'leisure' for this one? &ndash;&gt;-->
use="park" />-->
use="park" />-->
k="landuse" v="village_green|recreation_ground">-->
use="greens" />-->
<m k="landuse" v="allotments" zoom-min="12">
<area use="allotments" />
k="leisure" v="park|common|green|golf_course" zoom-min="11">-->
use="park" />-->
use="park" />-->
<text use="park" /> &ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- Heideland, keep below forest -->
<m v="heath|sand" zoom-min="10">
<area fade="10" fill="#fffad1" />
<m k="landuse|natural" v="forest|wood">
<m zoom-min="8">
<area use="wood" />
<!-- keep grass above forest:wood and leisure:park! -->
often serves as background for leisure=nature_reserve -->
k="landuse" v="grass">-->
use="lightgreen" />-->
k="leisure" v="garden">-->
use="greens" />-->
<!-- amenity -->
<m k="amenity">
v="kindergarten|school|college|university" zoom-min="15">
<area fill="#cdbbca" fade="15"/>
<line stroke="#9aabae" width="1.0" fix="true" cap="butt" fade="15"/>
<m v="hospital" zoom-min="14">
<area fill="#e6e4c5" />
<m v="parking" zoom-min="15">
<area fill="#f4f4f4" />
<m closed="yes" v="fountain">
<area fill="#b4cbdc" />
<!-- <m k="natural" v="coastline">
<line stroke="#a4bbcc" width="1.2" fix="true" />
</m> -->
<!-- natural -->
<m k="natural" zoom-min="10">
<m v="glacier">
<area fill="#fafaff" />
<m v="land">
<area fill="#f8f8f8" />
<m v="beach">
<area fill="#f7f5c8" />
<m v="marsh|wetland|mud">
<area use="greens2" />
<!-- leisure -->
<m k="leisure" zoom-min="13">
<m v="stadium">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#c9c3c1" width="1.0" />
<area fill="#e9e6e3" />
be under playing field -->
<m v="sports_centre|water_park" zoom-min="14">
<area fade="12" fill="#daefdb" />
<m v="playground|miniature_golf" zoom-min="15">
<area fill="#f4f4de" />
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#d9d9a3" width="1.0" />
<m v="playing_fields|pitch">
<area fill="#f4f4de" />
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#d9d9a3" width="1.0" />
<m v="swimming_pool">
<area fill="#d4ebfc" />
<!-- <m v="track"> <m k="area" v="yes|true">
<area fill="#c9d8a2" stroke="#b7c690" width="0.025" /> </m> <m
e="way" k="area" v="~|no|false"> <line stroke="#b7c690" width="0.75"
/> </m> </m> -->
<!-- area outlines need to be above to avoid uggly pixelation where
not aliased polygon overlaps the lines... -->
<m k="leisure|landuse" zoom-min="14">
<m v="nature_reserve">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#abe29c" width="1.0" />
<m v="military">
<line use="fence" />
<m k="landuse" v="reservoir|basin">
<area use="water" />
<!-- ...should rewrite tag to: highway=leisure/sport=* imho -->
<m k="leisure" v="track">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#c1bcb6" width="1.3" />
</m><!-- end
landuse|natural|leisure||amenity|tourism -->
<!-- waterways -->
<m e="way" k="waterway">
<m v="ditch|drain" zoom-min="14">
<line fade="14" use="water" width="0.2" />
<m v="canal">
<line use="river" width="-0.3" />
<m v="stream" zoom-min="13">
<line fade="13" use="water" width="0.5" />
<m select="first" v="river">
<m zoom-min="12">
<line use="river" width="0.3" />
<!-- zoom <= 11 -->
<m k="rank" v="~|-1" zoom-min="9">
<line fade="9" use="water" width="0.2" />
<m k="rank" v="0|1|2">
<line fade="2" use="water" width="0.3" />
<m k="rank" v="3" zoom-min="3">
<line fade="3" use="water" width="0.3" />
<m k="rank" v="4" zoom-min="4">
<line fade="4" use="water" width="0.3" />
<m k="rank" v="5" zoom-min="5">
<line fade="5" use="water" width="0.3" />
<m k="rank" v="6" zoom-min="6">
<line fade="6" use="water" width="0.2" />
<m k="rank" v="7" zoom-min="7">
<line fade="7" use="water" width="0.2" />
<m k="rank" v="8" zoom-min="8">
<line fade="8" use="water" width="0.1" />
<m k="rank" v="9" zoom-min="9">
<line fade="9" use="water" width="0.1" />
<m v="riverbank|dock">
<area use="water" />
<line use="water:outline" />
<m v="weir">
<line stroke="#000088" use="fix" />
<m v="dam" zoom-min="12">
<line stroke="#ababab" use="fix" width="0.2" />
<m k="lock" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#f8f8f8" use="fix" width="0.5" />
<m k="generator:source" v="wind">
<symbol src="symbols/wind_turbine.svg" symbol-percent="150" />
<m e="way">
<m closed="yes" k="natural" v="water">
<area use="water" />
<caption area-size="0.4" fill="#404000" k="name" size="16" stroke="#aaffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
use="water:outline" />-->
<!-- sport -->
<!-- <m k="sport"> <m k="sport" v="soccer"
zoom-min="17"> <m k="sport" v="swimming|canoe|diving|scuba_diving">
<area fill="#b4cbdc" stroke="#6060ff" width="0.2" /> </m> <m
e="way" k="sport" v="tennis"> <area fill="#d18a6a" stroke="#b36c4c" width="0.2"
/> </m> </m> -->
<!-- outline 0 -->
<outline-layer id="glow" stroke="#000000" width="0.2" />
<outline-layer id="0" stroke="#000000" width="0.1" />
<!-- match tunnel-tag (to ensure tunnel key is present) -->
<m k="tunnel" zoom-min="11">
<!-- match tunnel-tag that are not 'no' or 'false' -->
<m k="tunnel" v="-|no|false">
<!-- match area-tag that are 'no' or 'false' or not present -->
<m k="area" v="~|no|false">
<!-- highway tunnels -->
<m k="highway">
<m zoom-min="16">
<m v="steps">
<line use="steps" />
<!-- <outline use="0"/> -->
<!-- <m v="track|footway|path|cycleway" zoom-min="16">
<line use="footway:z16"/>
</m> -->
<m zoom-min="14">
<m v="footway">
<line use="footway" />
<m v="cycleway">
<line use="highway:cycleway" />
<m v="track">
<line use="highway:track" />
<m v="path">
<line use="highway:path" />
<m v="bridleway">
<line use="bridleway" />
<m v="construction">
<outline use="0" />
<line outline="0" use="construction" />
<m v="service">
<m k="service" v="~|parking_aisle">
<line outline="0" use="highway-service" />
<m v="trunk_link|motorway_link">
<line outline="0" use="trunk_link" />
<text use="major-road" />
<m zoom-min="13">
<m v="byway|pedestrian">
<line outline="0" use="pedestrian" />
<text use="road" />
<m v="residential|road|unclassified|living_street">
<line outline="0" use="residential" />
<text use="road" />
<m v="tertiary|secondary_link">
<line outline="0" use="tertiary" />
<text use="road" />
<m v="secondary|primary_link">
<line outline="0" use="secondary:z11" />
<text use="major-road" />
<m v="primary">
<line outline="0" use="primary:z11" />
<text use="major-road" />
use="ref-caption" />-->
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="ref" />
<m v="trunk">
<line blur="0.3" outline="0" use="trunk" />
<!-- <outline use="glow"/> -->
<text use="major-road" />
use="ref-caption" />-->
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="ref" />
<m v="motorway">
<line blur="0.3" outline="0" use="highway:z11" />
<!-- <outline use="glow"/> -->
<text use="major-road" />
<m zoom-max="12">
<text use="ref-caption" />
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="ref" />
<!-- railway tunnel -->
<m k="railway">
<!-- <m v="tram|subway|light_rail|narrow_gauge">
<line stroke="#a0a0a0" width="0.8" cap="butt" fix="true"/>
</m> -->
<m v="rail">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#aaa0a0a0" width="0.9" />
end tunnel -->
<!-- platform cores -->
<m k="highway|railway|public_transport" v="platform">
<m closed="yes">
<area fill="#dbdbc9" />
<m closed="no">
<line stroke="#dbdbc9" width="0.3" />
<!-- runways areas -->
<m k="aeroway">
<m closed="yes" v="aerodrome">
<m zoom-min="12">
<area fill="#e8ecde" />
<m zoom-max="11">
<caption dy="18" fill="#000000" k="ref" priority="5" size="19" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<m zoom-min="12">
<caption area-size="0.1" dy="18" fill="#000000" k="name" priority="5" size="19"
stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<!-- A place where planes are parked -->
<m v="apron">
<area fill="#f0f0f0" />
<!-- Airport passenger building -->
<m v="terminal|hangar">
<area use="building" />
<line use="building" />
<!-- turning circles -->
<!-- <m k="highway" v="turning_circle"> <circle radius="1.5" scale-radius="true"
fill="#707070" />
</m> -->
<!-- building -->
<m k="building|building:part">
<m k="building">
<m zoom-min="14">
<m closed="yes">
<area fade="14" use="building" />
<line fade="14" use="building" />
<m closed="no">
<line fade="14" use="building" />
<m k="building:part">
<m zoom-min="16">
<m closed="yes">
<area fade="16" use="building" />
<line fade="16" use="building" />
<m closed="no">
<line fade="16" use="building" />
<m zoom-min="17">
<extrusion hsv-s="0.5" hsv-v="1.2" line-color="#ffd9d8d6" side-color="#eaecebe9"
top-color="#eaf9f8f6" />
add house numbers where no name exist-->
<m k="addr:housenumber" zoom-min="18">
<m k="name" v="~">
<caption style="bold" fill="#606060" font-family="condensed"
k="addr:housenumber" priority="10" size="12" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<!-- outline 1 - 4 -->
<outline-layer id="1" stroke="#aa807040" width="0.1" />
<!-- <outline-layer id="1" stroke="#404030"/> -->
<outline-layer id="2" stroke="#c0c0c0" width="0.1" />
<outline-layer id="primary" stroke="#aa7f7700" width="0.1" />
<outline-layer id="motorway" stroke="#aa805f2e" width="0.1" />
<!-- highway -->
<m k="highway">
<m select="first" zoom-max="5" zoom-min="4">
<m k="area" v="~|no|false">
<!-- <m v="secondary|primary_link" zoom-min="9">
<line stroke="#f2df6d" width="1.3" cap="butt" fix="true" fade="9"/>
</m> -->
<m v="route_primary" zoom-min="3">
<line cap="butt" fade="5" fix="true" stroke="#608bbf" width="1.2" />
<m v="route_trunk" zoom-min="3">
<line cap="butt" fade="5" fix="true" stroke="#608bbf" width="1.3" />
<m v="route_motorway">
<line cap="butt" fade="5" fix="true" stroke="#608bbf" width="1.4" />
<m select="first" zoom-max="7" zoom-min="5">
<m k="area" v="~|no|false">
<m v="secondary|primary_link" zoom-min="9">
<line fade="9" stroke="#608bbf" use="fix" width="0.3" />
<m v="trunk_link|motorway_link" zoom-min="8">
<line fade="8" stroke="#608bbf" use="fix" width="0.4" />
<m v="primary" zoom-min="5">
<line fade="5" stroke="#608bbf" use="fix" width="0.5" />
<m v="trunk" zoom-min="5">
<line fade="5" stroke="#608bbf" use="fix" width="0.5" />
<m v="motorway">
<line fade="4" stroke="#608bbf" use="fix" width="0.6" />
<m zoom-min="8">
<!-- when tunnel|bridge is present it must be 'no' -->
<m k="tunnel|bridge" v="~|no">
<!-- highway area -->
<m k="area" v="yes|true">
<m v="footway" zoom-min="15">
<area fill="#fefefe" />
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#c0c0c0" width="1.0" />
<m v="pedestrian|service|unclassified|residential|road|living_street"
<area fill="#ffffff" />
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#d0d0d0" width="1.0" />
<!-- <m v="path" zoom-min="14">
<area fill="#d0d0d0" />
</m> -->
<m k="area" v="~|no|false">
<m zoom-min="16">
<m v="steps">
<line use="steps" />
<!-- <outline use="2"/> -->
<!-- <m v="track|footway|path|cycleway" zoom-min="16" zoom-max="16">
<line use="footway:z16"/>
</m> -->
<m v="track|footway|path|cycleway" zoom-min="17">
<line outline="1" use="footway:z17" />
<m zoom-min="14">
<m v="footway">
<line use="footway" />
<m v="cycleway">
<line use="highway:cycleway" />
<m v="track">
<line use="highway:track" />
<m v="path">
<line use="highway:path" />
<m v="bridleway">
<line use="bridleway" />
<m v="construction">
<line outline="1" use="construction" />
<m v="service">
<!-- matches every service but parking_isle -->
<m k="service" v="-|parking_aisle">
<line outline="1" use="highway-service" />
<m k="service" v="parking_aisle" zoom-min="16">
<line outline="1" use="highway-service" width="-0.4" />
<m v="trunk_link|motorway_link">
<line outline="motorway" use="trunk_link" />
<text use="major-road" />
<m zoom-min="13">
<m v="byway|pedestrian">
<line outline="1" use="residential" width="-0.4" />
<text use="road" />
<m v="residential|road|unclassified|living_street">
<line outline="1" use="residential" />
<text use="road" />
<m v="tertiary|secondary_link">
<line outline="1" use="tertiary" />
<text use="road" />
<m v="secondary|primary_link">
<line outline="primary" use="secondary:z11" />
<text use="major-road" />
<m v="primary">
<line outline="primary" use="primary:z11" />
<text use="major-road" />
use="ref-caption" />-->
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="ref" />
<m v="trunk">
<line outline="motorway" use="trunk" />
<text use="major-road" />
use="ref-caption" />-->
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="ref" />
<m v="motorway">
<line outline="motorway" use="highway:z11" />
<text use="major-road" />
<m zoom-max="12">
<text use="ref-caption" />
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="ref" />
</m> <!-- end
area=~|no|false -->
end tunnel|bridge=~|no|false -->
<!-- Bridge casings should be above other roads -->
<outline-layer id="bridge" stroke="#aa202020" width="0.08" />
<!-- muse contain bridge -->
<m k="bridge">
<!-- except bridge=no|false -->
<m k="bridge" v="-|no|false">
<!-- no areas -->
<m k="area" v="~|no|false">
<m zoom-min="16">
<m v="steps">
<line use="steps" />
<!-- <outline use="bridge"/> -->
<m v="track|footway|path|cycleway" zoom-min="15">
<line cap="butt" outline="bridge" use="footway:z17" />
<m select="first" zoom-min="14">
<m v="footway">
<line use="footway" />
<m v="cycleway">
<line use="highway:cycleway" />
<m v="track">
<line use="highway:track" />
<m v="path">
<line use="highway:path" />
<m v="bridleway">
<line use="bridleway" />
<m v="construction">
<line cap="butt" outline="bridge" use="construction" />
<m v="service">
<line cap="butt" outline="bridge" use="highway-service" />
<m select="first" zoom-min="13">
<m v="byway|pedestrian">
<line outline="bridge" use="pedestrian:bridge" />
<text use="road" />
<m v="residential|road|unclassified|living_street">
<line outline="bridge" use="residential:bridge" />
<text use="road" />
<m select="first">
<m v="tertiary|secondary_link">
<line cap="butt" outline="bridge" use="tertiary" />
<text use="road" />
<m v="trunk_link|motorway_link">
<line cap="butt" outline="bridge" use="trunk_link" />
<text use="major-road" />
<m v="secondary|primary_link">
<line cap="butt" outline="bridge" use="secondary:z11" />
<text use="major-road" />
<m v="primary">
<line cap="butt" outline="bridge" use="primary:z11" />
<text use="major-road" />
use="ref-caption" />-->
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="ref" />
<m v="trunk">
<line cap="butt" outline="bridge" use="trunk" />
<text use="major-road" />
use="ref-caption" />-->
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="ref" />
<m v="motorway">
<line cap="butt" outline="bridge" use="highway:z11" />
<text use="major-road" />
<m zoom-max="12">
<text use="ref-caption" />
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="ref" />
end area=~|no|false -->
<m k="area" select="first" v="yes|true">
<m v="footway" zoom-min="15">
<area fill="#fefefe" />
<line cap="butt" stroke="#c0c0c0" width="0.15" />
<m v="pedestrian|service|unclassified|residential|road|living_street"
<area fill="#eeffffff" />
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#c0c0c0" width="1.0" />
</m> <!--
end area=yes|true -->
</m> <!--
end bridge=yes -->
</m> <!--
end zoom-min=11 -->
end highway -->
<m e="way">
<m k="aerialway">
<line cap="butt" stroke="#202020" width="0.8" />
<line cap="butt" dasharray="2,200" stroke="#202020" width="4.0" />
<m k="power" v="line">
<line fix="true" stroke="#bf34ba" width="1.5" />
<m k="power" v="minor_line">
<line fix="true" stroke="#bf34ba" width="1.0" />
<!-- runways cores -->
<m k="aeroway">
<m v="runway">
<line use="aeroway:runway" />
<m v="taxiway">
<line use="aeroway:runway" width="-0.8" />
<!-- man_made features -->
<m k="man_made" v="pier">
<m closed="no">
<line cap="butt" stroke="#d0d0d0" width="0.4" />
<line cap="butt" stroke="#e4e4e4" width="0.3" />
<m closed="yes">
<area fill="#e4e4e4" />
<!-- barriers -->
<m k="barrier">
<!-- <m v="fence|wall|city_wall" zoom-min="15"> <line
stroke="#909090" width="0.1" cap="butt" /> </m> -->
<m v="retaining_wall" zoom-min="15">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#888888" width="1.1" />
<!-- railway (no tunnel) -->
<m k="railway">
<m k="tunnel" v="~|false|no">
<m v="station">
<area fill="#dbdbc9" />
<!-- railway bridge casings -->
<m zoom-min="14">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<m v="tram">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#777777" width="0.9" />
<m v="subway|light_rail|narrow_gauge">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#777777" width="0.9" />
<m v="rail">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#777777" width="0.9" />
<!-- railway casings and cores -->
<m v="tram" zoom-min="15">
<line fix="true" stroke="#887766" width="1.0" />
<m v="light_rail|subway|narrow_gauge" zoom-min="14">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#a0a0a0" width="0.9" />
<m v="rail|turntable" zoom-max="13">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#d84a3934" width="1.2" />
<m v="rail|turntable" zoom-min="14">
<line cap="butt" fade="12" fix="true" stipple="10" stipple-stroke="#cccccc"
stipple-width="0.8" stroke="#d0000000" width="1.8" />
<!-- <m v="rail" zoom-max="14" zoom-min="13">
<line stroke="#8888aa" width="0.6" cap="butt"
fix="true" />
</m> -->
<!-- <m v="rail" zoom-max="13" zoom-min="11">
<line stroke="#bbbbcc" width="0.8" cap="butt" fix="true" />
</m> -->
<!-- whatever railway:spur means ... -->
<m v="disused|spur|abandoned|preserved">
<line cap="butt" fade="12" fix="true" stroke="#cccccc" width="0.8" />
<!-- non-physical boundaries -->
<!-- <m k="boundary" v="national_park">-->
<!-- <area fill="#40abe29c" />-->
<!-- </m>-->
<!-- Country boundary -->
<m e="way" k="admin_level" v="2">
<line stroke="#152414" stroke-width="2" fix="true" />
<!-- <m k="boundary" v="administrative">-->
<!-- <m k="admin_level">-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash;<m v="4">&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash;<line fix="true" stipple="6" stipple-stroke="#888888"
<!-- &lt;!&ndash;stroke="#dadada" width="1.8" />&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash;</m>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- <m v="2">-->
<!-- <line fix="true" stipple="8" stipple-stroke="#647b9c" stipple-width="1.0"-->
<!-- stroke="#bbbbbb" width="2.0" />-->
<!-- </m>-->
<!-- </m>-->
<!-- </m>-->
<!-- historic -->
<!-- <m k="historic" v="ruins" zoom-min="17">
<caption k="name" style="bold" size="10" fill="#2d51bc" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0"
</m> -->
<!-- place -->
<m k="place" v="locality" zoom-min="17">
<caption style="bold" fill="#000000" k="name" size="12" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<m k="highway" v="track">
<m k="area" v="yes">
<area fill="#aaff0000" />
<!-- non-physical routes -->
<m k="route" v="ferry">
<line cap="butt" dasharray="15,10" stroke="#707070" width="0.3" />
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="ferry" />
<!-- highway one-way markers -->
k="tunnel" v="~|false|no">-->
k="area" v="~|false|no">-->
k="oneway" v="yes|true" zoom-min="16">-->
repeat="true" src="symbols/oneway.svg" />-->
</m><!-- end e="way" -->
POIs and WAYs with names-->
<m k="name" select="first">
<!-- aeroway -->
<m k="aeroway">
<m v="helipad" zoom-min="16">
<symbol src="symbols/transport/helicopter.svg" />
<m v="aerodrome|airport" zoom-min="9">
<symbol src="symbols/transport/airport2.svg" />
<m k="name" zoom-min="16">
<text use="caption-small-blue" />
<m k="amenity">
<m select="first">
v="bench" zoom-min="17">
<symbol src="symbols/bench.svg" />
v="drinking_water" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/food/drinkingtap.svg" />-->
v="fire_station" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/amenity/firestation3.svg" />-->
<m v="place_of_worship" zoom-min="17">
<m k="denomination|religion" v="buddhist">
<symbol src="symbols/place_of_worship/buddhist.svg" />
<m k="denomination|religion" v="christian">
<symbol src="symbols/place_of_worship/christian.svg" />
<m k="denomination|religion" v="hindu">
<symbol src="symbols/place_of_worship/hindu.svg" />
<m k="denomination|religion" v="jewish">
<symbol src="symbols/place_of_worship/jewish.svg" />
<m k="denomination|religion" v="muslim|moslem">
<symbol src="symbols/place_of_worship/islamic.svg" />
<m k="denomination|religion" v="shinto">
<symbol src="symbols/place_of_worship/shinto.svg" />
<m k="denomination|religion" v="~|*">
<symbol src="symbols/place_of_worship/unknown.svg" />
v="post_box" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/amenity/post_box.svg" />-->
v="recycling" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/amenity/recycling.svg" />-->
v="shelter" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/accommodation/shelter2.svg" />-->
v="telephone" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/amenity/telephone.svg" />-->
v="toilets" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/custom/amenity/toilets.svg" />-->
<m select="when-matched" zoom-min="17">
<text priority="9" use="caption-small-blue" />
<m select="first"> <!--Accomodation-->
v="parking" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/transport/parking.svg" />-->
v="bicycle_rental" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/transport/rental_bicycle.svg" />-->
<m v="bus_station" zoom-min="17">
<symbol src="symbols/transport/bus_station.svg" />
<m select="when-matched" zoom-min="17">
<text priority="9" use="accommodation" />
select="first"> &lt;!&ndash;Education&ndash;&gt;-->
v="kindergarten" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/education/nursery3.svg" />-->
v="library" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/custom/amenity/library.svg" />-->
v="school" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/education/school.svg" />-->
v="university|college" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/education/university.svg" />-->
select="when-matched" zoom-min="17">-->
priority="9" use="education" />-->
select="first"> &lt;!&ndash;Entertainment&ndash;&gt;-->
v="cinema" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/custom/tourist/cinema2.svg" />-->
v="fountain" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/custom/amenity/fountain2.svg" />-->
v="theatre" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/custom/tourist/theatre.svg" />-->
select="when-matched" zoom-min="17">-->
priority="9" use="entertainment" />-->
<m select="first"> <!--Health-->
<m v="hospital" zoom-min="15">
<symbol src="symbols/health/hospital.svg" />
v="pharmacy" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/health/pharmacy.svg" />-->
<m select="when-matched" zoom-min="17">
<text priority="9" use="health" />
select="first"> &lt;!&ndash;Shop&ndash;&gt;-->
v="atm" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/custom/money/atm2.svg" />-->
v="bank" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/money/bank2.svg" />-->
v="fuel" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/transport/fuel.svg" />-->
v="post_office" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/amenity/post_office.svg" />-->
select="when-matched" zoom-min="17">-->
priority="9" use="shop" />-->
select="first"> &lt;!&ndash;Tavern&ndash;&gt;-->
v="cafe" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/food/cafe.svg" />-->
v="bar" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/food/bar.svg" />-->
v="fast_food" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/food/fastfood.svg" />-->
v="pub" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/food/pub.svg" />-->
v="restaurant" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/food/restaurant.svg" />-->
select="when-matched" zoom-min="17">-->
priority="9" use="tavern" />-->
<!-- historic -->
k="historic" zoom-min="10">-->
src="symbols/custom/tourist/monument.svg" />-->
priority="7" use="entertainment" />-->
<!-- place -->
<m k="place">
<m v="locality" zoom-min="13">
<caption style="bold" fill="#606060" k="name" priority="5" size="14"
stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="suburb" zoom-max="14">
<caption style="bold_italic" fill="#404040" k="name" priority="4" size="15"
stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="village" zoom-max="14">
<caption fill="#444411" k="name" priority="3" size="26" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="island" zoom-min="10">
<caption style="bold" fill="#000000" k="name" priority="1" size="17"
stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="town" zoom-min="9">
<caption fill="#000000" k="name" priority="2" size="28" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="city">
<m zoom-min="7">
<caption style="bold" dy="14" fill="#000000" k="name" priority="1" size="30"
stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" symbol="symbols/dot_black.svg" />
<m zoom-max="6">
<caption dy="14" fill="#000000" k="name" priority="1" size="17" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" symbol="symbols/dot_black.svg" />
<m v="country">
<caption style="bold" fill="#000000" k="name" priority="0" size="18"
stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<!-- railway -->
<m k="railway">
<m v="station" zoom-min="14">
<symbol src="symbols/transport/train_station2.svg" />
<caption style="bold" dy="20" fill="#af3a3a" k="name" size="14" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="halt|tram_stop" zoom-min="15">
<symbol src="symbols/transport/tram_stop.svg" />
<caption style="bold" dy="20" fill="#af3a3a" k="name" size="12" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<m k="shop" select="first">
v="bakery" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/shopping/bakery.svg" />-->
v="florist" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/shopping/florist.svg" />-->
v="hairdresser" zoom-min="16">-->
src="symbols/shopping/hairdresser.svg" />-->
<m v="supermarket|organic" zoom-min="17">
<symbol src="symbols/shopping/supermarket.svg" />
<m zoom-min="17">
<symbol src="symbols/dot_magenta.svg" />
<m select="when-matched" zoom-min="17">
<text priority="9" use="shop" />
<m k="tourism">
<m select="first"> <!--Accomodation-->
<m v="alpine_hut" zoom-min="16">
<symbol src="symbols/accommodation/alpinehut.svg" />
<m v="camp_site" zoom-min="17">
<symbol src="symbols/accommodation/camping.svg" />
v="hostel" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/accommodation/hostel.svg" />-->
v="hotel" zoom-min="17">-->
src="symbols/accommodation/hotel2.svg" />-->
<m select="when-matched" zoom-min="17">
<text priority="8" use="accommodation" />
<!-- <m v="information" zoom-min="17">
<m k="name" v="*">
<symbol src="symbols/custom/tourist/information.svg" />
select="first"> &lt;!&ndash;Entertainment&ndash;&gt;-->
v="attraction" zoom-min="16">-->
src="symbols/custom/tourist/attraction.svg" />-->
v="museum" zoom-min="15">-->
src="symbols/custom/tourist/museum.svg" />-->
v="viewpoint" zoom-min="15">-->
src="symbols/custom/tourist/view_point.svg" />-->
select="when-matched" zoom-min="17">-->
priority="8" use="entertainment" />-->
all buildings-->
<m k="building|building:part" zoom-min="17">
<text priority="9" use="caption-small-blue" />
<symbol src="symbols/dot_blue_dark.svg" />
<m e="node" select="first">
add house numbers where no name exist-->
k="addr:housenumber" zoom-min="18">-->
k="name" v="~">-->
style="bold" fill="#606060" font-family="condensed" k="addr:housenumber"-->
size="12" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />-->
<m k="barrier">
<m zoom-min="16">
<m v="bollard">
<symbol src="symbols/barrier/bollard.svg" />
<m v="block">
<symbol src="symbols/barrier/blocks.svg" />
<m v="gate">
<symbol src="symbols/barrier/gate.svg" />
<m v="lift_gate">
<symbol src="symbols/barrier/lift_gate.svg" />
<m k="highway">
<m v="bus_stop" zoom-min="16">
<symbol src="symbols/dot_blue.svg" />
<m v="traffic_signals" zoom-min="17">
<symbol src="symbols/transport/traffic_lights.svg" />
v="turning_circle" zoom-min="15">-->
fill="#ffffff" radius="1.4" scale-radius="true" />-->
<m k="natural">
<m select="first">
<m v="cave_entrance" zoom-min="15">
<symbol src="symbols/poi/cave.svg" />
<m zoom-min="17">
<text use="caption-small-blue" />
<m v="peak" zoom-min="12">
<symbol src="symbols/peak.svg" />
<caption style="bold" dy="12" fill="#4D2F08" k="name" size="13" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<caption style="bold" dy="-12" fill="#4D2F08" k="ele" size="12" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="volcano" zoom-min="12">
<symbol src="symbols/volcano.svg" />
<caption style="bold" dy="12" fill="#4D2F08" k="name" size="13" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<caption style="bold" dy="-12" fill="#4D2F08" k="ele" size="12" stroke="#ffffff"
stroke-width="2.0" />
<m k="railway">
<m v="crossing" zoom-min="16">
<symbol src="symbols/railway-crossing-small.svg" />
<!-- in Bremen this is also used for crossings between tram-lines and roads... -->
<m v="level_crossing" zoom-min="15">
<symbol src="symbols/railway-crossing.svg" />
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