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Last active January 31, 2025 23:52
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Convert blurhash to a base64 DataURL string (no canvas or node-canvas)
import { decode } from "blurhash"
export function blurHashToDataURL(hash: string | undefined): string | undefined {
if (!hash) return undefined
const pixels = decode(hash, 32, 32)
const dataURL = parsePixels(pixels, 32, 32)
return dataURL
// thanks to
function parsePixels(pixels: Uint8ClampedArray, width: number, height: number) {
const pixelsString = [...pixels].map(byte => String.fromCharCode(byte)).join("")
const pngString = generatePng(width, height, pixelsString)
const dataURL = typeof Buffer !== "undefined"
? Buffer.from(getPngArray(pngString)).toString("base64")
: btoa(pngString)
return "data:image/png;base64," + dataURL
function getPngArray(pngString: string) {
const pngArray = new Uint8Array(pngString.length)
for (let i = 0; i < pngString.length; i++) {
pngArray[i] = pngString.charCodeAt(i)
return pngArray
function generatePng(width: number, height: number, rgbaString: string) {
const DEFLATE_METHOD = String.fromCharCode(0x78, 0x01)
const CRC_TABLE: number[] = []
const SIGNATURE = String.fromCharCode(137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10)
const NO_FILTER = String.fromCharCode(0)
let n, c, k
// make crc table
for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
c = n
for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c & 1) {
c = 0xedb88320 ^ (c >>> 1)
} else {
c = c >>> 1
CRC_TABLE[n] = c
// Functions
function inflateStore(data: string) {
const MAX_STORE_LENGTH = 65535
let storeBuffer = ""
let remaining
let blockType
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += MAX_STORE_LENGTH) {
remaining = data.length - i
blockType = ""
if (remaining <= MAX_STORE_LENGTH) {
blockType = String.fromCharCode(0x01)
} else {
remaining = MAX_STORE_LENGTH
blockType = String.fromCharCode(0x00)
// little-endian
storeBuffer += blockType + String.fromCharCode((remaining & 0xFF), (remaining & 0xFF00) >>> 8)
storeBuffer += String.fromCharCode(((~remaining) & 0xFF), ((~remaining) & 0xFF00) >>> 8)
storeBuffer += data.substring(i, i + remaining)
return storeBuffer
function adler32(data: string) {
let MOD_ADLER = 65521
let a = 1
let b = 0
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
a = (a + data.charCodeAt(i)) % MOD_ADLER
b = (b + a) % MOD_ADLER
return (b << 16) | a
function updateCrc(crc: number, buf: string) {
let c = crc
let b: number
for (let n = 0; n < buf.length; n++) {
b = buf.charCodeAt(n)
c = CRC_TABLE[(c ^ b) & 0xff] ^ (c >>> 8)
return c
function crc(buf: string) {
return updateCrc(0xffffffff, buf) ^ 0xffffffff
function dwordAsString(dword: number) {
return String.fromCharCode(
(dword & 0xFF000000) >>> 24, (dword & 0x00FF0000) >>> 16, (dword & 0x0000FF00) >>> 8, (dword & 0x000000FF)
function createChunk(length: number, type: string, data: string) {
const CRC = crc(type + data)
return dwordAsString(length) +
type +
data +
function createIHDR(width: number, height: number) {
const IHDRdata =
dwordAsString(width) +
dwordAsString(height) +
// bit depth
String.fromCharCode(8) +
// color type: 6=truecolor with alpha
String.fromCharCode(6) +
// compression method: 0=deflate, only allowed value
String.fromCharCode(0) +
// filtering: 0=adaptive, only allowed value
String.fromCharCode(0) +
// interlacing: 0=none
return createChunk(13, "IHDR", IHDRdata)
// PNG creations
const IEND = createChunk(0, "IEND", "")
const IHDR = createIHDR(width, height)
let scanlines = ""
let scanline
for (let y = 0; y < rgbaString.length; y += width * 4) {
scanline = NO_FILTER
if (Array.isArray(rgbaString)) {
for (let x = 0; x < width * 4; x++) {
scanline += String.fromCharCode(rgbaString[y + x] & 0xff)
} else {
scanline += rgbaString.substr(y, width * 4)
scanlines += scanline
const compressedScanlines = DEFLATE_METHOD + inflateStore(scanlines) + dwordAsString(adler32(scanlines))
const IDAT = createChunk(compressedScanlines.length, "IDAT", compressedScanlines)
const pngString = SIGNATURE + IHDR + IDAT + IEND
return pngString
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gxvxc commented Aug 14, 2022

Nice! Thank you for sharing this <3 I wanted to optimize it a bit and added simple hashmap caching in my fork

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Thank you ! awesome !

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Thanks! Really helpful. I just removed some unnecessary things like transforming Uint8ClampedArray to string and simplify png generating to support only Uint8ClampedArray instead of both - array and string.

I think we should create a package for this blurhash to dataUrl util and maybe useBlurHashDataUrl hook in addition.

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Thank you. I used the fork by @oleggrishechkin in a Nuxt.js app which now supports SSR and Blurhash thanks to this gist.

I tried thinking of a way to make this so that the base64 string that comes out if it would be webp (for even smaller delivery from SSR to client) but didn't have any luck and don't understand some parts of this gist enough πŸ™ˆ, so I decided for now png is good enough. Even having SSR blurhash is incredible.

One thing I did change is that I am trying to use fast-blurhash for the decode. It's supposedly faster, even though I did not really benchmark that πŸ™ˆ.

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johannschopplich commented Apr 21, 2023

Thanks for the code! I have adapted and incorporated it into unlazy – a universal lazy loading library for placeholder images:

  • πŸŽ€ Native: Utilizes the loading="lazy" attribute
  • πŸŽ›οΈ Framework-agnostic: Works with any framework or no framework at all
  • 🌊 BlurHash support: SSR & Client-Side BlurHash Decoding
  • πŸͺ„ Sizing: Automatically calculates the sizes attribute
  • πŸ” SEO-friendly: Detects search engine bots and preloads all images
  • 🎟 <picture>: Supports multiple image tags
  • 🏎 Auto-initialize: Usable without a build step

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Thanks a lot!

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