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Created May 3, 2023 18:17
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karpathy's micrograd values in Clojure
(ns micrograd
"autograd engine for scalar values and operations in the style of
but with immutable values.")
; Wrap a scalar `data` with some additional context
(defrecord Value [data grad children op op-deriv])
(defn value
"Stick the scalar `n` in a `Value` record."
(map->Value {:data n :grad 0.0}))
(defn- operation
"Helper for implementing math.
Apply `op` to each of the named values in `env`
(calling `(op (get env vn) ...)`)
and return a new `Value` with the result."
[env op op-deriv vn & vns]
(let [args (cons vn vns)
data (map (comp :data env) args)]
(->Value (apply op data) 0.0 args op op-deriv)))
; Define some math. Derivative functions take the gradient of the output
; and the value names for the children of the operation, and return a map of
; child value name -> gradient.
(defn- mul-deriv [env og [vn1 vn2]]
; look up the child values in the environment
{vn1 (-> env vn2 :data (* og))
vn2 (-> env vn1 :data (* og))})
(defn- add-deriv [_env og [v0 v1]] {v0 og v1 og})
(defn mul "Multiplication." [env v0 v1] (operation env #'* #'mul-deriv v0 v1))
(defn add "Addition." [env v0 v1] (operation env #'+ #'add-deriv v0 v1))
(defn- add-gradient
"Update the :grad for the value named `vname` by summing in the `delta`."
[env vname delta]
(update-in env [vname :grad] + delta))
(defn- step-back [env name]
(let [v (get env name)]
; If there's a backwards op, call it on the children and update the env
; with the resulting changes, otherwise return env unchanged
(if-let [op' (:op-deriv v)]
(reduce-kv add-gradient env (op' env (:grad v) (:children v)))
(defn backwards
"Set the gradient of the value named `vn` to 1.0, and then backpropagate
through the graph to update the gradients of all other values."
[env vn]
(loop [q [vn]
env (assoc-in env [vn :grad] 1.0)]
(if-let [nxt (first q)]
(recur (concat (rest q) (-> env nxt :children)) (step-back env nxt))
;; For example, using the test case from
; Define a computational graph with the values and operations
(def e
(as-> {} env
(assoc env :a (value -2))
(assoc env :b (value 3))
(assoc env :d (mul env :a :b))
(assoc env :e (add env :a :b))
(assoc env :f (mul env :d :e))))
;=> {:a #micrograd.Value{:data -2, :grad 0.0, :children nil, :op nil, :op-deriv nil},
; :b #micrograd.Value{:data 3, :grad 0.0, :children nil, :op nil, :op-deriv nil},
; :d #micrograd.Value{:data -6, :grad 0.0, :children (:a :b), :op #'clojure.core/*, :op-deriv #'micrograd/mul-deriv},
; :e #micrograd.Value{:data 1, :grad 0.0, :children (:a :b), :op #'clojure.core/+, :op-deriv #'micrograd/add-deriv},
; :f #micrograd.Value{:data -6, :grad 0.0, :children (:d :e), :op #'clojure.core/*, :op-deriv #'micrograd/mul-deriv}}
; Take the gradients with respect to :f
(backwards e :f)
;=> {:a #micrograd.Value{:data -2, :grad -3.0, :children nil, :op nil, :op-deriv nil},
; :b #micrograd.Value{:data 3, :grad -8.0, :children nil, :op nil, :op-deriv nil},
; :d #micrograd.Value{:data -6, :grad 1.0, :children (:a :b), :op #'clojure.core/*, :op-deriv #'micrograd/mul-deriv},
; :e #micrograd.Value{:data 1, :grad -6.0, :children (:a :b), :op #'clojure.core/+, :op-deriv #'micrograd/add-deriv},
; :f #micrograd.Value{:data -6, :grad 1.0, :children (:d :e), :op #'clojure.core/*, :op-deriv #'micrograd/mul-deriv}}
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