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Created December 1, 2018 17:55
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Simple implementation of the Simplex Method
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linprog
class simplex(object):
def __init__(self, A, b, c):
self.make_tableau(A, b, c)
self.nvars = c.shape[0]
# self.run_simplex()
def get_x(self):
x = np.zeros(self.nvars)
for i in range(self.nvars):
ix = np.where(self.tableau[1:, i+1] == 1)[0]
if len(ix) != 1:
continue # too many values for this variable
if self.tableau[1:, i+1].sum() != 1:
continue # the row does not sum to 1
x[i] = self.tableau[ix[0]+1, -1]
return x
def get_objective(self):
return self.tableau[0, -1]
def make_tableau(self, A, b, c):
nvars = c.shape[0]
nconst = b.shape[0]
assert A.shape == (nconst, nvars)
tableau = np.zeros((nconst + 1, nvars + nconst + 2));
tableau[0,0] = 1
tableau[0,1:(nvars+1)] = -c
tableau[1:, 1:(nvars+1)] = A
assert (tableau[1:, (nvars+1):-1] == 0).all()
tableau[1:, (nvars+1):-1] = np.eye(nconst)
tableau[1:, -1] = b
self.tableau = tableau
def run_simplex(self):
while True:
pivotColumn = self.tableau[0,1:].argmin() + 1
# I think that this is the x>0 constraint, so need to instead have that
# want the variables to be between 1>x>-1
# though then it might not be able to actually represent this basis???
if self.tableau[0, pivotColumn] >= 0:
r = self.tableau[1:, -1] / (self.tableau[1:, pivotColumn] + .000001)
r[r <= 0] = np.inf
pivotRow = r.argmin() + 1 # choose the smallest positive result
print(pivotColumn, pivotRow)
# do the pivot
div = self.tableau[pivotRow, pivotColumn]
assert div != 0
self.tableau[pivotRow, :] /= div
for i in range(self.tableau.shape[0]):
if i != pivotRow:
val = self.tableau[i, pivotColumn]
self.tableau[i,:] -= self.tableau[pivotRow, :] * val
def print_tableau(self):
s = ''
for i in range(self.tableau.shape[0]):
for j in range(self.tableau.shape[1]):
s += '{0:.4f}\t'.format(self.tableau[i,j])
s += '\n'
def main():
num = 5
dim = 5
A = np.random.rand(num, dim) # the constraints
b = np.random.rand(num) # the distance from the basis hyperplanes that we are interested in
#b = np.zeros(num)
c = np.random.rand(dim) # the constraints that we are trying to maximize
print(linprog(method='simplex', A_ub=A, b_ub=b, c=-c))
s = simplex(A, b, c)
x = s.get_x()
print(s.get_objective(), x,
if __name__ == '__main__':
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