snmpsim is built on python and requires several other python libraries.
apt install python-pip
pip install virtualenv
/usr/bin/easy_install virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install snmpsim
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
Actually this may have done it:
First, install Virtualenv:
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
Then Create Virtualenv:
virtualenv venv #venv is name
For activating virtualenv.First, move to folder, In which you want to enable and run this command:
source venv/bin/activate
Once, Your work is done then disable virtualenv:
From <>
I had issues with the snmpsim I'd installed. It helped to uninstall it, then reinstall it:
Sudo pip uninstall snmpsim
Sudo pip install snmpsim
Now things just seem to be working….
librenms@librenmsdev:~$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) librenms@librenmsdev:~$ ./scripts/collect-snmp-data.php --snmpsim
This will start up the server.
librenms@librenmsdev:~$ source venv/bin/activate --data-dir=./test/data --agent-udpv4-endpoint=
From <>
- Run ./scripts/collect-snmp-data.php -h <host> -m os, initial snmprec will be created
- If there is additional snmp data required, run ./scripts/collect-snmp-data.php -h 42 -m os
- Run ./scripts/save-test-data.php -o example-os -m os to update the dumped database data.
- Review data. If you modified the snmprec or code (don't modify json manually) run � ./scripts/save-test-data.php -o example-os -m os
- Run
- If the tests succeed submit a pull request
Additional module support or test data
1. Add code to support module or support already exists.
2. ./scripts/collect-snmp-data.php -h 42 -m <module>, this will add more data to the snmprec file
3. Review data. If you modified the snmprec (don't modify json manually) run ./scripts/save-test-data.php -o example-os -m <module>
4. Run ./scripts/pre-commit.php --db --snmpsim
5. If the tests succeed submit a pull request
From <>
librenms@librenmsdev:~$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) librenms@librenmsdev:~$ --data-dir=/opt/librenms/tests/snmpsim/ --agent-udpv4-endpoint=
librenms@librenmsdev:~$ cat /etc/hosts | grep local localhost snmpsim
librenms@librenmsdev:~$ ./addhost.php snmpsim cimc v2c 1161
librenms@librenmsdev:~$ ./discovery.php -h snmpsim -d
librenms@librenmsdev:~$ ./poller.php -h snmpsim -d
librenms@librenmsdev:~$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) librenms@librenmsdev:~$ ./scripts/save-test-data.php -o awplus
Starting snmpsim listening on
OS: awplus
Module: all
Added device: 54 54 awplus
#### Load disco module core ####
>> Runtime for discovery module 'core': 0.0160 seconds with 1192 bytes
>> SNMP: [6/2.97s] MySQL: [26/0.04s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
#### Unload disco module core ####
#### Load disco module os ####
OS: Alliedware Plus (awplus)
Changed Icon! : alliedtelesis.svg