const puppeteer = require("puppeteer"); |
const dateformat = require("dateformat"); |
const fastPng = require("fast-png"); |
const fs = require("fs"); |
const path = require("path"); |
const convertLength = require("convert-length"); |
const ora = require("ora"); |
const bootup = /*js*/ ` |
window.exporter = async (manager) => { |
manager.props.exporting = true; |
manager.resize(); |
const { |
units, |
dimensions, |
pixelsPerInch, |
pixelRatio = 1 |
} = manager.props; |
let width = await window.exporter_convertLength(dimensions[0], units, 'px', { |
pixelsPerInch, |
roundPixel: true |
}); |
let height = await window.exporter_convertLength(dimensions[1], units, 'px', { |
pixelsPerInch, |
roundPixel: true |
}); |
width *= pixelRatio; |
height *= pixelRatio; |
console.log([ |
'', |
' Input Size:', |
' ' + dimensions[0] + 'x' + dimensions[1] + ' ' + units, |
' @' + pixelRatio + 'x', |
' ' + pixelsPerInch + ' DPI', |
'', |
' Outpt Size:', |
' ' + width + 'x' + height + ' px', |
'' |
].join('\\n')) |
const tileSize = Math.min(width, height, 1024); |
const offCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); |
offCanvas.width = offCanvas.height = tileSize; |
const offContext = offCanvas.getContext("2d"); |
function draw (context) { |
manager.props.exporting = true; |
manager.render(); |
} |
await tileRenderer(); |
async function tileRenderer() { |
await window.tileRenderStart(width, height, manager.settings); |
const xTiles = Math.ceil(width / tileSize); |
const yTiles = Math.ceil(height / tileSize); |
const tiles = []; |
for (let y = 0; y < yTiles; y++) { |
for (let x = 0; x < xTiles; x++) { |
const xPos = x * tileSize; |
const yPos = y * tileSize; |
const curWidth = Math.min(width - xPos, tileSize); |
const curHeight = Math.min(height - yPos, tileSize); |
tiles.push({ |
xPos, |
yPos, |
curWidth, |
curHeight |
}); |
} |
} |
let offset = 0; |
await tiles.reduce(async (p, tile, i, list) => { |
await p; |
manager.props.region = { |
x: tile.xPos, |
y: tile.yPos, |
width: tile.curWidth, |
height: tile.curHeight |
}; |
let dataURL; |
if (manager.props.gl) { |
draw(); |
dataURL = manager.props.canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); |
} else { |
offContext.save(); |
offContext.clearRect(0, 0, tileSize, tileSize); |
offContext.translate(-tile.xPos, -tile.yPos); |
offContext.scale((width / manager.props.width) / manager.props.scaleX, (height / manager.props.height) / manager.props.scaleY); |
manager.props.context = offContext; |
draw(); |
dataURL = offCanvas.toDataURL('image/png'); |
offContext.restore(); |
} |
const formOpt = { |
index: i, |
total: list.length, |
data: dataURL, |
x: tile.xPos, |
y: tile.yPos, |
width: tile.curWidth, |
height: tile.curHeight |
}; |
await window.fetch('/exporter/blit', { |
method: 'POST', |
cache: 'no-cache', |
headers: { |
'Accept': 'application/json', |
'Content-Type': 'application/json' |
}, |
credentials: 'same-origin', |
body: JSON.stringify({ |
...formOpt |
}) |
}) |
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve)); |
}, Promise.resolve()); |
await window.tileRenderEnd(); |
} |
} |
`; |
async function startExport(opt) { |
const dir = opt.dir; |
const args = puppeteer |
.defaultArgs() |
.filter( |
arg => |
arg !== "--disable-gpu" && arg !== "about:blank" && arg !== "--headless" |
); |
const additionalArgs = `-–enable-gpu-rasterization |
--force-gpu-rasterization |
--enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers |
--enable-oop-rasterization |
--ignore-gpu-blacklist |
--use-skia-deferred-display-list |
--enable-surfaces-for-videos |
-–enable-zero-copy |
--enable-fast-unload`.split("\n"); |
args.push(...additionalArgs); |
args.push("--headless"); |
// args.push("--disable-gpu"); |
args.push("--canvas-msaa-sample-count=4"); |
// args.push("--use-gl=desktop"); |
args.push("about:blank"); |
// console.log(`args: ${args.join("\n")}`); |
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ |
ignoreDefaultArgs: true, |
args |
}); |
const page = (await browser.pages())[0]; |
// const page = await browser.newPage(); |
page.on("console", consoleObj => console.log(consoleObj.text())); |
page.on("error", err => { |
console.log("error happened at the page: ", err.message); |
}); |
page.on("pageerror", pageerr => { |
console.log("pageerror occurred: ", pageerr.message); |
}); |
function toArrayBuffer(buf) { |
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(buf.length); |
var view = new Uint8Array(ab); |
for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { |
view[i] = buf[i]; |
} |
return ab; |
} |
let buffer; |
let bufferSize; |
let filename; |
await page.setRequestInterception(true); |
let spinner; |
let rendering = true; |
const queue = []; |
let interval = setInterval(async () => { |
if (queue.length === 0 && !rendering) { |
clearInterval(interval); |
return; |
} |
if (queue.length === 0) { |
return; |
} |
const next = queue.shift(); |
if (next == null) { |
spinner.text = "Encoding PNG..."; |
spinner.render(); |
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1)); |
const buf = fastPng.encode({ |
...bufferSize, |
data: buffer |
}); |
spinner.text = "Writing file..."; |
spinner.render(); |
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1)); |
fs.writeFile(filename, buf, async err => { |
if (err) throw err; |
spinner.succeed("Finished writing: " + filename); |
await browser.close(); |
}); |
} else { |
const image = JSON.parse(next); |
const curBuf = Buffer.from( |
image.data.slice("data:image/png;base64,".length), |
"base64" |
); |
const decoded = fastPng.decode(curBuf); |
spinner.text = `Drawing Tile ${image.index + 1} / ${image.total}`; |
// console.log("Blitting", image.index + 1, image.total); |
blit( |
decoded.data, |
image.x, |
image.y, |
decoded.width, |
decoded.height, |
buffer, |
bufferSize.width, |
bufferSize.height |
); |
} |
}, 0); |
page.on("request", async request => { |
if (request.url().endsWith("/exporter/blit")) { |
// none of these work (it prints either undefined or empty value) |
queue.push(request.postData()); |
request.respond({ |
status: 200 |
}); |
} else { |
request.continue(); |
} |
}); |
await page.exposeFunction( |
"exporter_convertLength", |
(value, fromUnit, toUnit, opt) => { |
return convertLength(value, fromUnit, toUnit, opt); |
} |
); |
await page.exposeFunction( |
"tileRenderStart", |
async (width, height, opt = {}) => { |
spinner = ora("Loading...").start(); |
buffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height * 4); |
bufferSize = { width, height }; |
filename = |
[opt.prefix || "", getTimeStamp(), opt.suffix || ""].join("-") + ".png"; |
} |
); |
await page.exposeFunction( |
"tileRenderBlit", |
async (data, x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight, width, height) => { |
blit( |
new Uint8ClampedArray(data), |
x, |
y, |
tileWidth, |
tileHeight, |
buffer, |
bufferSize.width, |
bufferSize.height |
); |
} |
); |
await page.exposeFunction("tileRenderEnd", async () => { |
rendering = false; |
queue.push(null); |
}); |
await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(bootup); |
try { |
await page.goto("http://localhost:9966/", { |
waitUntil: "load" |
}); |
} catch (err) { |
console.error(err); |
console.error( |
`Error going to route ${combinedUrl} in the directory ${path.relative( |
process.cwd(), |
dir |
)}` |
); |
} |
} |
function getTimeStamp() { |
const dateFormatStr = `yyyy.mm.dd-HH.MM.ss`; |
return dateformat(new Date(), dateFormatStr); |
} |
function blit( |
tileBuffer, |
tileX, |
tileY, |
tileWidth, |
tileHeight, |
atlasBuffer, |
atlasWidth, |
atlasHeight |
) { |
// for each row in the tile buffer, blit that row |
for (let row = 0; row < tileHeight; row++) { |
const atlasY = tileY + row; |
const atlasX = tileX; |
// if (atlasY < 0 || atlasX < 0) continue; |
if (atlasY >= atlasHeight || atlasX >= atlasWidth) break; |
const atlasXPixels = Math.min(tileWidth, atlasWidth - atlasX); |
const tileStartIndex = row * tileWidth; |
const tileEndIndex = tileStartIndex + atlasXPixels; |
const rowPixels = tileBuffer.subarray(tileStartIndex * 4, tileEndIndex * 4); |
const atlasStartIndex = atlasX + atlasY * atlasWidth; |
atlasBuffer.set(rowPixels, atlasStartIndex * 4); |
} |
} |
(async () => { |
await startExport({ |
dir: process.cwd() |
}); |
})(); |