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Last active June 21, 2022 02:17
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install bitcoin on ubuntu
# DISCLAIMER: It is not a good idea to store large amounts of Bitcoin on a VPS,
# ideally you should use this as a watch-only wallet. This script is expiramental
# and has not been widely tested. The creators are not responsible for loss of
# funds. If you are not familiar with running a node or how Bitcoin works then we
# urge you to use this in testnet so that you can use it as a learning tool.
# This script installs the latest stable version of Tor, Bitcoin Core,
# Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW), debian updates, enables automatic updates for
# debian for good security practices, installs a random number generator, and
# optionally a QR encoder and an image displayer.
# The script will display the uri in plain text which you can convert to a QR Code
# yourself. It is highly recommended to add a Tor V3 pubkey for cookie authentication
# so that even if your QR code is compromised an attacker would not be able to access
# your node.
# sets Tor and Bitcoin Core up as systemd services so that they start
# automatically after crashes or reboots. By default it sets up a pruned testnet node,
# a Tor V3 hidden service controlling your rpcports and enables the firewall to only
# allow incoming connections for SSH. If you supply a SSH_KEY in the arguments
# it allows you to easily access your node via SSH using your rsa pubkey, if you add
# SYS_SSH_IP's your VPS will only accept SSH connections from those IP's.
# will create a user called standup, and assign the optional password you
# give it in the arguments.
# will create two logs in your root directory, to read them run:
# $ cat standup.err
# $ cat standup.log
#0. Prerequisites
# In order to run this script you need to be logged in as root, and enter in the commands
# listed below:
# (the $ represents a terminal commmand prompt, do not actually type in a $)
# First you need to give the root user a password:
# $ sudo passwd
# Then you need to switch to the root user:
# $ su - root
# Then create the file for the script:
# $ nano
# Nano is a text editor that works in a terminal, you need to paste the entire contents
# of this script into your terminal after running the above command,
# then you can type:
# control x (this starts to exit nano)
# y (this confirms you want to save the file)
# return (just press enter to confirm you want to save and exit)
# Then we need to make sure the script can be executable with:
# $ chmod +x
# After that you can run the script with the optional arguments like so:
# $ ./ "insert pubkey" "insert node type (see options below)" "insert ssh key" "insert ssh allowed IP's" "insert password for standup user"
# 1. Set Initial Variables from command line arguments
# The arguments are read as per the below variables:
# If you want to omit an argument then input empty qoutes in its place for example:
# ./standup "" "Mainnet" "" "" "aPasswordForTheUser"
# If you do not want to add any arguments and run everything as per the defaults simply run:
# ./
# For Tor V3 client authentication (optional), you can run like:
# ./ "descriptor:x25519:NWJNEFU487H2BI3JFNKJENFKJWI3"
# and it will automatically add the pubkey to the authorized_clients directory, which
# means the user is Tor authenticated before the node is even installed.
# Optional password for the standup non-privileged account - if you do not want to add one add "" as an argument
# Force check for root, if you are not logged in as root then the script will not execute
if ! [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]
echo "$0 - You need to be logged in as root!"
exit 1
# Output stdout and stderr to ~root files
exec > >(tee -a /root/standup.log) 2> >(tee -a /root/standup.log /root/standup.err >&2)
# 2. Bring Debian Up To Date
echo "$0 - Starting Debian updates; this will take a while!"
# Make sure all packages are up-to-date
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get dist-upgrade -y
# Install haveged (a random number generator)
apt-get install haveged -y
# Install GPG
apt-get install gnupg -y
# Install dirmngr
apt-get install dirmngr
# 3. Set Up User
# Create "standup" user with optional password and give them sudo capability
/usr/sbin/useradd -m -p `perl -e 'printf("%s\n",crypt($ARGV[0],"password"))' "$USERPASSWORD"` -g sudo -s /bin/bash standup
/usr/sbin/adduser standup sudo
echo "$0 - Setup standup with sudo access."
# 5. Install Bitcoin
# Download Bitcoin
echo "$0 - Downloading Bitcoin; this will also take a while!"
# Change as necessary
export BITCOIN="bitcoin-core-$(curl -s | jq '.[0]' | jq -r '.tag_name' | cut -c 2-)"
export BITCOINPLAIN=`echo $BITCOIN | sed 's/bitcoin-core/bitcoin/'`
sudo -u standup wget$BITCOIN/$BITCOINPLAIN-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz -O ~standup/$BITCOINPLAIN-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
sudo -u standup wget$BITCOIN/SHA256SUMS.asc -O ~standup/SHA256SUMS.asc
sudo -u standup wget -O ~standup/laanwj-releases.asc
# Install Bitcoin
echo "$0 - Installinging Bitcoin."
sudo -u standup /bin/tar xzf ~standup/$BITCOINPLAIN-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz -C ~standup
/usr/bin/install -m 0755 -o root -g root -t /usr/local/bin ~standup/$BITCOINPLAIN/bin/*
/bin/rm -rf ~standup/$BITCOINPLAIN/
# Start Up Bitcoin
echo "$0 - Configuring Bitcoin."
sudo -u standup /bin/mkdir ~standup/.bitcoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y \
autoconf automake build-essential git libtool libgmp-dev libsqlite3-dev \
python3 python3-pip net-tools zlib1g-dev libsodium-dev gettext
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install --user poetry
git clone
cd lightning
sudo apt-get install -y valgrind libpq-dev shellcheck cppcheck \
libsecp256k1-dev jq
sudo apt-get install -y cargo rustfmt
python3 -m poetry install
python3 -m poetry run make
exit 1
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