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mattdenner / spotify.nix
Created December 22, 2017 14:45
A hacky overlay for the new spotify client that comes from snap
self: super: {
spotify = let
deps = with super.pkgs; [
mattdenner / README.markdown
Last active February 22, 2025 21:05
Suspend and then hibernate after 60 minutes

I found a post about suspending and then going into hibernate that included a really clever script. Turns out that with NixOS this is even esaier to coordinate as you have systemd so can have a before and after service. I just include this in my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix file and nixos-rebuild; then a systemctl suspend or a close of the lid will cause the hibernate timer to be set.

mattdenner / gist:9d0e03fb24be92ae7c78
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
From imperative to functional: error handling

In my last post I took a piece of imperative code for parsing a comma separated string and generating an instance of a structure, and turned it into a functional piece. At the end we had a bunch of functions that related to code working with Optional, some related to Array, and a bunch that dealt with the actual application code. The "top level" functions we've written looked like this:

func build(fields: Array<String>) -> Optional<MyRecord> {
  let field1Value = fields[0]
  let field2Value = lift(stringToInt)(fields[1])
  return .Some(createMyRecord) <*> field1Value <*> field2Value
func build(data: String) -> Optional<MyRecord> {
mattdenner / gist:dd4cfde3f355ff6b7be8
Last active May 18, 2016 18:52
From imperative to functional: functors, applicatives, monads & other link bait

I’ve been writing a load of Swift code recently for work and this has lead me into the world of typed functional programming. The app needs to build certain objects from a comma separated string, and this lead me to applicative functors, which lead me to brain ache but enlightenment. So here’s my thoughts on how I got to understand these a little better.

All of the code is in Swift, so less clean than Haskell. I’m also only a about 6 weeks into Swift development so I probably haven’t got all of the idioms right. I’ve avoided the optional shorthand wherever possible here, preferring Optional<Type> over Type? because I believe the latter is hiding something that helps understand this code in the context of other generic classes.

It’s also long! I think it’s probably the longest blog post I’ve ever written but I found it interesting and useful, for myself, to write. If you’re one of those people who skip to the end of a book to find out whodunit then I’ve included

mattdenner / gist:643f17ad52c374510a8c
Last active July 21, 2022 13:20
Segues using enums in Swift
extension UIViewController {
func performSegue<T:RawRepresentable where T.RawValue==String>(identifier: T, sender: AnyObject?)
self.performSegueWithIdentifier(identifier.rawValue, sender: sender)

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mattdenner on github.
  • I am mattdenner ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 7177 7706 1497 3A2C B930 3921 E120 A382 2201 460F

To claim this, I am signing this object:

never even more words you jim up before but hanner's the eye. this unfortunate to
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give her innocence and fever. don't ever find out he said he allowed they'd think
you consent from my dear to see nothing if you studied avoidance spoke well does
up with kitty. as a rock. from it. you've got ityou hear a resemblance of
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you had the accomplishment of one great deduction which end in ignorance and cast off
down off mr. collins. from my present moment i flatter myself to a brother i
; The Sieve of Eratosthenes
; This is a simple example of how to calculate prime numbers.
; Typically the algorithm is described as making a list of numbers from 2 until the maximum number you
; want to test for primality(?). You then take the first number that hasn't been crossed off (2 at this
; point), and cross off all of the numbers in the list that are multiples of it. Then you repeat for the
; next number that hasn't been crossed off. At the end all of the numbers that have not been crossed off
; are prime.
mattdenner / gist:5939454
Created July 6, 2013 10:01
Messing about with lazy sequences in clojure using fizzbuzz as an environment
; Two infinite sequences of repeating pattern.
(def threes (lazy-cat [nil nil "fizz"] threes))
(def fives (lazy-cat [nil nil nil nil "buzz"] fives))
; A lazy sequence of "fizz", "buzz", "fizzbuzz" or nil
(def fizz-buzz-ing (map (fn [t f] (let [s (str t f)] (if-not (empty? s) s))) threes fives))
; A lazy sequence of "fizz", "buzz", "fizzbuzz" or a number (starts at 1)
(def fizz-buzz (map (fn [f v] (or f v)) fizz-buzz-ing (rest (range))))
mattdenner / attempt1.clj
Last active December 18, 2015 17:09
I stumbled across which talks about reporting progress as you map over a sequence. The original code is included in this gist as, but I thought it'd be interested to try to refactor this.
; My first attempt would have been my typical approach: wrap the function being used in the map. What I dislike, even though
; this is my current natural (read "first thing I try normally") is that 'reporter' looks more complicated than I'd like, plus
; 'report-progress' knows about the idea of "progress".
(defn reporter
[report-every f]
(fn [val cnt]
(let [rv (f val)]
(and (zero? (mod cnt report-every)) (println "Done" cnt))