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Created July 4, 2017 21:33
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/// <summary>
/// This rotates the camera to match the orientation of the phone
/// </summary>
public void TiltPhone()
// Helps to stop us getting caught in a bad change of states. Resets in ResetRotation().
if (!tilting)
// Save our current rotation before doing anything else. This is where we'll return later.
_resetRotation = transform.localRotation;
// This is the opposite of the phones rotation when entering the tilt mode.
// We are aiming to negate by this value later.
_negatePhoneRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(DeviceRotation.GetRotation());
tilting = true;
//debugText.enabled = true;
// None! This is 1 rotation offest by another. No idea how it works.
// Why do you offset the right by the left? Who knows. It's magic.
_desiredRotation = _negatePhoneRotation * DeviceRotation.GetRotation();
// Set rotation at the end, assumes _desiredRotation has been set in 1 of the above if statements.
transform.localRotation = _desiredRotation;
// Cache it back into the conveniently shorter variable name.
_currentRotation = transform.localRotation;
//debugText.text = _desiredRotation.ToString();
public void ResetRotation()
// Include anything special that needs to be reset separate to the coroutine.
tilting = false;
//debugText.enabled = false;
// This works perfectly in all my test so far.
private IEnumerator LerpCameraBack()
// How do I find the return angle and rotate back to normal? So scared.
// Quaternions are the devil
_currentRotation = transform.localRotation;
// We will return to this point. desiredRotaiton doesn't change throughout the whole coroutine.
_desiredRotation = _resetRotation;
float lerpCompletion = 0;
while (lerpCompletion < 0.99)
lerpCompletion += Time.smoothDeltaTime * lerpMultiplier;
var curveValue = curve.Evaluate(lerpCompletion);
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(_currentRotation, _desiredRotation, curveValue);
yield return null;
// The reset rotation has now finished, set any states and variables that need setting.
// Sets the rotation back, compensate for any remaining angle changes.
transform.localRotation = _desiredRotation;
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