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Created March 8, 2017 12:33
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Crashes weirdly
Debugger listening on port 9229.
Warning: This is an experimental feature and could change at any time.
To start debugging, open the following URL in Chrome:
Debugger attached.
Stacktrace (bbbbbbbb-bbbbbbbb) 0x23346f1322a1 0x0:
==== JS stack trace =========================================
Security context: 0x7626ec26729 <JS Object>#0#
1: _describe [/* anonymous */:114] [pc=0x1fb55c588fad](this=0x3fd87a011d41 <an InjectedScript with map 0x23346f13dae1>#1#,obj=0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#)
2: new /* anonymous */ [/* anonymous */:136] [pc=0x1fb55c587712](this=0x3fd87a068aa9 <JS Object>#3#,object=0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#,objectGroupName=0x3fd87a068169 <String[9]: backtrace>,doNotBind=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,forceValueType=0x384e0d502421 <false>,generatePreview=0x384e0d5023b1 <true>,columnNames=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,isTable=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,skipEntriesPreview=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,customObjectConfig=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>)
4: _wrapObject [/* anonymous */:~42] [pc=0x1fb55c586e36](this=0x3fd87a011d41 <an InjectedScript with map 0x23346f13dae1>#1#,object=0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#,objectGroupName=0x3fd87a068169 <String[9]: backtrace>,forceValueType=0x384e0d502421 <false>,generatePreview=0x384e0d5023b1 <true>,columnNames=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,isTable=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,doNotBind=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,customObjectConfig=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>)
5: arguments adaptor frame: 4->8
6: getProperties [/* anonymous */:51] [pc=0x1fb55c592624](this=0x3fd87a011d41 <an InjectedScript with map 0x23346f13dae1>#1#,object=0x3fd87a030da9 <an Object with map 0x23346f145389>#4#,objectGroupName=0x3fd87a068169 <String[9]: backtrace>,ownProperties=0x384e0d502421 <false>,accessorPropertiesOnly=0x384e0d502421 <false>,generatePreview=0x384e0d5023b1 <true>)
11: serialize [/Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js:8] [pc=0x1fb55c57197d](this=0x38cf951a059 <JS Global Object>#5#)
12: next(this=0x3fd87a014141 <JS Generator>#6#,0x384e0d502311 <undefined>)
13: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1
14: /* anonymous */ [/Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js:17] [pc=0x1fb55c571e9c](this=0x3ffada61f629 <an Object with map 0x23346f102c51>#7#,exports=0x3ffada61f629 <an Object with map 0x23346f102c51>#7#,require=0x3fd87a00acc9 <JS Function require (SharedFunctionInfo 0x1e975d67ef09)>#8#,module=0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#,__filename=0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>,__dirname=0x3fd87a00abf1 <String[29]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora>)
15: _compile [module.js:571] [pc=0x1fb55c56d3d4](this=0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#,content=0x3ffada6202e1 <String[234]\: function* serialize() {\n for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n let value;\n let section = {};\n\n debugger;\n\n switch('foo') {\n case 'bar':\n let items = [];\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nlet gen = serialize();\;\n>,filename=0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>)
16: .js [module.js:580] [pc=0x1fb55c566263](this=0x3ffada61d5e9 <an Object with map 0x23346f1354d1>#10#,module=0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#,filename=0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>)
17: load [module.js:488] [pc=0x1fb55c564e6a](this=0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#,filename=0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>)
18: tryModuleLoad(aka tryModuleLoad) [module.js:447] [pc=0x1fb55c56494d](this=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,module=0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#,filename=0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>)
19: _load [module.js:439] [pc=0x1fb55c55bb68](this=0x384e0d5561a9 <JS Function Module (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec593f9)>#11#,request=0x38cf956b421 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>,parent=0x384e0d502201 <null>,isMain=0x384e0d5023b1 <true>)
20: _onTimeout [module.js:605] [pc=0x1fb55c55b610](this=0x3ffada61dfe9 <a Timeout with map 0x23346f1359a1>#12#)
21: ontimeout(aka ontimeout) [timers.js:365] [pc=0x1fb55c55b12d](this=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,timer=0x3ffada61dfe9 <a Timeout with map 0x23346f1359a1>#12#)
22: tryOnTimeout(aka tryOnTimeout) [timers.js:237] [pc=0x1fb55c55ae1b](this=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,timer=0x3ffada61dfe9 <a Timeout with map 0x23346f1359a1>#12#,list=0x3ffada61f039 <a TimersList with map 0x23346f135d11>#13#)
23: listOnTimeout [timers.js:207] [pc=0x1fb55c55a7d7](this=0x3ffada61f0d9 <a Timer with map 0x23346f135f21>#14#)
==== Details ================================================
[1]: _describe [/* anonymous */:114] [pc=0x1fb55c588fad](this=0x3fd87a011d41 <an InjectedScript with map 0x23346f13dae1>#1#,obj=0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var subtype = 0x384e0d502201 <null>
var description = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var className = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var .switch_tag = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var stack = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var message = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var firstCallFrame = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var stackMessageEnd = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var stackTrace = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[14] : 0x38cf957c1a1 <FixedArray[176]>#15#
[13] : 101
[12] : 0x384e0d503951 <String[8]: toString>
[11] : 0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#
[10] : 0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#
[09] : 0x3fd87a011051 <FixedArray[20]>#16#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function _describe(obj)\x0a{if(this.isPrimitiveValue(obj))\x0areturn null;var subtype=this._subtype(obj);if(subtype==="regexp")\x0areturn toString(obj);if(subtype==="date")\x0areturn toString(obj);if(subtype==="node"){var description="";if(obj.nodeName)\x0adescription=obj.nodeName.toLowerCase();else if(obj.constructor)\x0adescription=...
[2]: new /* anonymous */ [/* anonymous */:136] [pc=0x1fb55c587712](this=0x3fd87a068aa9 <JS Object>#3#,object=0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#,objectGroupName=0x3fd87a068169 <String[9]: backtrace>,doNotBind=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,forceValueType=0x384e0d502421 <false>,generatePreview=0x384e0d5023b1 <true>,columnNames=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,isTable=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,skipEntriesPreview=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,customObjectConfig=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>) {
// stack-allocated locals
var .switch_tag = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var subtype = 0x384e0d502201 <null>
var className = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var customPreview = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[07] : 0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#
[06] : 0x3fd87a011d41 <an InjectedScript with map 0x23346f13dae1>#1#
[05] : 0x3fd87a011c69 <JS Function _describe (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf9577c61)>#17#
[04] : 0x3fd87a068aa9 <JS Object>#3#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (object,objectGroupName,doNotBind,forceValueType,generatePreview,columnNames,isTable,skipEntriesPreview,customObjectConfig)\x0a{this.type=typeof object;if(this.type==="undefined"&&injectedScript._isHTMLAllCollection(object))\x0athis.type="object";if(injectedScript.isPrimitiveValue(object)||object===null||...
[4]: _wrapObject [/* anonymous */:~42] [pc=0x1fb55c586e36](this=0x3fd87a011d41 <an InjectedScript with map 0x23346f13dae1>#1#,object=0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#,objectGroupName=0x3fd87a068169 <String[9]: backtrace>,forceValueType=0x384e0d502421 <false>,generatePreview=0x384e0d5023b1 <true>,columnNames=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,isTable=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,doNotBind=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,customObjectConfig=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>) {
// stack-allocated locals
var description = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[11] : 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
[10] : 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
[09] : 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
[08] : 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
[07] : 0x384e0d5023b1 <true>
[06] : 0x384e0d502421 <false>
[05] : 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
[04] : 0x3fd87a068169 <String[9]: backtrace>
[03] : 0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#
[02] : 0x38cf9579af9 <JS Function InjectedScript.RemoteObject (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf9577eb9)>#18#
[01] : 0x3fd87a011051 <FixedArray[20]>#16#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function _wrapObject(object,objectGroupName,forceValueType,generatePreview,columnNames,isTable,doNotBind,customObjectConfig)\x0a{try{return new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(object,objectGroupName,doNotBind,forceValueType,generatePreview,columnNames,isTable,undefined,customObjectConfig);}catch(e){try{var description=injecte...
[5]: arguments adaptor frame: 4->8 {
// actual arguments
[00] : 0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#
[01] : 0x3fd87a068169 <String[9]: backtrace>
[02] : 0x384e0d502421 <false>
[03] : 0x384e0d5023b1 <true>
[6]: getProperties [/* anonymous */:51] [pc=0x1fb55c592624](this=0x3fd87a011d41 <an InjectedScript with map 0x23346f13dae1>#1#,object=0x3fd87a030da9 <an Object with map 0x23346f145389>#4#,objectGroupName=0x3fd87a068169 <String[9]: backtrace>,ownProperties=0x384e0d502421 <false>,accessorPropertiesOnly=0x384e0d502421 <false>,generatePreview=0x384e0d5023b1 <true>) {
// stack-allocated locals
var subtype = 0x384e0d502201 <null>
var descriptors = 0x3fd87a068191 <JS Array[0]>#19#
var iter = 0x3fd87a068411 <JS Generator>#20#
var .for = 0x3fd87a0687e1 <an Object with map 0x23346f145c79>#21#
var descriptor = 0x3fd87a0687e1 <an Object with map 0x23346f145c79>#21#
var .iterator = 0x3fd87a068411 <JS Generator>#20#
var .result = 0x3fd87a068a59 <an Object with map 0x23346f1067c9>#22#
var /* anonymous */ = 2
var /* anonymous */ = 0x3fd87a0687e1 <an Object with map 0x23346f145c79>#21#
var /* anonymous */ = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var /* anonymous */ = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[19] : 0x384e0d5023b1 <true>
[18] : 0x384e0d502421 <false>
[17] : 0x3fd87a068169 <String[9]: backtrace>
[16] : 0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#
[15] : 0x3fd87a011d41 <an InjectedScript with map 0x23346f13dae1>#1#
[14] : 0x3fd87a0119e1 <JS Function _wrapObject (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf9577559)>#23#
[13] : 0x3fd87a0687e1 <an Object with map 0x23346f145c79>#21#
[12] : 0x3fd87a011051 <FixedArray[20]>#16#
[11] : 0x3fd87a011051 <FixedArray[20]>#16#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function getProperties(object,objectGroupName,ownProperties,accessorPropertiesOnly,generatePreview)\x0a{var subtype=this._subtype(object);if(subtype==="internal#scope"){object=object.object;}\x0avar descriptors=[];var iter=this._propertyDescriptors(object,ownProperties,accessorPropertiesOnly,undefined);for(var descriptor of it...
[11]: serialize [/Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js:8] [pc=0x1fb55c57197d](this=0x38cf951a059 <JS Global Object>#5#) {
// heap-allocated locals
var this = 0x384e0d502351 <the hole>
var .generator_object = // warning: missing context slot - inconsistent frame?
var .switch_tag = // warning: missing context slot - inconsistent frame?
var .for = // warning: missing context slot - inconsistent frame?
var .for = // warning: missing context slot - inconsistent frame?
var .for = // warning: missing context slot - inconsistent frame?
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[00] : 0x3fd87a014039 <FixedArray[10]>#24#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function serialize() {\x0a for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\x0a let value;\x0a let section = {};\x0a\x0a debugger;\x0a\x0a switch('foo') {\x0a case 'bar':\x0a let items = [];\x0a break;\x0a }\x0a }\x0a}
[12]: next(this=0x3fd87a014141 <JS Generator>#6#,0x384e0d502311 <undefined>) {
// optimized frame
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
<No Source>
[13]: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1 {
[14]: /* anonymous */ [/Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js:17] [pc=0x1fb55c571e9c](this=0x3ffada61f629 <an Object with map 0x23346f102c51>#7#,exports=0x3ffada61f629 <an Object with map 0x23346f102c51>#7#,require=0x3fd87a00acc9 <JS Function require (SharedFunctionInfo 0x1e975d67ef09)>#8#,module=0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#,__filename=0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>,__dirname=0x3fd87a00abf1 <String[29]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora>) {
// stack-allocated locals
var serialize = 0x3fd87a00af91 <JS Function serialize (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf955a921)>#25#
var gen = 0x3fd87a014141 <JS Generator>#6#
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[03] : 0x3fd87a014141 <JS Generator>#6#
[02] : 0x7626ec23b89 <JS Function next (SharedFunctionInfo 0x384e0d53aca1)>#26#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { function* serialize() {\x0a for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\x0a let value;\x0a let section = {};\x0a\x0a debugger;\x0a\x0a switch('foo') {\x0a case 'bar':\x0a let items = [];\x0a break;\x0a }\x0a }\x0a}\x0a\x0alet gen = serialize();\;\x0a\x0a}
[15]: _compile [module.js:571] [pc=0x1fb55c56d3d4](this=0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#,content=0x3ffada6202e1 <String[234]\: function* serialize() {\n for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n let value;\n let section = {};\n\n debugger;\n\n switch('foo') {\n case 'bar':\n let items = [];\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nlet gen = serialize();\;\n>,filename=0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>) {
// stack-allocated locals
var contLen = 0x38cf9523081 <an Object with map 0x23346f118c51>#27#
var i = 234
var code = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var wrapper = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var compiledWrapper = 0x3ffada61fb81 <String[300]\: (function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { function* serialize() {\n for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n let value;\n let section = {};\n\n debugger;\n\n switch('foo') {\n case 'bar':\n let items = [];\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nlet gen = serialize();\;\n\n});>
var dirname = 0x3ffada61fcb1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf955a821)>#28#
var require = 0x3fd87a00abf1 <String[29]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora>
var args = 0x3fd87a00acc9 <JS Function require (SharedFunctionInfo 0x1e975d67ef09)>#8#
var depth = 0x3fd87a00ae81 <JS Array[5]>#29#
var result = 0
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[17] : 0x3fd87a00abf1 <String[29]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora>
[16] : 0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>
[15] : 0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#
[14] : 0x3fd87a00acc9 <JS Function require (SharedFunctionInfo 0x1e975d67ef09)>#8#
[13] : 0x3ffada61f629 <an Object with map 0x23346f102c51>#7#
[12] : 0x3ffada61f629 <an Object with map 0x23346f102c51>#7#
[11] : 0x7626ec0d399 <JS Function apply (SharedFunctionInfo 0x384e0d53c669)>#30#
[10] : 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (content, filename) {\x0a // Remove shebang\x0a var contLen = content.length;\x0a if (contLen >= 2) {\x0a if (content.charCodeAt(0) === 35/*#*/ &&\x0a content.charCodeAt(1) === 33/*!*/) {\x0a if (contLen === 2) {\x0a // Exact match\x0a content = '';\x0a } else {\x0a // Find end of sheb...
[16]: .js [module.js:580] [pc=0x1fb55c566263](this=0x3ffada61d5e9 <an Object with map 0x23346f1354d1>#10#,module=0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#,filename=0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>) {
// stack-allocated locals
var content = 0x3ffada6202e1 <String[234]\: function* serialize() {\n for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n let value;\n let section = {};\n\n debugger;\n\n switch('foo') {\n case 'bar':\n let items = [];\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nlet gen = serialize();\;\n>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[04] : 0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>
[03] : 0x3ffada6202e1 <String[234]\: function* serialize() {\n for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n let value;\n let section = {};\n\n debugger;\n\n switch('foo') {\n case 'bar':\n let items = [];\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nlet gen = serialize();\;\n>
[02] : 0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#
[01] : 0x38cf9547fb9 <JS Function Module._compile (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec43839)>#31#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (module, filename) {\x0a var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');\x0a module._compile(internalModule.stripBOM(content), filename);\x0a}
[17]: load [module.js:488] [pc=0x1fb55c564e6a](this=0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#,filename=0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>) {
// stack-allocated locals
var extension = 0x3ffada61fa61 <String[3]: .js>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[04] : 0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>
[03] : 0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#
[02] : 0x3ffada61d5e9 <an Object with map 0x23346f1354d1>#10#
[01] : 0x38cf9548001 <JS Function Module._extensions..js (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec43901)>#32#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (filename) {\x0a debug('load %j for module %j', filename,;\x0a\x0a assert(!this.loaded);\x0a this.filename = filename;\x0a this.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename));\x0a\x0a var extension = path.extname(filename) || '.js';\x0a if (!Module._extensions[extension]) extension = '.js';\x0a Module...
[18]: tryModuleLoad(aka tryModuleLoad) [module.js:447] [pc=0x1fb55c56494d](this=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,module=0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#,filename=0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>) {
// stack-allocated locals
var threw = 0x384e0d5023b1 <true>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[04] : 0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>
[03] : 0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#
[02] : 0x38cf9547f29 <JS Function Module.load (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec524a9)>#33#
[01] : 0x1e975d6111d9 <FixedArray[33]>#34#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function tryModuleLoad(module, filename) {\x0a var threw = true;\x0a try {\x0a module.load(filename);\x0a threw = false;\x0a } finally {\x0a if (threw) {\x0a delete Module._cache[filename];\x0a }\x0a }\x0a}
[19]: _load [module.js:439] [pc=0x1fb55c55bb68](this=0x384e0d5561a9 <JS Function Module (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec593f9)>#11#,request=0x38cf956b421 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>,parent=0x384e0d502201 <null>,isMain=0x384e0d5023b1 <true>) {
// stack-allocated locals
var filename = 0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>
var cachedModule = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var module = 0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[06] : 0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>
[05] : 0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#
[04] : 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
[03] : 0x384e0d556359 <JS Function tryModuleLoad (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec581a9)>#35#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (request, parent, isMain) {\x0a if (parent) {\x0a debug('Module._load REQUEST %s parent: %s', request,;\x0a }\x0a\x0a var filename = Module._resolveFilename(request, parent, isMain);\x0a\x0a var cachedModule = Module._cache[filename];\x0a if (cachedModule) {\x0a return cachedModule.exports;\x0a }\x0a\x0a if (Na...
[20]: _onTimeout [module.js:605] [pc=0x1fb55c55b610](this=0x3ffada61dfe9 <a Timeout with map 0x23346f1359a1>#12#) {
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[04] : 0x384e0d5023b1 <true>
[03] : 0x384e0d502201 <null>
[02] : 0x38cf956b421 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>
[01] : 0x384e0d5561a9 <JS Function Module (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec593f9)>#11#
[00] : 0x38cf9547e69 <JS Function Module._load (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec52319)>#36#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function () {\x0a // Load the main module--the command line argument.\x0a Module._load(process.argv[1], null, true);\x0a // Handle any nextTicks added in the first tick of the program\x0a process._tickCallback();\x0a}
[21]: ontimeout(aka ontimeout) [timers.js:365] [pc=0x1fb55c55b12d](this=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,timer=0x3ffada61dfe9 <a Timeout with map 0x23346f1359a1>#12#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var args = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var callback = 0x38cf9548109 <JS Function Module.runMain (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec29589)>#37#
var .switch_tag = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[04] : 0x3ffada61dfe9 <a Timeout with map 0x23346f1359a1>#12#
[03] : 0x7626ec0d429 <JS Function call (SharedFunctionInfo 0x384e0d53c801)>#38#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function ontimeout(timer) {\x0a var args = timer._timerArgs;\x0a var callback = timer._onTimeout;\x0a if (!args)\x0a;\x0a else {\x0a switch (args.length) {\x0a case 1:\x0a, args[0]);\x0a break;\x0a case 2:\x0a, args[0], args[1]);\x0a break;\x0a ...
[22]: tryOnTimeout(aka tryOnTimeout) [timers.js:237] [pc=0x1fb55c55ae1b](this=0x384e0d502311 <undefined>,timer=0x3ffada61dfe9 <a Timeout with map 0x23346f1359a1>#12#,list=0x3ffada61f039 <a TimersList with map 0x23346f135d11>#13#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var threw = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[05] : 0x3ffada61dfe9 <a Timeout with map 0x23346f1359a1>#12#
[04] : 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
[03] : 0x38cf9544201 <JS Function ontimeout (SharedFunctionInfo 0xf1d1f364501)>#39#
[02] : 0x1e975d674079 <FixedArray[34]>#40#
[01] : 0x384e0d5023b1 <true>
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function tryOnTimeout(timer, list) {\x0a timer._called = true;\x0a var threw = true;\x0a try {\x0a ontimeout(timer);\x0a threw = false;\x0a } finally {\x0a if (!threw) return;\x0a\x0a // We need to continue processing after domain error handling\x0a // is complete, but not by using whatever domain was left over\x0a // when the tim...
[23]: listOnTimeout [timers.js:207] [pc=0x1fb55c55a7d7](this=0x3ffada61f0d9 <a Timer with map 0x23346f135f21>#14#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var list = 0x3ffada61f039 <a TimersList with map 0x23346f135d11>#13#
var msecs = 50
var now = 14408
var diff = 54
var timer = 0x3ffada61dfe9 <a Timeout with map 0x23346f1359a1>#12#
var timeRemaining = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
var domain = 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[10] : 0x3ffada61f039 <a TimersList with map 0x23346f135d11>#13#
[09] : 0x3ffada61dfe9 <a Timeout with map 0x23346f1359a1>#12#
[08] : 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
[07] : 0x38cf95440e1 <JS Function tryOnTimeout (SharedFunctionInfo 0xf1d1f3641e1)>#41#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function listOnTimeout() {\x0a var list = this._list;\x0a var msecs = list.msecs;\x0a\x0a debug('timeout callback %d', msecs);\x0a\x0a var now =;\x0a debug('now: %d', now);\x0a\x0a var diff, timer;\x0a while (timer = L.peek(list)) {\x0a diff = now - timer._idleStart;\x0a\x0a // Check if this loop iteration is too early for the nex...
==== Key ============================================
#0# 0x7626ec26729: 0x7626ec26729 <JS Object>
#1# 0x3fd87a011d41: 0x3fd87a011d41 <an InjectedScript with map 0x23346f13dae1>
#2# 0x23346f1322a1: 0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
#3# 0x3fd87a068aa9: 0x3fd87a068aa9 <JS Object>
type: 0x384e0d503839 <String[6]: symbol>
objectId: 0x3fd87a068b89 <String[31]: {"injectedScriptId":1,"id":129}>
#4# 0x3fd87a030da9: 0x3fd87a030da9 <an Object with map 0x23346f145389>
section: 0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#
#5# 0x38cf951a059: 0x38cf951a059 <JS Global Object>
#6# 0x3fd87a014141: 0x3fd87a014141 <JS Generator>
#7# 0x3ffada61f629: 0x3ffada61f629 <an Object with map 0x23346f102c51>
#8# 0x3fd87a00acc9: 0x3fd87a00acc9 <JS Function require (SharedFunctionInfo 0x1e975d67ef09)>
main: 0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#
extensions: 0x3ffada61d5e9 <an Object with map 0x23346f1354d1>#10#
cache: 0x3ffada61d579 <an Object with map 0x23346f136b29>#42#
#9# 0x3ffada61f5a1: 0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>
id: 0x384e0d502c91 <String[1]: .>
exports: 0x3ffada61f629 <an Object with map 0x23346f102c51>#7#
parent: 0x384e0d502201 <null>
filename: 0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>
loaded: 0x384e0d502421 <false>
children: 0x3ffada61f661 <JS Array[0]>#43#
paths: 0x3ffada61f799 <JS Array[5]>#44#
#10# 0x3ffada61d5e9: 0x3ffada61d5e9 <an Object with map 0x23346f1354d1>
#11# 0x384e0d5561a9: 0x384e0d5561a9 <JS Function Module (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec593f9)>
_cache: 0x3ffada61d579 <an Object with map 0x23346f136b29>#42#
_pathCache: 0x3ffada61d5b1 <an Object with map 0x23346f136869>#45#
_extensions: 0x3ffada61d5e9 <an Object with map 0x23346f1354d1>#10#
globalPaths: 0x3ffada61dea9 <JS Array[3]>#46#
wrapper: 0x38cf9563751 <JS Array[2]>#47#
#12# 0x3ffada61dfe9: 0x3ffada61dfe9 <a Timeout with map 0x23346f1359a1>
_called: 0x384e0d5023b1 <true>
_idleTimeout: 50
_idlePrev: 0x384e0d502201 <null>
_idleNext: 0x384e0d502201 <null>
_idleStart: 14354
_timerArgs: 0x384e0d502311 <undefined>
_repeat: 0x384e0d502201 <null>
#13# 0x3ffada61f039: 0x3ffada61f039 <a TimersList with map 0x23346f135d11>
_idleNext: 0x3ffada61f039 <a TimersList with map 0x23346f135d11>#13#
_idlePrev: 0x3ffada61f039 <a TimersList with map 0x23346f135d11>#13#
_timer: 0x3ffada61f0d9 <a Timer with map 0x23346f135f21>#14#
_unrefed: 0x384e0d502421 <false>
msecs: 50
#14# 0x3ffada61f0d9: 0x3ffada61f0d9 <a Timer with map 0x23346f135f21>
_list: 0x3ffada61f039 <a TimersList with map 0x23346f135d11>#13#
#15# 0x38cf957c1a1: 0x38cf957c1a1 <FixedArray[176]>
0: 0x38cf957bc99 <FixedArray[31]>#48#
1: 133
2: 0x38cf957c7a9 WeakCell for 0x3fd87a011831 <JS Function isPrimitiveValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf95770a9)>#49#
3: 133
4: 0x38cf957ca31 WeakCell for 0x23346f13dae1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#50#
5: 0x1fb55c589721 <Code: HANDLER>#51#
6: 0x38cf957c7c1 WeakCell for 0x3fd87a011c21 <JS Function _subtype (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf9577b99)>#52#
7: 133
8: 0x38cf957ca31 WeakCell for 0x23346f13dae1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#50#
9: 0x1fb55c589dc1 <Code: HANDLER>#53#
#16# 0x3fd87a011051: 0x3fd87a011051 <FixedArray[20]>
0: 0x3fd87a011009 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf9576549)>#54#
1: 0x7626ec03941 <FixedArray[189]>#55#
3: 0x7626ec03941 <FixedArray[189]>#55#
4: 1
5: 0x38cf951a059 <JS Global Object>#5#
6: 0x3fd87a00b929 <an Object with map 0x23346f13ccc9>#56#
7: 0x7626ec03fb9 <JS Function Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0x384e0d50bad1)>#57#
8: 0x3fd87a011101 <JS Function push (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf95768d9)>#58#
9: 0x3fd87a011149 <JS Function toString (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf95769a1)>#59#
#17# 0x3fd87a011c69: 0x3fd87a011c69 <JS Function _describe (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf9577c61)>
#18# 0x38cf9579af9: 0x38cf9579af9 <JS Function InjectedScript.RemoteObject (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf9577eb9)>
#19# 0x3fd87a068191: 0x3fd87a068191 <JS Array[0]>
#20# 0x3fd87a068411: 0x3fd87a068411 <JS Generator>
#21# 0x3fd87a0687e1: 0x3fd87a0687e1 <an Object with map 0x23346f145c79>
value: 0x23346f1322a1 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#2#
writable: 0x384e0d5023b1 <true>
enumerable: 0x384e0d5023b1 <true>
configurable: 0x384e0d5023b1 <true>
name: 0x38cf956e479 <String[7]: section>
isOwn: 0x384e0d5023b1 <true>
#22# 0x3fd87a068a59: 0x3fd87a068a59 <an Object with map 0x23346f1067c9>
value: 0x3fd87a0687e1 <an Object with map 0x23346f145c79>#21#
done: 0x384e0d502421 <false>
#23# 0x3fd87a0119e1: 0x3fd87a0119e1 <JS Function _wrapObject (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf9577559)>
#24# 0x3fd87a014039: 0x3fd87a014039 <FixedArray[10]>
0: 0x3fd87a00af91 <JS Function serialize (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf955a921)>#25#
1: 0x7626ec03941 <FixedArray[189]>#55#
3: 0x7626ec03941 <FixedArray[189]>#55#
4: 0x38cf951a059 <JS Global Object>#5#
5: 0x3fd87a014141 <JS Generator>#6#
6: 0x38cf956e499 <String[3]: foo>
7: 0
8: 0
9: 1
#25# 0x3fd87a00af91: 0x3fd87a00af91 <JS Function serialize (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf955a921)>
#26# 0x7626ec23b89: 0x7626ec23b89 <JS Function next (SharedFunctionInfo 0x384e0d53aca1)>
#27# 0x38cf9523081: 0x38cf9523081 <an Object with map 0x23346f118c51>
DebugEvent: 0x38cf95310f1 <an Object with map 0x23346f1165d1>#60#
ExceptionBreak: 0x38cf9531141 <an Object with map 0x23346f116731>#61#
StepAction: 0x38cf9531169 <an Object with map 0x23346f116891>#62#
ScriptType: 0x38cf95311a1 <an Object with map 0x23346f116999>#63#
ScriptCompilationType: 0x38cf95311d9 <an Object with map 0x23346f116af9>#64#
ScriptBreakPointType: 0x38cf9531209 <an Object with map 0x23346f116c01>#65#
BreakPositionAlignment: 0x38cf9531239 <an Object with map 0x23346f116d61>#66#
LiveEdit: 0x38cf9531261 <an Object with map 0x23346f118bf9>#67#
#28# 0x3ffada61fcb1: 0x3ffada61fcb1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0x38cf955a821)>
#29# 0x3fd87a00ae81: 0x3fd87a00ae81 <JS Array[5]>
0: 0x3ffada61f629 <an Object with map 0x23346f102c51>#7#
1: 0x3fd87a00acc9 <JS Function require (SharedFunctionInfo 0x1e975d67ef09)>#8#
2: 0x3ffada61f5a1 <a Module with map 0x23346f136b81>#9#
3: 0x3ffada61f3c1 <String[38]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora/tcase.js>
4: 0x3fd87a00abf1 <String[29]: /Users/matthew/Projects/flora>
#30# 0x7626ec0d399: 0x7626ec0d399 <JS Function apply (SharedFunctionInfo 0x384e0d53c669)>
#31# 0x38cf9547fb9: 0x38cf9547fb9 <JS Function Module._compile (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec43839)>
#32# 0x38cf9548001: 0x38cf9548001 <JS Function Module._extensions..js (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec43901)>
#33# 0x38cf9547f29: 0x38cf9547f29 <JS Function Module.load (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec524a9)>
#34# 0x1e975d6111d9: 0x1e975d6111d9 <FixedArray[33]>
0: 0x1e975d611191 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0x7626ec76271)>#68#
1: 0x7626ec03941 <FixedArray[189]>#55#
3: 0x7626ec03941 <FixedArray[189]>#55#
4: 0x1e975d615e11 <JS Function NativeModule (SharedFunctionInfo 0xf1d1f331859)>#69#
5: 0x384e0d556069 <an Object with map 0x23346f129921>#70#
6: 0x384e0d556099 <an Object with map 0x23346f129d41>#71#
7: 0x384e0d5560d1 <JS Function ok (SharedFunctionInfo 0xf1d1f369019)>#72#
8: 0x1e975d603bd1 <an Object with map 0x23346f134ea1>#73#
9: 0x384e0d5557c1 <an Object with map 0x23346f12d911>#74#
#35# 0x384e0d556359: 0x384e0d556359 <JS Function tryModuleLoad (SharedFunction
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