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Last active July 17, 2023 09:20
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optimizing & de-duplicating geometry in GLTF files

optimize GLTF file

This optimizes a GLTF file that was exported by blender (or similar) by de-duplicating buffer views (i.e. chunks of bytes) that are equal and removing redundant accessors.

For example, 100 cubes of different scales/materials/rotations/etc should all end up using a single BufferGeometry in ThreeJS, which isn't the case with current GLTF exporters in Blender and parsers for ThreeJS.

In scenes with a lot of instancing, it can dramatically reduce total file size as well as render performance. In one test scene:

Before: 4.8MB file size, 832 THREE.Geometry instances across 832 THREE.Mesh objects
After: 661KB file size, 13 THREE.Geometry instances across 832 THREE.Mesh objects

npm install arraybuffer-equal defined deep-equal three
node optimize-gltf.js my-gltf-file.gltf

This script is very rough, and only supports a limited feature set:

  • No packed buffers (datauris)
  • Only gltf export, not glb
  • Only tested with single buffer exports (e.g. like the Blender exporter)
  • No sparse accessors
  • No interleaved attributes (byteStride must be 0 or undefined)
  • Tested only with Blender GLTF 2.0 exporter & ThreeJS 89dev GLTFLoader

This is also intended to be used with this ThreeJS pull request in order to take full advantage of the GPU/rendering benefits.

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const THREE = require('three');
const deepEqual = require('deep-equal');
const defined = require('defined');
const arraybufferEqual = require('arraybuffer-equal');
let inFilepath = process.argv[2];
inFilepath = path.isAbsolute(inFilepath) ? inFilepath : path.resolve(process.cwd(), inFilepath);
const basePath = path.dirname(inFilepath);
const inFile = path.basename(inFilepath);
const gltf = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(inFilepath, 'utf8'));
const manager = THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
const accessorsData = gltf.accessors;
const bufferDatas = gltf.buffers;
const bufferViewsData = gltf.bufferViews;
const dedupeAccessors = true;
const ARRAY_BUFFER = 34962;
'SCALAR': 1,
'VEC2': 2,
'VEC3': 3,
'VEC4': 4,
'MAT2': 4,
'MAT3': 9,
'MAT4': 16
5120: Int8Array,
5121: Uint8Array,
5122: Int16Array,
5123: Uint16Array,
5125: Uint32Array,
5126: Float32Array
Promise.all(, i) => loadBuffer(b, i)))
function toAttributeWrappers (buffers, bufferViews, accessors) {
// retrieve views
const wrappers = => {
const buffer = buffers[bufferView.buffer];
const byteLength = bufferView.byteLength || 0;
const byteOffset = bufferView.byteOffset || 0;
const data = buffer.slice(byteOffset, byteOffset + byteLength);
if (data.byteLength !== byteLength) throw new Error('mismatch byteLength');
return {
data: data,
bufferView: bufferView
return => {
var bufferView = wrappers[accessor.bufferView].data;
var itemSize = WEBGL_TYPE_SIZES[accessor.type];
var TypedArray = WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[accessor.componentType];
// For VEC3: itemSize is 3, elementBytes is 4, itemBytes is 12.
var elementBytes = TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var itemBytes = elementBytes * itemSize;
var byteStride = 0;
var normalized = accessor.normalized === true;
var array;
// The buffer is not interleaved if the stride is the item size in bytes.
if (byteStride && byteStride !== itemBytes) {
throw new Error('Stride not yet supported!')
} else {
return {
accessor: accessor,
data: new TypedArray(bufferView, accessor.byteOffset, accessor.count * itemSize)
function dedupe (buffers) {
console.log('Buffer count:', buffers.length);
// retrieve views
const bufferViewWrappers = => {
const buffer = buffers[bufferView.buffer];
const byteLength = bufferView.byteLength || 0;
const byteOffset = bufferView.byteOffset || 0;
const data = buffer.slice(byteOffset, byteOffset + byteLength);
if (data.byteLength !== byteLength) throw new Error('mismatch byteLength');
return {
data: data,
bufferView: bufferView
console.log('Buffer views before processing:', bufferViewWrappers.length);
const oldByteLength = buffers.reduce((sum, b) => {
return b.byteLength + sum;
}, 0);
console.log('Old byte length', oldByteLength);
// a lookup from old bufferView index to new index
const bufferViewLookup = [];
// a collection of unique buffer views
const uniqueWrappers = [];
// find duplicates
bufferViewWrappers.forEach((wrapper, originalIndex) => {
let newIndex = uniqueWrappers.findIndex(other => isBufferViewWrapperEqual(wrapper, other));
if (newIndex === -1) {
// we found a new buffer, let's add it to our unique list
newIndex = uniqueWrappers.length;
bufferViewLookup[originalIndex] = newIndex;
console.log('Buffer views after processing:', uniqueWrappers.length);
// console.log('Buffer view indices:', bufferViewLookup);
if (uniqueWrappers.length === bufferViewWrappers.length) {
console.log('No shared data, resolving immediately.');
return Promise.resolve();
// Now we go through each accessor and fix the indices
gltf.accessors.forEach(accessor => {
if (accessor.sparse) throw new Error('sparse accessors not supported yet');
accessor.bufferView = bufferViewLookup[accessor.bufferView];
const outputBytes = [];
let byteOffset = 0;
uniqueWrappers.forEach(w => {
const newData = new DataView(;
const byteLength = w.bufferView.byteLength;
// override byte offset
w.bufferView.byteOffset = byteOffset;
if (byteLength !== {
throw new Error('GLTF data byteLength does not match real byteLength!');
for (let i = 0; i < byteLength; i++) {
const byte = newData.getUint8(i);
byteOffset += byteLength;
while (byteOffset % 4 !== 0) {
const outputBuffer = new Uint8Array(outputBytes);
const outputArrayBuffer = outputBuffer.buffer;
console.log('New byte length:', outputBuffer.byteLength);
// Replace old bufferViews with new bufferViews
gltf.bufferViews =, i) => {
// New index is zero since we will just use a single output buffer
return Object.assign(w.bufferView, { buffer: 0 });
const outGLTFName = path.basename(inFile, path.extname(inFile)) + '-optimized' + path.extname(inFile);
const outBinName = path.basename(inFile, path.extname(inFile)) + '-optimized.bin';
// rewrite output buffer
gltf.buffers = [
{ byteLength: outputBuffer.byteLength, uri: outBinName }
// Now deduplicate the accessors...
if (dedupeAccessors) {
const accessorWrappers = toAttributeWrappers([ outputArrayBuffer ], gltf.bufferViews, gltf.accessors);
console.log('Total Accessors:', accessorWrappers.length);
const uniqueAccessors = [];
const accessorLookup = [];
// find duplicates
accessorWrappers.forEach((wrapper, originalIndex) => {
let newIndex = uniqueAccessors.findIndex(other => isAccessorWrapperEqual(wrapper, other));
if (newIndex === -1) {
// we found a new buffer, let's add it to our unique list
newIndex = uniqueAccessors.length;
accessorLookup[originalIndex] = newIndex;
console.log('Unique Accessors:', uniqueAccessors.length);
gltf.meshes.forEach(mesh => {
mesh.primitives.forEach(primitive => {
if (typeof primitive.indices !== 'undefined') {
primitive.indices = accessorLookup[primitive.indices];
if (primitive.attributes) {
Object.keys(primitive.attributes).forEach(key => {
const oldIndex = primitive.attributes[key];
primitive.attributes[key] = accessorLookup[oldIndex];
// override unique accessors
gltf.accessors = => w.accessor);
const outGLTF = path.resolve(basePath, outGLTFName);
const outBin = path.resolve(basePath, outBinName);
fs.writeFile(outGLTF, JSON.stringify(gltf, undefined, 2), err => {
if (err) throw err;
fs.writeFile(outBin, Buffer.from(outputBuffer), err => {
if (err) throw err;
function isBufferViewWrapperEqual (a, b) {
if (a.bufferView.byteStride !== b.bufferView.byteStride) return false;
if ( !== return false;
if ( !== return false;
if ((a.bufferView.extras || b.bufferView.extras) && !deepEqual(a.bufferView.extras, b.bufferView.extras)) return false;
if ((a.bufferView.extensions || b.bufferView.extensions) && !deepEqual(a.bufferView.extensions, b.bufferView.extensions)) return false;
return arraybufferEqual(,;
function isBufferEqual (a, b) {
if (a.itemSize !== b.itemSize) return false;
if (a.count !== b.count) return false;
if (a.normalized !== b.normalized) return false;
if (a.dynamic !== b.dynamic) return false;
if (a.updateRange.offset !== b.updateRange.offset || a.updateRange.count !== b.updateRange.count) return false;
return arraybufferEqual(a.array.buffer, b.array.buffer);
function isAccessorWrapperEqual (wrapperA, wrapperB) {
const a = wrapperA.accessor;
const b = wrapperB.accessor;
if (a.byteOffset !== b.byteOffset) return false;
if (a.componentType !== b.componentType) return false;
if (a.normalized !== b.normalized) return false;
if (a.type !== b.type) return false;
if (a.count !== b.count) return false;
if (!deepEqual(a.max, b.max)) return false;
if (!deepEqual(a.min, b.min)) return false;
if (!deepEqual(a.sparse, b.sparse)) return false;
if (!deepEqual(a.extensions, b.extensions)) return false;
if (!deepEqual(a.extras, b.extras)) return false;
if ( !== return false;
return arraybufferEqual(,;
function loadBuffer (bufferData, bufferIndex) {
if (bufferData.uri === undefined && bufferIndex === 0) {
throw new Error('glb not supported yet');
const url = resolveURL(bufferData.uri, basePath);
const dataUriRegex = /^data:(.*?)(;base64)?,(.*)$/;
const dataUriRegexResult = url.match(dataUriRegex);
if (dataUriRegexResult) {
throw new Error('not yet supported embedded buffers');
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(url, (err, data) => {
if (err) return reject(err);
const buf = toArrayBuffer(data);
function toArrayBuffer (buf) {
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(buf.length);
var view = new Uint8Array(ab);
for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) {
view[i] = buf[i];
return ab;
function resolveURL (url) {
// Invalid URL
if (typeof url !== 'string' || url === '') {
throw new Error('invalid URL string');
// Absolute URL http://,https://,//
if (/^(https?:)?\/\//i.test(url)) {
throw new Error('https URL not supported');
// Data URI
if (/^data:.*,.*$/i.test(url)) {
return url;
// Blob URL
if (/^blob:.*$/i.test(url)) {
throw new Error('blob URL not supported');
// Relative URL
return path.resolve(basePath, url);
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mazerab commented Sep 10, 2019

Hi Matt,

I would like to get your input on line #72. With the current code, it appears we can never enter the IF statement, so why have it?

var byteStride = 0; if (byteStride) { // code here will never run } if (byteStride && byteStride !== itemBytes) { // code here will also never run }

Thank you for your input and for your time writing this utility.

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