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Created April 19, 2022 14:19
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Ray tracer
use cgmath::prelude::*;
use cgmath::{vec2, vec3, ElementWise, EuclideanSpace, InnerSpace, SquareMatrix};
use crossbeam::thread;
use image::{ImageBuffer, RgbImage};
use reduce::Reduce;
use std::cmp::{PartialOrd};
use std::f64;
use rand::Rng;
use std::sync::Mutex;
type Scalar = f64;
type Vec2 = cgmath::Vector2<Scalar>;
type Vec3 = cgmath::Vector3<Scalar>;
type Vec4 = cgmath::Vector4<Scalar>;
type Basis3 = cgmath::Basis3<Scalar>;
type Matrix3 = cgmath::Matrix3<Scalar>;
type Point3 = cgmath::Point3<Scalar>;
const THREADS: u16 = 16;
const EPSILON: f64 = 0.001;
const BLOCK_SIZE: u16 = 16;
const MAXIMUM_RAY_MARCH_DISTANCE: Scalar = 1000.0;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum DebugId {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Ray {
origin: Point3,
direction: Vec3,
struct Material {
diffuse_color: Vec3,
radiant_exitance: Vec3
struct LightSample {
direction: Vec3,
color: Vec3,
pdf: Scalar
trait Object: Send + Sync {
fn debug_id(&self) -> DebugId;
fn as_object(&self) -> &dyn Object;
fn material_at(&self, point: Point3, eye: Vec3) -> Material;
fn tangent_space_at(&self, point: Point3) -> Matrix3;
trait AnalyticObject: Object {
fn intersection(&self, ray: Ray) -> Option<Scalar>;
trait NumericalObject: Object {
fn signed_distance(&self, point: Point3) -> Scalar;
trait Light {
fn sample_incident(&self, target_point: Vec3, tangent_space: &Basis3)
-> LightSample;
pub struct Sun {
orientation: Matrix3,
inverted_orientation: Matrix3,
sun_color: Vec3,
sky_color: Vec3,
angular_diameter: Scalar,
debug_id: DebugId,
sun_probability: Scalar,
sky_probability: Scalar,
sun_pdf: Scalar,
sky_pdf: Scalar,
fn luminance_for_rgb(rgb: Vec3) -> Scalar {
0.2126*rgb.x + 0.7152*rgb.y + 0.0722*rgb.z
impl Sun {
// Orientation is given so that z points outward from center of sun toward
// scene, and y would typically point "up" in the general direction of
// zenith for a sun at the horizon but rotate appropriately when sun is at
// zenith.
fn new(orientation: Matrix3,
sun_color: Vec3,
sky_color: Vec3,
angular_diameter: f64,
debug_id: DebugId,
) -> Sun {
// Calculate total intensity of sun vs total intensity of sky sphere.
// We assume unit sphere for all calculations and it'll cancel out
// in the end.
let sun_area = 2.0*f64::consts::PI*(1.0-(2.0*angular_diameter).cos());
let sky_area = 4.0*f64::consts::PI - sun_area;
let sun_brightness = sun_area*luminance_for_rgb(sun_color);
let sky_brightness = sky_area*luminance_for_rgb(sky_color);
let sun_probability = sun_brightness/(sun_brightness+sky_brightness);
let sky_probability = 1.0 - sun_probability;
Sun {
inverted_orientation: orientation.invert().unwrap(),
sun_pdf: sun_probability/sun_area,
sky_pdf: sky_probability/sky_area
impl Light for Sun {
fn sample_incident(&self, target_point: Vec3, tangent_space: &Basis3) -> LightSample {
let mut rng = &rand::thread_rng();
let hit_sun = rng.gen::<Scalar>() < self.sun_probability;
let z = if hit_sun {
// Select random z on sun
let min_z = (self.angular_diameter/2.0).cos();
rng.gen::<Scalar>() * (1.0 - min_z) + min_z
} else {
// Select random z on sky.
let max_z = (self.angular_diameter/2.0).cos();
rng.gen::<Scalar>() * max_z
let phi = rng.gen::<Scalar>() * 2.0 * f64::consts::PI;
let x = (1.0-z*z).sqrt() * phi.cos();
let y = (1.0-z*z).sqrt() * phi.sin();
let sample_direction = vec3(x, y, z);
let d: Vec3 = self.inverted_orientation*sample_direction;
LightSample {
direction: d,
color: self.sun_color,
pdf: self.sun_pdf
impl Object for Sun {
fn debug_id(&self) -> DebugId {self.debug_id}
fn as_object(&self) -> &dyn Object {
fn material_at(&self, point: Point3, eye: Vec3) -> Material {
let angle =;
//println!("{} > {} ({})", angle/f64::consts::PI*180.0, self.angular_diameter/f64::consts::PI*180.0, eye.magnitude());
let color = if angle > self.angular_diameter {
} else {
Material {
diffuse_color: vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
radiant_exitance: color,
fn tangent_space_at(&self, point: Point3) -> Matrix3 {
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
struct Scene {
analytic_objects: Vec<Box<dyn AnalyticObject>>,
numerical_objects: Vec<Box<dyn NumericalObject>>,
lights: Vec<Box<dyn Light>>,
struct Sphere {
origin: Point3,
radius: Scalar,
debug_id: DebugId
impl Object for Sphere {
fn debug_id(&self) -> DebugId {self.debug_id}
fn material_at(&self, point: Point3, eye: Vec3) -> Material {
Material {
diffuse_color: vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
radiant_exitance: vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
fn tangent_space_at(&self, point: Point3) -> Matrix3 {
tangent_space_from_normal((point - self.origin).normalize())
fn as_object(&self) -> &dyn Object {
impl AnalyticObject for Sphere {
fn intersection(&self, ray: Ray) -> Option<Scalar> {
let radius2 = self.radius * self.radius;
let L = self.origin - ray.origin;
let tca =;
if tca < 0.0 {
return None;
let d2 = - tca * tca;
if d2 > radius2 {
return None;
let thc = (radius2 - d2).sqrt();
let mut t0 = tca - thc;
let mut t1 = tca + thc;
if t0 > t1 {
let t = t0;
t0 = t1;
t1 = t;
if t0 < 0.0 {
t0 = t1;
if t0 < 0.0 {
return None;
impl NumericalObject for Sphere {
fn signed_distance(&self, point: Point3) -> Scalar {
(point - self.origin).magnitude() - self.radius
struct Metaball {
balls: Vec<Sphere>,
sharpness: f64,
debug_id: DebugId,
impl Object for Metaball {
fn debug_id(&self) -> DebugId {self.debug_id}
fn material_at(&self, point: Point3, eye: Vec3) -> Material {
Material {
diffuse_color: vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
radiant_exitance: vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
fn tangent_space_at(&self, point: Point3) -> Matrix3 {
tangent_space_from_normal(calculate_normal(self, point))
fn as_object(&self) -> &dyn Object {
impl NumericalObject for Metaball {
fn signed_distance(&self, point: Point3) -> Scalar {
let mut sum = 0.0;
for ball in self.balls.iter() {
let dist = (point - ball.origin).magnitude() - ball.radius;
sum += (-self.sharpness * dist).exp2();
-sum.log2() / self.sharpness
struct InfinitePlane {
origin: Point3,
forward: Vec3,
right: Vec3,
up: Vec3,
debug_id: DebugId
impl Object for InfinitePlane {
fn debug_id(&self) -> DebugId {self.debug_id}
fn material_at(&self, point: Point3, eye: Vec3) -> Material {
let point = point.to_vec() - self.origin.to_vec();
let y =;
let x =;
let x = x * 2.0;
let y = y * -2.0;
let x = x % 2.0;
let y = y % 2.0;
let x_flip = if x < 0.0 { x < -1.0 } else { x < 1.0 };
let y_flip = if y < 0.0 { y < -1.0 } else { y < 1.0 };
let color = if x_flip ^ y_flip {
vec3(1.0, 0.5, 0.5)
} else {
vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
Material {
diffuse_color: color,
radiant_exitance: vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
fn tangent_space_at(&self, point: Point3) -> Matrix3 {
Matrix3::from_cols(self.right, self.forward, self.up)
fn as_object(&self) -> &dyn Object {
impl AnalyticObject for InfinitePlane {
fn intersection(&self, ray: Ray) -> Option<Scalar> {
let denominator =;
// 0.0001 is an arbitrary epsilon value. We just want
// to avoid working with intersections that are almost
// orthogonal.
if denominator.abs() > 0.0001 {
let difference = self.origin - ray.origin;
let t = / denominator;
if t > 0.0001 {
return Some(t);
return None;
impl NumericalObject for InfinitePlane {
fn signed_distance(&self, point: Point3) -> Scalar {
let from = point.to_vec() - self.origin.to_vec();
fn calculate_normal(object: &dyn NumericalObject, point: Point3) -> Vec3 {
let small_step = vec2(0.001, 0.0);
let gradient_x = object.signed_distance(point + small_step.xyy())
- object.signed_distance(point - small_step.xyy());
let gradient_y = object.signed_distance(point + small_step.yxy())
- object.signed_distance(point - small_step.yxy());
let gradient_z = object.signed_distance(point + small_step.yyx())
- object.signed_distance(point - small_step.yyx());
vec3(gradient_x, gradient_y, gradient_z).normalize()
fn trace_ray(scene: &Scene, ray: Ray) -> Option<(&dyn Object, Scalar)> {
// Distance to nearest analytic object.
let distances = scene
.filter_map(|obj| obj.intersection(ray).map(|d| (obj.as_object(), d)));
let nearest_analytic =
|(o1, d1), (o2, d2)| if d1 < d2 { (o1, d1) } else { (o2, d2) },
); //.or(scene.background.as_ref().map(|b| (&**b, f64::INFINITY)));
let nearest_analytic =|(o, d)| (o.as_object(), d));
if scene.numerical_objects.is_empty() {
return nearest_analytic;
let objects: Vec<_> =
scene.numerical_objects.iter().map(|b| &**b).collect();
let mut marched_distance = 0.0;
loop {
if let Some((analytic_obj, analytic_dist)) = nearest_analytic {
if marched_distance >= analytic_dist {
return nearest_analytic;
// TODO actually use ray direction for optimized signed distance
// (but we still need signed_distance for numerical normal calculation)
let ray = Ray {
origin: ray.origin + marched_distance * ray.direction,
// Here we could cull all objects that have a distance further than the
// nearest analytical object.
let (nearest_obj, nearest_dist) = objects
.map(|o| (o, o.signed_distance(ray.origin)))
|(o1, d1), (o2, d2)| if d1 < d2 { (o1, d1) } else { (o2, d2) },
if nearest_dist < EPSILON {
return Some((nearest_obj.as_object(), marched_distance));
} else {
marched_distance += nearest_dist;
if marched_distance > MAXIMUM_RAY_MARCH_DISTANCE {
return nearest_analytic;
fn normal_to_rgb(normal: Vec3) -> Vec3 {
let r = normal.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
let g = normal.y * 0.5 + 0.5;
let b = normal.z * 0.5 + 0.5;
vec3(r, g, b)
fn noop() {}
// Not sure I get this off the top of my head, but should be possible to work
// out a 90 degree rotation in one plane using the equation = 0
// See also
// I think the trick is to do 2D rotation and set the other component to zero
// fn make_coordinate_system(v: Vec3) -> (Vec3, Vec3) {
// if v.z < v.x && v.z < v.y {
// (
// vec3(v.y, -v.x, 0.0).normalize(),
// vec3(-v.x*v.z, -v.y*v.z, v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y).normalize()
// )
// } else if(v.y < v.x && v.y < v.z) {
// (
// vec3(v.z, 0.0, v.x)
// )
// }
// let mut smallest = v.x;
// if v.y < smallest {
// smallest = v.y;
// }
// if v.z < smallest {
// smallest = v.z;
// }
// let r = vec3()
// }
fn make_coordinate_system(v: Vec3) -> (Vec3, Vec3) {
// Rotate v 90 degrees clockwise
let (ax, ay, az) = (v.x.abs(), v.y.abs(), v.z.abs());
let s =
if ax < ay {
// y is not smallest.
if ax < az {
// x is smallest.
vec3(0.0, -v.z, v.y)
} else {
// y is not smallest, x is not smallest, so z is.
vec3(v.y, -v.x, 0.0)
} else {
// x is not smallest.
if ay < az {
// y is smallest.
vec3(-v.z, 0.0, v.x)
} else {
// x is not smallest, y is not smallest, so z is.
vec3(v.y, -v.x, 0.0)
let s = s.normalize();
// TODO this could be optimized by moving it into the if statement
// and taking the zero component into account.
let t = s.cross(v);
(s, t)
fn tangent_space_from_normal(normal: Vec3) -> Matrix3 {
let (u, v) = make_coordinate_system(normal);
Matrix3::from_cols(u, v, normal)
fn shade_gi(
object: &dyn Object,
position: Point3,
eye: Vec3,
scene: &Scene
) -> Vec3 {
for light in scene.lights.iter() {
// let pdf = 1.0 / (2.0 * f64::consts::PI);
// let normal = object.normal_at(position);
// let (s, t) = make_coordinate_system(normal);
// // println!("{} {} {}", normal.magnitude(), s.magnitude(), t.magnitude());
// //let ld = random_uniform_hemisphere_point();
// let ld = random_importance_sampled_hemisphere_point();
// let direction = ld.x*s + ld.y*t + ld.z*normal;
// // println!("{}",;
// let ray = Ray {
// origin: position + EPSILON * normal,
// direction: direction
// };
// if object.debug_id() == DebugId::SPHERE {
// noop();
// }
// //let light=
// let light = if let Some((object, distance)) = trace_ray(scene, ray) {
// let point = ray.origin + distance*ray.direction;
// object.material_at(point, ray.direction).radiant_exitance
// } else {
// scene.background.as_ref().map_or(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), |b| {
// b.material_at(ray.origin, ray.direction).radiant_exitance
// })
// };
// //let light_angle =;
// //let light = (light_angle/pdf)*light;
// let light = light/pdf;
// object.material_at(position, eye).diffuse_color.mul_element_wise(light)
fn shade_recursive(
object: &dyn Object,
position: Point3,
eye: Vec3,
scene: &Scene,
) -> Vec3 {
let normal = object.normal_at(position);
let mut light = vec3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
for sun in scene.sun.iter() {
let ray = Ray {
origin: position + EPSILON * normal, // TODO use ray direction or some such instead of normal?
direction: -sun.orientation.z,
if let Some(_) = trace_ray(scene, ray) {
let angle = + sun.angular_diameter;
let angle = clamp(angle, 0.0, 1.0);
light += sun.sun_color * angle;
let material = object.material_at(position, eye);
fn shade(
object: &dyn Object,
position: Point3,
eye: Vec3,
scene: &Scene,
) -> Vec3 {
let normal = object.normal_at(position);
let mut light = vec3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
for sun in scene.sun.iter() {
let angle = + sun.angular_diameter;
let angle = clamp(angle, 0.0, 1.0);
light += sun.sun_color * angle;
let material = object.material_at(position, eye);
fn trace_ray_and_shade(scene: &Scene, ray: Ray) -> Option<Vec3> {
if let Some((object, distance)) = trace_ray(scene, ray) {
let point = ray.origin + distance * ray.direction;
Some(shade_gi(object, point, ray.direction, scene))
} else {
scene.background.as_ref().map(|background| {
background.material_at(ray.origin, ray.direction).radiant_exitance
fn trace_ray_shade_by_normal(scene: &Scene, ray: Ray) -> Option<Vec3> {
if let Some((object, distance)) = trace_ray(scene, ray) {
let point = ray.origin + distance * ray.direction;
let normal = object.normal_at(point);
Some(vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) + 0.5 * normal)
} else {
fn clamp<T: PartialOrd>(v: T, min: T, max: T) -> T {
if v < min {
} else if max < v {
} else {
struct HdrImage {
image: Vec<Vec3>,
width: u16,
height: u16,
impl HdrImage {
fn new(width: u16, height: u16) -> HdrImage {
let w32 = width as u32;
let h32 = height as u32;
HdrImage {
image: vec![vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); (w32 * h32) as usize],
fn put_rgb(&mut self, x: u16, y: u16, color: Vec3) {
let (x, y) = (x as u32, y as u32);
let stride = self.width as u32;
self.image[(y * stride + x as u32) as usize] = color;
fn get_rgb(&self, x: u16, y: u16) -> Vec3 {
let (x, y) = (x as u32, y as u32);
let w = self.width as u32;
self.image[(y * w + x) as usize].xyz()
fn develop_rgb(&self) -> RgbImage {
let mut max = 0.0;
for c in self.image.iter() {
for i in 0..3 {
if c[i] > max {
max = c[i]
let multiplier = 1.0 / max;
let mut image: RgbImage =
ImageBuffer::new(self.width as u32, self.height as u32);
for y in 0..self.height {
for x in 0..self.width {
let hdr = self.get_rgb(x, y) * multiplier;
let r = clamp((hdr.x * 256.0) as i32, 0, 255) as u8;
let g = clamp((hdr.y * 256.0) as i32, 0, 255) as u8;
let b = clamp((hdr.z * 256.0) as i32, 0, 255) as u8;
image.put_pixel(x as u32, y as u32, image::Rgb([r, g, b]))
// TODO other sampler with better distribution
fn random_uniform_point_on_circle<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> Vec2 {
let a = rng.gen::<Scalar>() * 2.0 * f64::consts::PI;
let r = rng.gen::<Scalar>().sqrt();
vec2(r*a.cos(), r*a.sin())
fn random_uniform_hemisphere_point() -> Vec3 {
// Float z = u[0];
// Float r = std::sqrt(std::max((Float)0, (Float)1. - z * z));
// Float phi = 2 * Pi * u[1];
// return Vector3f(r * std::cos(phi), r * std::sin(phi), z);
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
let z: Scalar = rng.gen();
let u: Scalar = rng.gen();
let r = (1.0 - z*z).sqrt();
let phi = 2.0*f64::consts::PI * u;
vec3(r*phi.cos(), r*phi.sin(), z)
// let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
// let r1: Scalar = rng.gen();
// let r2: Scalar = rng.gen();
// let sin_theta = (1.0 - r1*r1);
// let phi = 2.0*f64::consts::PI*r2;
// let x = sin_theta * phi.cos();
// let z = sin_theta * phi.sin();
// vec3(x, r1, z)
fn random_importance_sampled_hemisphere_point() -> Vec3 {
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
let sin2_theta: Scalar = rng.gen();
let cos2_theta = 1.0 - sin2_theta;
let sin_theta = sin2_theta.sqrt();
let cos_theta = cos2_theta.sqrt();
let orientation = rng.gen::<Scalar>()*2.0*f64::consts::PI;
vec3(sin_theta*orientation.cos(), sin_theta*orientation.sin(), cos_theta)
// Vector RandomDirectionLambertian:
// sin2_theta = uniform random number between 0 and 1 // the uniform random number is equal to sin^2(theta)
// cos2_theta = 1 - sin2_theta // cos^2(x) + sin^2(x) = 1
// sin_theta = sqrt(sin2_theta)
// cos_theta = sqrt(cos2_theta)
// orientation = uniform random number between 0 and 2pi
// return Vector(sin_theta * cos(orientation),
// cos_theta,
// sin_theta * sin(orientation))
struct PinholeCamera {
origin: Point3,
right: Vec3,
up: Vec3,
forward: Vec3,
width: Scalar,
height: Scalar,
width_pixels: u16,
height_pixels: u16,
focal_length: Scalar,
// For example, for 35 mm film which is 36 mm wide and 24 mm high, d=36 mm
// would be used to obtain the horizontal angle of view and d = 24 mm for the
// vertical angle.
trait Camera: Send + Sync {
fn get_ray(&self, pixel_x: Scalar, pixel_y: Scalar) -> Ray;
fn raster_dimensions(&self) -> (u16, u16);
impl Camera for PinholeCamera {
fn get_ray(&self, pixel_x: Scalar, pixel_y: Scalar) -> Ray {
// Calculate position of pixel on film, with film center as (0, 0)
let x = (pixel_x/self.width_pixels as Scalar) - 0.5;
let y = (pixel_y/self.height_pixels as Scalar) - 0.5;
let x = x*self.width;
let y = y*self.height;
// 3D position on film
let sample_position = self.origin + x*self.right + y*self.up - self.focal_length*self.forward;
let direction = (self.origin - sample_position).normalize();
Ray {
origin: self.origin,
direction: direction
fn raster_dimensions(&self) -> (u16, u16) {
(self.width_pixels, self.height_pixels)
struct ThinLensCamera {
origin: Point3,
right: Vec3,
up: Vec3,
forward: Vec3,
width: Scalar,
height: Scalar,
width_pixels: u16,
height_pixels: u16,
focal_length: Scalar,
aperture: Scalar,
focal_distance: Scalar,
impl Camera for ThinLensCamera {
fn get_ray(&self, pixel_x: Scalar, pixel_y: Scalar) -> Ray {
// Determine sample position on film, with film center as (0, 0)
let x = (pixel_x/self.width_pixels as Scalar) - 0.5;
let y = (pixel_y/self.height_pixels as Scalar) - 0.5;
let x = x*self.width;
let y = y*self.height;
let sample_position = self.origin + x*self.right + y*self.up - self.focal_length*self.forward;
// Compute the desired focus point.
let pinhole_ray = (self.origin - sample_position).normalize();
let intersection_distance_along_ray = self.focal_distance/pinhole_ray.z;
let focus_point = self.origin + intersection_distance_along_ray*pinhole_ray;
// Pick random point on the lens disk where the ray will "start" (after
// being refracted through the lens from the sample point on the
// film).
let lens_radius = self.focal_length/(self.aperture*2.0);
let lens_point: Vec2 = lens_radius*random_uniform_point_on_circle(
&mut rand::thread_rng());
let lens_point = self.origin + lens_point.x*self.right
+ lens_point.y*self.up;
Ray {
origin: lens_point,
direction: (focus_point - lens_point).normalize()
fn raster_dimensions(&self) -> (u16, u16) {
(self.width_pixels, self.height_pixels)
trait Integrator: Send + Sync {
fn integrate_pixel(&self, x: u16, y: u16, camera: &dyn Camera, scene: &Scene) -> Vec3;
struct SingleSampleIntegrator {
impl Integrator for SingleSampleIntegrator {
fn integrate_pixel(&self, x: u16, y: u16, camera: &dyn Camera, scene: &Scene) -> Vec3 {
let ray = camera.get_ray(x as Scalar + 0.5, y as Scalar + 0.5);
trace_ray_and_shade(scene, ray).unwrap_or(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
struct RandomSampleIntegrator {
samples: u32
impl Integrator for RandomSampleIntegrator {
fn integrate_pixel(&self, x: u16, y: u16, camera: &dyn Camera, scene: &Scene) -> Vec3 {
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
let mut sum: Vec3 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for i in 0..self.samples {
let offset_x: Scalar = rng.gen();
let offset_y: Scalar = rng.gen();
let ray = camera.get_ray(x as Scalar + offset_x, y as Scalar + offset_y);
if let Some(rgb) = trace_ray_and_shade(scene, ray) {
sum += rgb;
sum / self.samples as Scalar
fn render(
integrator: &dyn Integrator,
camera: &dyn Camera,
scene: &Scene,
) -> HdrImage {
let mut queue = Vec::new();
let (raster_width, raster_height) = camera.raster_dimensions();
let x_blocks = raster_width / BLOCK_SIZE;
let y_blocks = raster_height / BLOCK_SIZE;
for y in (0..y_blocks).rev() {
for x in (0..x_blocks).rev() {
queue.push((x, y));
let mut block_queue = Mutex::new(queue);
let mut image = HdrImage::new(raster_width, raster_height);
let image_ref: Mutex<&mut HdrImage> = Mutex::new(&mut image);
let render_block = |x_block: u16, y_block: u16| {
let y_start = y_block * BLOCK_SIZE;
let y_end = (y_start + BLOCK_SIZE).min(raster_height);
let x_start = x_block * BLOCK_SIZE;
let x_end = (x_start + BLOCK_SIZE).min(raster_width);
for y in y_start..y_end {
for x in x_start..x_end {
let rgb = integrator.integrate_pixel(x, y, camera, scene);
image_ref.lock().unwrap().put_rgb(x, y, rgb);
thread::scope(|s| {
for thread_index in 0..THREADS {
s.spawn(|_| loop {
let (x_block, y_block) = {
if let Some(v) = block_queue.lock().unwrap().pop() {
} else {
render_block(x_block, y_block);
// fn metaball_scene() -> Scene {
// Scene {
// numerical_objects: vec![Box::new(Metaball {
// balls: vec![
// Sphere {
// origin: Point3 {
// x: 1.0,
// y: 0.0,
// z: 5.0,
// },
// radius: 1.0,
// debug_id: DebugId::NONE
// },
// Sphere {
// origin: Point3 {
// x: -1.0,
// y: 0.0,
// z: 5.0,
// },
// radius: 1.0,
// debug_id: DebugId::NONE
// },
// ],
// sharpness: 4.0,
// debug_id: DebugId::NONE
// })],
// analytic_objects: vec![Box::new(InfinitePlane {
// origin: Point3 {
// x: 0.0,
// y: -1.0,
// z: 0.0,
// },
// up: vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
// forward: vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
// right: vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
// debug_id: DebugId::NONE
// })],
// sun: vec![Sun {
// direction: vec3(1.0, 1.0, -1.0).normalize(),
// sun_color: vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
// sky_color: vec3(0.2, 0.2, 1.0),
// angular_diameter: 1920.0 / 3600.0 * f64::consts::PI / 180.0,
// debug_id: DebugId::NONE
// }],
// background: Some(Box::new(Sun {
// direction: vec3(1.0, 1.0, -1.0).normalize(),
// sun_color: vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
// sky_color: vec3(0.2, 0.2, 1.0),
// angular_diameter: 1920.0 / 3600.0 * f64::consts::PI / 180.0,
// debug_id: DebugId::NONE
// })),
// }
// }
fn sphere_scene() -> Scene {
let sun = Sun::new(
orientation: Matrix3::look_at(-vec3(0.5, 0.5, 1.0).normalize(),
vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)),
sun_color: vec3(25000.0, 25000.0, 25000.0),
sky_color: vec3(0.2, 0.2, 1.0),
angular_diameter: 1920.0 / 3600.0 * f64::consts::PI / 180.0,
debug_id: DebugId::NONE,
Scene {
analytic_objects: vec![
Box::new(Sphere {
origin: Point3 {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
z: 5.0,
radius: 1.0,
debug_id: DebugId::SPHERE,
Box::new(InfinitePlane {
origin: Point3 {
x: 0.0,
y: -1.0,
z: 0.0,
up: vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
forward: vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
right: vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
debug_id: DebugId::NONE,
numerical_objects: vec![],
lights: vec![Box::new(sun)]
fn main() {
// let objects: Vec<Box<dyn Object>> = vec![
// Box::new(Sphere {
// origin: vec3(1.0, 0.0, 4.0),
// radius: 1.0,
// }),
// Box::new(Sphere {
// origin: vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 4.0),
// radius: 1.0
// })
// ];
let scene = sphere_scene();
// let camera = PinholeCamera {
// origin: Point3 {
// x: 0.0,
// y: 0.0,
// z: 0.0,
// },
// right: vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
// up: vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
// forward: vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
// width_pixels: 768,
// height_pixels: 512,
// focal_length: 0.05,
// width: 0.036,
// height: 0.024
// };
let camera = ThinLensCamera {
origin: Point3 {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
z: 0.0,
right: vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
up: vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
forward: vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
width_pixels: 768,
height_pixels: 512,
focal_length: 0.05,
aperture: 2.8,
width: 0.036,
height: 0.024,
focal_distance: 4.0, //4.5,
// let integrator = SingleSampleIntegrator{};
let integrator = RandomSampleIntegrator{
samples: 320*10000
let image = render(&integrator, &camera, &scene);
let image = image.develop_rgb();"output.png").unwrap();
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