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(* Good morning everyone, I'm currently learning ocaml for one of my CS class and needed to implement | |
an avl tree using ocaml. I thought that it would be interesting to go a step further and try | |
to verify the balance property of the avl tree using the type system. Here's the resulting code | |
annotated for people new to the ideas of type level programming :) | |
*) | |
(* the property we are going to try to verify is that at each node of our tree, the height difference between | |
the left and the right sub-trees is at most of 1. *) | |
(* let's start by implementing the stuff we need for our invariance checking, namely natural numbers | |
at the type level. They will be useful to help us track the height of a tree at the type level | |
letting us then use this height to construct new trees with the right height balance. *) | |
(* what are natural numbers? *) | |
(* well, zero is a natural number for sure! *) | |
type zero = Z;; | |
(* good, we have one natural number, another infinity of them and we should be good. The nice thing about nats is that | |
they can be constructed and defined in a recursive way. We have the zero case, now we can reach any other number | |
by repeatedly adding one to zero, for instance 3 is 1+1+1+0. Let's try to create the type for that. *) | |
type 'n succ = S of 'n;; | |
(* so now you're going to tell me that this is wrong... you're right, one can construct the type unit succ and this | |
wouldn't be a natural number anymore. But in practice, the user will never have to be touching this nat type | |
so the damages are limited there and we get really awesome stuff be using this. *) | |
(* Let's see how we can use translate our natural numbers into these types with some examples *) | |
type one = zero succ;; | |
type two = one succ;; | |
(* That's a function, at the type level. Let it sink. *) | |
type 'n plus_two = 'n succ succ;; | |
type three = one plus_two;; | |
(* Nice, now let's try to define the avl type. Remember that we don't want anyone to be able to create an invalid avl tree, | |
that is, we don't want anyone to be able to create a tree where one of both children is deeper than the other children by | |
two layers. | |
In order to enforce this property, we'll need to be creative in the definition of our type! *) | |
(* Here, the type parameter 'n encodes the height of our tree in order the be able to enforce the tree | |
balance invariant using smart constructors *) | |
type 'n avl = | |
(* The most basic tree is an empty tree, called a Leaf, as it doesn't contain any key or children it | |
has a 0 height *) | |
| Leaf: zero avl | |
(* Another valid form of avl tree is if both of the children have the same height. | |
Note the type of the children, they are both parametrized by the same type n, meaning they | |
should both have the same height! | |
Note also the type of the constructed tree, it has a height of ('n succ) which is one more | |
than the height of each of the children because we're adding a layer to the previous trees. *) | |
| Balanced: 'n avl * int * 'n avl -> ('n succ) avl | |
(* The only other valid shapes are trees where one of the children is one layer deeper than the other tree. We | |
enforce this property by matching n with the height of the smallest subtree and forcing the height of the largest | |
subtree to be exactly n+1. | |
The resulting tree, because it adds one layer to the subtrees has a height of 1 + largers subtree, which means | |
it has a height of n+2 | |
*) | |
| LeftHeavy: ('n succ) avl * int * 'n avl -> ('n succ succ) avl | |
| RightHeavy: 'n avl * int * ('n succ) avl -> ('n succ succ) avl | |
;; | |
(* Let's try this out by implementing the singleton function. This function | |
creates a tree with a single element in it. As you can read in the type | |
signature, the created tree has a height of 1. The nice thing here is that one | |
wouldn't be able the get the height of the output wrong because the type system | |
checks that the height in our type signature corresponds to the height of the constructed | |
tree. | |
This means the tree returned by the singleton function can't be annotated as a two tree, so | |
let t : two tree = singleton 1 | |
would be rejected by the type checker. *) | |
let singleton : int -> one avl = fun x -> Balanced (Leaf, x, Leaf);; | |
(* Next step is going to be a bit more interesting, we are going to start implementing the | |
building blocks for our insert function by implementing the single_rotate_left that | |
rebalances the tree as following: | |
(p) (q) | |
/ \ / \ | |
A (q) (p) C | |
/ \ / \ / \ | |
B C A B ----- | |
/ \ | |
----- | |
As you can see in the diagram, the right subtree has a height of n+2 while the left subtree has | |
a height one n, which can be the case when inserting an element in the right part of the tree. But now | |
we can't reconstruct the tree at the level of (p) because the height difference between it's children is | |
of two. That's why we perform what is called a rotation in order to be able to construct a tree with | |
the height and ordering invariances respected. | |
In this implementation we only check the height invariance. | |
*) | |
let rotate_single_left : type n. n avl -> int -> (n succ succ) avl -> (n succ succ) avl = | |
fun a p -> function | |
| RightHeavy (b, q, c) -> Balanced (Balanced (a, q, b), q, c) | |
| _ -> failwith "we'll take care of it later in the implementation of insert ;)" | |
;; | |
(* Well, that's pretty! Don't worry that our functon is not total, I just wanted to demonstrate | |
the case covered by our little diagram. | |
The important part here is the type signature. As you can see this function takes a deconstructed | |
non balanced tree, that is, a tree with one side two level longer than the other side, and creates | |
a well formed avl tree of a certain hight. | |
The cool thing here is that the compiler can actually verify that out implementation creates a tree | |
of height n+2 provided the right arguments. So the compiler knows from the input parameters that the | |
output we're constructing has the right height properties. Our implementation could not have been wrong | |
because the compiler would have complained about it otherwise. | |
Again, let it sink aind think about how cool that is. | |
*) | |
(* Before we go and implement the insert function, we will need to first create some little types | |
and functions that will help us and the compiler prove that our implementation is correct. *) | |
(* Because the tree might or might not grow in height after insering a value in | |
it, we need to create a new type that will allow us to return the two | |
different heights the tree can have after inserting a value in it. *) | |
type 'n avl_insert = | |
| Grew of ('n succ) avl | |
| Same of 'n avl | |
;; | |
(* Trichotomy of integers order. This type will let the totality checker verify in our insert | |
implementation that we have covered all the comparison cases we can have when comparing the | |
element we want to insert in the tree to the current node. | |
It sounds like a small detail, but it's another great example of properly using the type system | |
to model out domain enabling more expressiveness which is better for us to express ourselves and | |
for the compiler to check what we're doing. | |
*) | |
type ordering = Lt | Eq | Gt;; | |
let compare l r = if l == r | |
then Eq | |
else if l < r | |
then Lt | |
else Gt | |
;; | |
(* Here we are. The implementation of the insert function. It's rather large and some might even | |
argue that this is ugly. But all of this doesn't matter, what matters is that this implementation | |
is verifiably correct. That there is no input that could make our function fail at runtime and | |
that regardless of the input, the output will be a well balanced avl tree. No unit test, no property test | |
will ever give you this level of confidence. Here the our implementation proves it's invariance and | |
the type checker verifies our proof. | |
You can just skim through the implementation, it's not important. The idea is the important part. | |
Ideas are what's important. Take a moment to think about it :) | |
*) | |
let rec insert : type n. int -> n avl -> n avl_insert = fun x t -> match t with | |
| Leaf -> Grew (singleton x) | |
| Balanced (left, key, right) -> | |
(match compare x key with | |
| Eq -> Same t | |
| Lt -> (match insert x left with | |
| Grew new_left -> Grew (LeftHeavy (new_left, key, right)) | |
| Same new_left -> Same (Balanced (new_left, key, right)) | |
) | |
| Gt -> (match insert x right with | |
| Grew new_right -> Grew (RightHeavy (left, key, new_right)) | |
| Same new_right -> Same (Balanced (left, key, new_right)) | |
) | |
) | |
| LeftHeavy (left, key, right) -> | |
(match compare x key with | |
| Eq -> Same t | |
| Lt -> (match insert x left with | |
| Same new_left -> Same (LeftHeavy (new_left, key, right)) | |
(* This can't happen because the only way to have a growing | |
balanced tree is to have appended a singleton. But this only | |
happens if the left tree was a Leaf, so the current tree | |
could not have been LeftHeavy if its left child was a Leaf. | |
TODO: check if the totality checker can receive a hint on that | |
*) | |
| Grew (Balanced _) -> failwith "unreachable pattern not detected" | |
(* Single rotation *) | |
| Grew (LeftHeavy (left_left, left_key, left_right)) -> | |
Same (Balanced (left_left, | |
left_key, | |
Balanced (left_right, key, right))) | |
(* Double Rotation *) | |
| Grew (RightHeavy (left_left, left_key, left_right)) -> | |
(match left_right with | |
| LeftHeavy (left_right_left, left_right_key, left_right_right) | |
-> Same (Balanced ( | |
Balanced (left_left, key, left_right_left), | |
left_key, | |
RightHeavy (left_right_right, left_right_key, right) | |
)) | |
| RightHeavy (left_right_left, left_right_key, left_right_right) | |
-> Same (Balanced ( | |
LeftHeavy (left_left, key, left_right_left), | |
left_key, | |
Balanced (left_right_right, left_right_key, right) | |
)) | |
| Balanced (left_right_left, left_right_key, left_right_right) | |
-> Same (Balanced ( | |
Balanced (left_left, key, left_right_left), | |
left_key, | |
Balanced (left_right_right, left_right_key, right) | |
)) | |
) | |
) | |
(* Simple Insert *) | |
| Gt -> (match insert x right with | |
| Grew new_right -> Same (Balanced (left, key, new_right)) | |
| Same new_right -> Same (LeftHeavy (left, key, new_right)) | |
) | |
) | |
| RightHeavy (left, key, right) -> | |
(match compare x key with | |
| Eq -> Same t | |
(* Simple Insert *) | |
| Lt -> (match insert key left with | |
| Grew new_left -> Same (Balanced (new_left, key, right)) | |
| Same new_left -> Same (RightHeavy (new_left, key, right)) | |
) | |
| Gt -> (match insert x right with | |
| Same new_right -> Same (RightHeavy (left, key, new_right)) | |
(* This can't happen because the only way to have a growing | |
balanced tree is to have appended a singleton. But this only | |
happens if the right tree was a Leaf, so the current tree | |
could not have been RightHeavy if its right child was a tree. | |
TODO: check if the totality checker can receive a hint on that | |
*) | |
| Grew (Balanced _) -> failwith "unreachable pattern not detected" | |
(* Double Rotation *) | |
| Grew (LeftHeavy (right_left, right_key, right_right)) -> | |
(match right_left with | |
| Balanced (right_left_left, right_left_key, right_left_right) -> | |
Same ( Balanced ( | |
Balanced (left, key, right_left_left), | |
right_left_key, | |
Balanced (right_left_right, right_key, right_right) | |
)) | |
| LeftHeavy (right_left_left, right_left_key, right_left_right) -> | |
Same ( Balanced ( | |
Balanced (left, key, right_left_left), | |
right_left_key, | |
RightHeavy (right_left_right, right_key, right_right) | |
)) | |
| RightHeavy (right_left_left, right_left_key, right_left_right) -> | |
Same ( Balanced ( | |
LeftHeavy (left, key, right_left_left), | |
right_left_key, | |
Balanced (right_left_right, right_key, right_right) | |
)) | |
) | |
(* Simple Rotation *) | |
| Grew (RightHeavy (right_left, right_key, right_right)) -> | |
Same (Balanced (Balanced (left, key, right_left), | |
right_key, | |
right_right)) | |
) | |
) | |
;; | |
(* That's all folk! We've shown that it's possible to leverage to verify more advanced properties about | |
our program. In this example one might also want to check that the elements in the left part | |
of the tree are indeed smaller than the current key, and that the right part of the tree larger | |
keys have than the current key. | |
The ideas are the same, it would just be a little bit more work in a language like ocaml | |
because you would need to encode integers at the type level and keep them in sync with the value | |
level integers you use as keys. Again, same idea, but more grunt work. | |
Here are some keyword that will be interesting if you want to learn more about all of this: | |
Dependent typing, Coq, Idris, Curry Howard Correspondence | |
*) |
There's a typo 'trype' where you meant type.
@philmiller-charmworks thanks, it's fixed!
Really great read @matthieubulte! Thanks for sharing!
I've posted it here with Reason syntax if anyone prefers that or wants to play around with the code (also support OCaml):
Wow, this is very cool @cem2ran !
A very eye opening piece of code, at least for us pedestrian programmers.
I am new to Ocaml (and functional generally) so .. this may be a dumb question
I have not been able to find any references to using constructors such as in the definition of type 'n avl
(starting line 47). Every thing I find is | C of ....
On the other hand maybe I just dont recognize what I am seeing
Regardless - Could you give me a reference ?
Hi @robertblackwell, I'm glad to hear that this piece of code was interesting to you. Concerning your question, I think the section on parametrized types in this article should answer all of your questions: https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs3110/2008fa/lectures/lec04.html
Good luck, and happy Ocamling!
merci 👍