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Created March 14, 2014 18:01
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Save mattbanks/9553238 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scaffold a new WordPress development site in Alfred, utilizing WP-CLI. Use this script to run as a Terminal Script. Customize for your theme needs, plugin needs, etc.
# Create directory for new site
cd ~/Sites
mkdir {query}
cd {query}
# Download latest version of WordPress
wp core download
# Setup wp-config file with WP_DEBUG enabled
wp core config --dbname={query} --dbuser=root --dbpass=root --dbprefix={query}wp_ --extra-php <<PHP
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
# Create database
wp db create
# Clone WordPress Starter Theme
cd wp-content/themes
git clone [email protected]:mattbanks/WordPress-Starter-Theme.git {query} > /dev/null 2>&1
cd {query}
rm -rf .git
# Setup new git repo for theme
git init > /dev/null 2>&1
git add . > /dev/null 2>&1
git commit . -m "initial commit" > /dev/null 2>&1
# CD back to site directory
cd ~/Sites/{query}
# Install WordPress
wp core install --url="http://{query}.dev" --title="{query}" --admin_user=mattbanks --admin_password=password --admin_email="[email protected]"
# Update Options
wp option update blogdescription ''
wp option update start_of_week 0
wp option update timezone_string 'America/New_York'
wp option update permalink_structure '/%postname%'
# Get rid of default themes and Hello Dolly plugin
wp theme delete twentytwelve
wp theme delete twentythirteen
wp theme delete twentyfourteen
wp plugin delete hello
# Get plugins
wp plugin install wordpress-seo --activate
wp plugin install use-google-libraries --activate
wp plugin install pods --activate
wp plugin install google-analytics-for-wordpress --activate
# Activate theme
wp theme activate {query}
# Open ST3, Finder and Chrome
open http://{query}.dev
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