Nullsoft Scriptable Install System is also known as NSIS open-source system to create Windows application installers. NSIS is a script-based system allowing you to create the logic behind your installer/setup file in a complex way to install tasks. NSIS offers plug-ins and other scripts, for example, to download/install 3rd-party files or communicate with Windows.
This tutorial will guide you through installing and creating your first Windows installer with Nullsoft Scriptable Install System and how to compile your project. Captura Portable will be used as "our application" for the sake of this tutorial.
Head to NSIS official site and download the latest release and install it. Run NSIS and you will be welcomed with a menu like below, It's always a good practice to read the Documentation before jumping in to it.
Structure is key, not only in code/scripting but also in everyday life. Structuring your files and folder is important for easy access, locate various files and versions.
Navigate to your Documents and create a new folder named NSIS and sub-folder after your project name, In our case Captura. Your path should look something like this
Navigate in to your project directory "Captura" and create following files and folders.
├── app
├── assets
├── license.txt
├── redist
└── setup.nsi
- app directory is for your project, You can also pretend that it is "root" directory for your project.
- assets: This directory is only for NSIS script.
- license.txt: (Optional) Can be located in your app directory. Show license to end-user in the install application.
- redist: this directory you can include DirectX or any other third-party software needed for your install application (Parent folder for each third-party software).
Your file/directory structure should look similar to the Captura example witch also covers third-party software in its tree.
├── app
│ ├── captura-cli.exe
│ ├── captura-cli.exe.config
│ ├── captura.exe
│ ├── captura.exe.config
│ ├── keymaps
│ ├── languages
│ ├── lib
│ ├── licenses
├── assets
│ ├── head.bmp
│ └── welcome.bmp
├── license.txt
├── redist
│ └── directx
│ └── dxwebsetup.exe
└── setup.nsi
NSIS offers header and welcome image in bmp format. Great opportunity to promote your company or maybe another project you may have.
head.bmp | welcome.bmp |
150x57 pixels | 164x314 pixels |
NSIS language for scripting is something between PHP and assembly, slightly more to assembly.
Lines starting with ; are comments, You may also comment out lines of code but comments placed before code will be ignored.
Edit setup.nsi in your project directory with your favorite text editor. At the start of the document we need to including a few things.
MUI2.nsh also know as Modern User Interface 2 provides a user interface (UI).
logiclib.nsh provides familiar logic and easier flow with things like if, else, while loops etc.
; Includes
!include "MUI2.nsh"
!include "logiclib.nsh"
The !define commands will add gflag to the global define list, in other words when you declare !define it will be global and accessed all over the script and even inside another !defines.
Create global define with !define
!define hello "Capten"
Retrieve data from hello
Remove item from the global define list with undef
!undef hello
The purpose with this define list is to avoid entering same content multiple times, In the next step this will make sense.
; Custom defines
!define NAME "Captura"
!define APPFILE "captura.exe"
!define VERSION "7.0.0"
!define SLUG "${NAME} v${VERSION}"
At first glance you noticed repeated calls to custom defines in the previous step and other arguments.
- Name: Set name of the installer window.
- OutFile: Set name of compiled installer by MakeNSISW.
- InstallDir: Specify the default installation directory manualy or with constants.
- InstallDirRegKey: Tells the installer to check a string in the registry and use it as the install dir if valid.
- RequestExecutionLevel: Specifies request by user level.
; General
Name "${NAME}"
OutFile "${NAME} Setup.exe"
InstallDirRegKey HKCU "Software\${NAME}" ""
RequestExecutionLevel admin
Set Icon, Banners and Welcome title message.
; UI
!define MUI_ICON "assets\captura.ico"
!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "assets\welcome.bmp"
!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "assets\head.bmp"
Define pages to use with !insertmacro witch inserts content from a macro created with !macro. Pages will appear in the order you set.
; Pages
; Installer pages
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "license.txt"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
; Uninstaller pages
; Set UI language
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
Create option to install third-party software like DirectX.
- SetOutPath: Sets output path and create.
- File: Extract file(s) to output path.
- DetailPrint: Add string to details view.
- ExecWait: Execute program and wait for process to end.
; Section - DirectX
Section "DirectX" DirectX
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Redist"
File "redist\directx\dxwebsetup.exe"
DetailPrint "Running DirectX Setup..."
ExecWait "$INSTDIR\Redist\dxwebsetup.exe"
DetailPrint "Finished DirectX Setup"
This section is hidden from the user with -hidden argument and force check with SectionIn RO. WriteRegStr stores the installation folder and WriteUninstaller creates the uninstaller.
; Section - Install App
Section "-hidden app"
SectionIn RO
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File /r "app\*.*"
WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\${NAME}" "" $INSTDIR
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
Create option to create desktop Shortcut for user or not.
; Section - Shortcut
Section "Desktop Shortcut" DeskShort
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${NAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${APPFILE}"
Set description for each section visible.
; Descriptions
;Language strings
LangString DESC_DeskShort ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Create Shortcut on Dekstop."
LangString DESC_DirectX ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Microsoft DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces for handling tasks related to multimedia."
;Assign language strings to sections
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${DeskShort} $(DESC_DeskShort)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${DirectX} $(DESC_DirectX)
RMDirUP is used to recursively delete empty parent folders of a given folder. This function is used with uninstaller. The command RMDir /r "$INSTDIR" cant remove parent folder.
; Remove empty parent directories
Function un.RMDirUP
!define RMDirUP '!insertmacro RMDirUPCall'
!macro RMDirUPCall _PATH
push '${_PATH}'
Call un.RMDirUP
; $0 - current folder
Exch $0
;DetailPrint "ASDF - $0\.."
RMDir "$0\.."
IfErrors Skip
${RMDirUP} "$0\.."
Pop $0
This section in called with uninstaller. Removes shortcut and any other associated files. Command RMDir /r "$INSTDIR" does not remove the parent folder there for is function RMDirUP called last for cleanup.
; Section - Uninstaller
Section "Uninstall"
;Delete Shortcut
Delete "$DESKTOP\${NAME}.lnk"
;Delete Uninstall
Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
;Delete Folder
DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKCU "Software\${NAME}"
Last to do is compiling the script and get your setup file. Select setup.nsi then MOUSE + RIGHT-CLICK and Compile NSIS Script. When compiling is finished, Press Test installer
You have
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