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Created April 29, 2021 02:13
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<!doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=countryculture.css>
<title>CSCI 1250 Final Project</title>
//you will need to do this for the no button as well.
button.yes {
background-color: green;
color: #fff;
button.yes:hover {
background-color: yellow;
color: #000;
/*for(var result/100=1; var result/100>=7; result/100++)
function yesFunction() {
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = 'Glad To Hear It';
function noFunction() {
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = 'Well that stinks';
//document.getElementById("return").innerHTML = yesFunction();
// does this work?
//document.getElementById("return").innerHTML = "Well that stinks";
// not sure what we are doing with this?
//"return= "Well That Stinks"
<body link=black vlink=black alink=black>
<table width=100% height=100% border=2>
<table Border=1 width=100%>
<td height 30% width=20% colspan=3 align=center/> <IMG SRC=MyImage.jpg width=300 height=200/> <Font Size=6/> <I> <B> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspDenmark- Culture <Font/> </I> </B> </TD>
<td Width=33% align=center BGCOLOR= DB9370><Font Size=+3/><A HREF=Denmark.htm> Home </A> </TD>
<td Width=33% align=center BGCOLOR= DB9370><Font Size=+3/><A HREF=Cities.htm> Cities </A> </TD>
<td Width=33% align=center BGCOLOR= DB9370><Font Size=+3/> Culture </TD>
<td width=20% colspan=3/> Denmark is one of the oldest states in Europe and the oldest kingdom in the world. Their current reigning monarch, Queen Margrethe II, who came into power in April of 1972 is a part of the oldest lineages in Europe. This linkage dates all the way back to 900 A.D. with the Viking King Gorm. Denmark's place in European history began in 800 A.D. with the Viking Age. The Danes were notorious for plundering churches and by 878, the Danes had conquered northern and eastern England. By the eleventh century, king Canute ruled over a vast kingdom that included what are today: southern Sweden, England, Norway, and parts of finland. And although their empire was vast, after their king's death the empire crumbled. The Danes were powerful and ruthless explorers and leaders, and their country, though much smaller, still reigns well today. The Danish language belongs to the northern branch of the Germanic language groups and has a likeness to scandanavian tongue. Although they tried to stay out of trouble, there were a few wars and invasions Denmark had to deal with as they grew into the country they are today. Many rulers tried to take over what they could of Denmark, but due to their brutal roots, there was no use in messing with the Danes.
<P/> <hr size=3 width=100%> <P><h3 align=center> The Country was Discovered in 800A.D.<P><h3 align=center>
<hr size=3 width=100%>
Did You Learn Something?&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <button class="yes" onclick="yesFunction()"> Yes </button> <button class="no" onclick="noFunction()"> No </button>
<P/><P><h3 align=center id=result><P><h3 align=center>
<p> <hr size=3 width=100% > </h3 align=center> <h3 align=center> </p> </h3 align=center>
<p> <hr size=3 width=100% ><p> Current Population:5.806 Million
<td colspan=3 align=left font size=-1> Copyright 2020 Elyse Delucia Production </td> </tr>
var countryfounded = 800;
if(countryfounded > 1600){
document.write("<font color=blue> This is a new Country </font color=blue>");
} else if (countryfounded > 900 && countryfounded < 1599) {
document.write("<font color=green> This is country has been around for a while </font color=green>");
} else if (countryfounded > 0 && countryfounded < 899){
document.write("<font color=yellow> This country is not young </font color=yellow>");
} else if (countryfounded < 0){
document.write("<font color=red> This country is Ancient </font color=red>");
var currentYear = 2020;
var result = currentYear - countryfounded;
var centuries = result / 100;
var i;
for(i = 0; i <= centuries; i++) {
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