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Last active December 25, 2015 12:39
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testing a possible way to serialize to and from a nosql database
object Serializers {
trait Serializable[T] {
def serialize(t: T): String
def fromSerialized(s: String): Option[T]
object Serializable {
implicit object SerializableInt extends Serializable[Int] {
def serialize(t: Int) = s"int: $t"
def fromSerialized(s: String): Option[Int] = try {
s.split(": "){s => s.toInt}.headOption
} catch {
case e: Exception => None
implicit object SerializableDouble extends Serializable[Double] {
def serialize(t: Double) = s"double: $t"
def fromSerialized(s: String): Option[Double] = try {
s.split(": "){s => s.toDouble}.headOption
} catch {
case e: Exception => None
// each database has to extend these
trait AbstractPersistence {
type SerializedType
def toDatabase: SerializedType
def fromDatabase(list: SerializedType): Unit
// base trait for models
trait AbstractModel[K] extends AbstractPersistence {
import Serializers.Serializable
val key: K
class Field[T : Serializable](name: String, var value: Option[T] = None) {
Field.add(name, this)
def set(t: T) = value = Some(t)
object Field {
implicit def toOpt[T](f: Field[T]): Option[T] = f.value
var map = Map[String, () => Option[String]]()
var setters = Map[String, String => Unit]()
def add[T](name: String, field: Field[T])(implicit stringer: Serializable[T]): Unit = {
val toString = () => field map stringer.serialize
val fromString = (s: String) => stringer.fromSerialized(s) foreach { v => field set v }
map = map + (name -> toString)
setters = setters + (name -> fromString)
// an example of how a particular database might extend persistence
trait DatabasePersistence[K] extends AbstractPersistence { self: AbstractModel[K] =>
type SerializedType = Iterable[(K, String, String)]
def fromDatabase(list: SerializedType): Unit = for {
(r, c, v) <- list
} Field.setters.get(c) foreach { setter => setter(v) }
def toDatabase: SerializedType = for {
(k, o) <-
v <- o()
} yield (key, k, v)
// a model can choose it's persistence driver
class Model(val key: String) extends AbstractModel[String]
with DatabasePersistence[String] {
val count = new Field[Int]("count")
val fraction = new Field[Double]("fraction")
val m = new Model("123")
m.count set 10
m.fraction set 10.232
// writing to the database
val list = m.toDatabase
val f = new Model("123")
// pulling from the database
assert(f.count.get == m.count.get)
assert(f.fraction.get == m.fraction.get)
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Is there a reason to include the type in the serialized version if you're not reading it when you deserialize? I could understand if you used that to dynamically infer the type when deserializing, but I don't see the point in including if you just ignore what's before the colon when you're deserializing. The only argument for leaving it in I can think of is readability when you're looking directly at the db, but it should be pretty obvious what type of data you're looking at most of the time.

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