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Last active January 10, 2025 21:58
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  • Save mattifestation/edbac1614694886c8ef4583149f53658 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mattifestation/edbac1614694886c8ef4583149f53658 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Retrieves TraceLogging metadata from a file.
#requires -version 5
The things you find on Google searching for specific GUIDs...
Known Keyword friendly names:
Known Provider Group Definitions:
# Parsing these out will be useful for grouping by keyword type. e.g. anything not related to telemetry might be more interesting.
# Is CRITICALDATA indicative of sensitive data?
$KeywordMapping = @{
[UInt64] 140737488355328 = 'MS.CRITICALDATA'
[UInt64] 70368744177664 = 'MS.MEASURES'
[UInt64] 35184372088832 = 'MS.TELEMETRY'
[UInt64] 562949953421312 = 'WINEVENT.TELEMETRY'
enum TlgIn {
NULL = 0
INT8 = 3
UINT8 = 4
INT16 = 5
UINT16 = 6
INT32 = 7
UINT32 = 8
INT64 = 9
UINT64 = 10
FLOAT = 11
BOOL32 = 13
GUID = 15
SID = 19
HEXINT32 = 20
HEXINT64 = 21
# The following enum values will not be defined since they collide with other types:
# These should have been defined as unique values in TraceLoggingProvider.h
enum TlgOut {
NULL = 0
HEX = 4
PID = 5
TID = 6
PORT = 7
IPV4 = 8
IPV6 = 9
XML = 11
JSON = 12
UTF8 = 35
filter Get-TraceLoggingMetadata {
Retrieves TraceLogging metadata from a file.
Get-TraceLoggingMetadata retrieves TraceLogging metadata from a file. TraceLogging is what enables ETW tracing to occur without needing to register/install a manifest. Rather, event metadata is embedded within trace data which Windows 10-based tools are able to parse. Wanting to know what providers and events were possible for a given binary, Get-TraceLoggingMetadata was developed to extract this information. The majority of Get-TraceLoggingMetadata was developed with the assistance of TraceLoggingProvider.h from the Windows SDK.
The intended purpose of Get-TraceLoggingMetadata is for research purposes where you would like to discover whether or not interesting providers/events can be traced for one or more binaries. Once an interesting provider is identified, a trace can be captured with a tool like Windows Problem Recorder (wpr.exe). Once a trace is collected, it can be formatted and parsed properly with tracerpt.exe.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Specifies the path to a file that may contain trace logging metadata.
Get-TraceLoggingMetadata -Path C:\Windows\System32\LocationFramework.dll
Retrieves trace logging metadata from a specific file.
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Program Files\*' -Include '*.dll', '*.exe' -Recurse | Get-TraceLoggingMetadata
Retrieves trace logging metadata for any EXE or DLL within "C:\Program Files\".
(Get-Process -Id $PID).Modules.FileName | Get-ChildItem | Get-TraceLoggingMetadata
Retrieves trace logging metadata for any loaded module within the current PowerShell process.
Accepts one or more files returned from Get-ChildItem.
If a file contains trace logging metadata, an object will be output consisting of provider and event information. Get-TraceLoggingMetadata will only output an object if the file actually contains trace logging metadata.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)]
# Resolve the full path in case a relative path was supplied.
$FullPath = Resolve-Path -Path $Path
# This string encoding will ensure a 1-to-1 byte<->char mapping.
$StringEncoder = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)
$FileBytes = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FullPath)
$MemoryStream = New-Object -TypeName IO.MemoryStream -ArgumentList @(,$FileBytes)
$StreamReader = New-Object IO.StreamReader($MemoryStream, $StringEncoder)
$BinaryString = $StreamReader.ReadToEnd()
# Search for the trace logging signature value offset - _TlgSigVal
$TlgSigValIndex = $BinaryString.IndexOf('ETW0')
if ($TlgSigValIndex -ne -1) {
# "ETW0" was found. Ensure that it is a part of a _TraceLoggingMetadata_t structure.
$ProviderList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]'
$EventList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]'
# Jump to the offset of "ETW0"
$StreamReader.BaseStream.Position = $TlgSigValIndex
$BinaryReader = New-Object -TypeName IO.BinaryReader -ArgumentList $MemoryStream, $StringEncoder
$TlgSigVal = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($BinaryReader.ReadBytes(4))
$Size = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16() # sizeof(_TraceLoggingMetadata_t) - Expected to equal 16
$Version = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$Flags = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$Magic = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt64() # Expected to equal 0xBB8A052B88040E86 (13513619316402294406) - _TlgMagicVal
if (($Size -eq 16) -and ($Magic -eq ([UInt64] 13513619316402294406))) {
$null = [PSCustomObject] @{
PSTypeName = 'TraceLogging.Metadata'
Signature = $TlgSigVal
Size = $Size
Version = $Version
Flags = $Flags # 1 - Indicates 64-bit pointer size. 0 - Indicates 32-bit pointer size
Magic = $Magic
# In practice, needing to know pointer size is not relevant.
$PointerSize = 4
if ($Flags -eq 1) { $PointerSize = 8 }
# The next byte is a metadata blob type
$BlobType = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
while ($BlobType -ne 1) { # _TlgBlobEnd: signals _TraceLoggingMetadataEnd
switch ($BlobType) {
0 { # _TlgBlobNone
# This is not documented anywhere but I see it pop up in rare instances.
# e.g. C:\Windows\System32\LocationFramework.dll has 8 of these after the metadata header prior to landing at the first event metadata blob.
2 { # _TlgBlobProvider
This is documented nowhere but this provider type is present in C:\Windows\System32\ortcengine.dll *shrug*
I've only seen this so far for the "Microsoft.CRTProvider" provider (
Another reference:
The following structure can be inferred based on hex editor/IDA analysis:
UINT8 Type; // = _TlgBlobProvider
UINT16 RemainingSize; // = sizeof(RemainingSize + ProviderName)
char ProviderName[sizeof("providerName")]; // UTF-8 nul-terminated provider name
GUID ProviderGroupId;
$RemainingSize = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$ProviderGroupGUID = $null
$ProviderName = $null
if ($RemainingSize) {
$StrBuilder = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
# Build up the provider name string until a null is reached.
do {
$CharVal = $BinaryReader.ReadChar()
$null = $StrBuilder.Append($CharVal)
} while ($CharVal -ne "`0")
$ProviderName = $StrBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd("`0")
# Report if this is anything other than 19.
# I would not expect there to be any other data other than a single provider group GUID
$RemainingChunkSize = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
if ($RemainingChunkSize -ne 19) {
Write-Warning 'Unexpected provider metadata chunk size!'
if ($RemainingChunkSize) {
# Refers to ETW_PROVIDER_TRAIT_TYPE in evntcons.h
$ProviderAdditionalInfoTypeVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
switch ($ProviderAdditionalInfoTypeVal) {
1 { # EtwProviderTraitTypeGroup
$ProviderGroupGUID = ([Guid][Byte[]] $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(16)).Guid
2 { # EtwProviderTraitDecodeGuid
# I don't expect to see this so alert if it is encountered
Write-Warning 'EtwProviderTraitDecodeGuid value encountered. Inspect this manually and develop a parser.'
default {
Write-Warning 'Unknown provider chunk type value encountered. Inspect this manually and develop a parser.'
$ProviderMetadata = [PSCustomObject] @{
PSTypeName = 'TraceLogging.ProviderMetadata'
ProviderGUID = $null
ProviderName = $ProviderName
ProviderGroupGUID = $ProviderGroupGUID
3 { # _TlgBlobEvent3
$EventID = $BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position - $TlgSigValIndex
$Channel = $BinaryReader.ReadByte() # This _should_ always be 11 (TraceLogging - Event contains provider traits and TraceLogging event metadata.)
$Level = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$Opcode = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$KeywordVal = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt64()
$KeywordFriendlyName = $KeywordMapping[$KeywordVal]
$Keyword = "0x$($KeywordVal.ToString('X16'))"
$RemainingSize = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$ExtensionList = $null
$EventName = $null
$Fields = $null
# Non-null remaining size implies that event/field metadata exists.
if ($RemainingSize) {
# Calculate the end stream position and validate along the way that it hasn't been exceeded.
# This is required due to how structure are stored in tightly-packed streams that don't
# contain fields about metadata length.
$EndPosition = $BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position + $RemainingSize - 2 # 2 - sizeof(RemainingSize)
<# What follows is an EventMetadata structure:
struct EventMetadata // Variable-length pseudo-structure, byte-aligned, tightly-packed.
UINT16 Size; // = sizeof(EventMetadata)
UINT8 Extension[]; // 1 or more bytes. Read until you hit a byte with high bit unset.
char Name[]; // UTF-8 nul-terminated event name
FieldMetadata Fields[]; // 0 or more field definitions.
if ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -ne $EndPosition) {
# Read extension array
$ExtensionList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Byte]'
do {
$ExtensionVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
# To-do: inspect to see if this is ever non-zero. It is currently unclear what these are used for.
} while ($ExtensionVal -band 0x80)
if ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -ne $EndPosition) {
$StrBuilder = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
# Build up the event name string until a null is reached.
do {
$CharVal = $BinaryReader.ReadChar()
$null = $StrBuilder.Append($CharVal)
} while ($CharVal -ne "`0")
$EventName = $StrBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd("`0")
$Fields = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]'
while ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -lt $EndPosition) {
# Parse out all fields in the event. Fields are optional.
struct FieldMetadata // Variable-length pseudo-structure, byte-aligned, tightly-packed.
char Name[]; // UTF-8 nul-terminated field name
UINT8 InType; // Values from the TlgIn enumeration.
UINT8 OutType; // TlgOut enumeration. Only present if (InType & 128) == 128.
UINT8 Extension[]; // Only present if OutType is present and (OutType & 128) == 128. Read until you hit a byte with high bit unset.
UINT16 ValueCount; // Only present if (InType & CountMask) == Ccount.
UINT16 TypeInfoSize; // Only present if (InType & CountMask) == Custom.
char TypeInfo[TypeInfoSize]; // Only present if (InType & CountMask) == Custom.
# Build up the field name string until a null is reached.
$StrBuilder = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
do {
$CharVal = $BinaryReader.ReadChar()
$null = $StrBuilder.Append($CharVal)
} while ($CharVal -ne "`0")
$FieldName = $StrBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd("`0")
$InTypeVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$InTypeMask = 31
if ($InTypeVal -band 64) {
Write-Warning "VCount Tag Flag Encountered! Current position: 0x$($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position.ToString('X8'))"
$OutType = $null
$OutTypeVal = $null
$FieldExtensionList = $null
if ($InTypeVal -band 128) {
# This means that the OutType field is populated.
$OutTypeVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$OutTypeMask = 127
if ($OutTypeVal -band 128) {
$FieldExtensionList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Byte]'
do {
$ExtensionVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
# To-do: inspect to see if this is ever non-zero. It is currently unclear what these are used for.
} while ($ExtensionVal -band 0x80)
$MaskedOutTypeVal = $OutTypeVal -band $OutTypeMask
if ([Enum]::IsDefined([TlgOut], $MaskedOutTypeVal)) {
$OutType = ([TlgOut] ($MaskedOutTypeVal)).ToString()
} else {
Write-Verbose "Unsupported field out type: 0x$($MaskedOutTypeVal.ToString('X2')); File path: $FullPath"
$OutType = $MaskedOutTypeVal.ToString()
[UInt16] $ValueCount = 0
if ($InTypeVal -band 32) {
$ValueCount = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
[UInt16] $TypeInfoSize = 0
$TypeInfo = $null
if (($InTypeVal -band (32 -bor 64)) -eq (32 -bor 64)) {
$TypeInfoSize = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
[String] $TypeInfo = $BinaryReader.ReadChars($TypeInfoSize) -join ''
$InType = ([TlgIn] ($InTypeVal -band $InTypeMask)).ToString()
$FieldMetadata = [PSCustomObject] @{
PSTypeName = 'TraceLogging.FieldMetadata'
FieldName = $FieldName
InType = $InType
OutType = $OutType
Extension = $FieldExtensionList
ValueCount = $ValueCount
TypeInfo = $TypeInfo
$EventMetadata = [PSCustomObject] @{
PSTypeName = 'TraceLogging.EventMetadata'
EventId = $EventID
Channel = $Channel
Level = $Level
Opcode = $Opcode
Keyword = $Keyword
KeywordName = $KeywordFriendlyName
Extension = $ExtensionList
EventName = $EventName
FieldInfo = $Fields
4 { # _TlgBlobProvider3
$ProviderGUID = ([Guid][Byte[]] $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(16)).Guid
$RemainingSize = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$ProviderName = $null
$ProviderGroupGUID = $null
struct ProviderMetadata // Variable-length pseudo-structure, byte-aligned, tightly-packed.
UINT16 Size; // = sizeof(ProviderMetadata)
char Name[]; // UTF-8 nul-terminated provider name
ProviderMetadataChunk AdditionalProviderInfo[]; // 0 or more chunks of data.
// ProviderMetadataChunk:
struct ProviderMetadataChunk // Variable-length pseudo-structure, byte-aligned, tightly-packed.
UINT16 Size; // = sizeof(ProviderMetadataChunk)
UINT8 Type; // Value from the ETW_PROVIDER_TRAIT_TYPE enumeration.
AnyType Data;
if ($RemainingSize) {
$EndPosition = $BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position + $RemainingSize - 2 # 2 - sizeof(RemainingSize)
# Implies that a provider name follows
$StrBuilder = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
# Build up the provider name string until a null is reached.
do {
$CharVal = $BinaryReader.ReadChar()
$null = $StrBuilder.Append($CharVal)
} while ($CharVal -ne "`0")
$ProviderName = $StrBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd("`0")
# It is not guaranteed that chunk data will follow.
if ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -ne $EndPosition) {
# Report if this is anything other than 19.
# I would not expect there to be any other data other than a single provider group GUID
$RemainingChunkSize = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
if ($RemainingChunkSize -ne 19) {
Write-Warning 'Unexpected provider metadata chunk size!'
if ($RemainingChunkSize) {
# Refers to ETW_PROVIDER_TRAIT_TYPE in evntcons.h
$ProviderAdditionalInfoTypeVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
switch ($ProviderAdditionalInfoTypeVal) {
1 { # EtwProviderTraitTypeGroup
$ProviderGroupGUID = ([Guid][Byte[]] $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(16)).Guid
2 { # EtwProviderTraitDecodeGuid
# I don't expect to see this so alert if it is encountered
Write-Warning 'EtwProviderTraitDecodeGuid value encountered. Inspect this manually and develop a parser.'
default {
Write-Warning 'Unknown provider chunk type value encountered. Inspect this manually and develop a parser.'
$ProviderMetadata = [PSCustomObject] @{
PSTypeName = 'TraceLogging.ProviderMetadata'
ProviderGUID = $ProviderGUID
ProviderName = $ProviderName
ProviderGroupGUID = $ProviderGroupGUID
5 { # _TlgBlobEvent2
This structure type is not documented but I will do my best to infer/reverse data types.
Event blob structure based on reversing
1) byte - Level
2) byte - Opcode
3) ushort - Task
4) ulonglong - keyword
Assumed values/statis values supplied:
* Channel: 0xB
* Id: metadata offset calc
* Version: 0
Same event and field info as _TlgBlobEvent3
$EventID = $BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position - $TlgSigValIndex
$Level = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$Opcode = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$null = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16() # Task value. This is not relevant to trace logging
$KeywordVal = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt64()
$KeywordFriendlyName = $KeywordMapping[$KeywordVal]
$Keyword = "0x$($KeywordVal.ToString('X16'))"
[Byte] $Channel = 0xB
$RemainingSize = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$ExtensionList = $null
$EventName = $null
$Fields = $null
# Non-null remaining size implies that event/field metadata exists.
if ($RemainingSize) {
# Calculate the end stream position and validate along the way that it hasn't been exceeded.
# This is required due to how structure are stored in tightly-packed streams that don't
# contain fields about metadata length.
$EndPosition = $BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position + $RemainingSize - 2 # 2 - sizeof(RemainingSize)
<# What follows is an EventMetadata structure:
struct EventMetadata // Variable-length pseudo-structure, byte-aligned, tightly-packed.
UINT16 Size; // = sizeof(EventMetadata)
UINT8 Extension[]; // 1 or more bytes. Read until you hit a byte with high bit unset.
char Name[]; // UTF-8 nul-terminated event name
FieldMetadata Fields[]; // 0 or more field definitions.
if ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -ne $EndPosition) {
# Read extension array
$ExtensionList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Byte]'
do {
$ExtensionVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
# To-do: inspect to see if this is ever non-zero. It is currently unclear what these are used for.
} while ($ExtensionVal -band 0x80)
if ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -ne $EndPosition) {
$StrBuilder = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
# Build up the event name string until a null is reached.
do {
$CharVal = $BinaryReader.ReadChar()
$null = $StrBuilder.Append($CharVal)
} while ($CharVal -ne "`0")
$EventName = $StrBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd("`0")
$Fields = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]'
while ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -lt $EndPosition) {
# Parse out all fields in the event. Fields are optional.
struct FieldMetadata // Variable-length pseudo-structure, byte-aligned, tightly-packed.
char Name[]; // UTF-8 nul-terminated field name
UINT8 InType; // Values from the TlgIn enumeration.
UINT8 OutType; // TlgOut enumeration. Only present if (InType & 128) == 128.
UINT8 Extension[]; // Only present if OutType is present and (OutType & 128) == 128. Read until you hit a byte with high bit unset.
UINT16 ValueCount; // Only present if (InType & CountMask) == Ccount.
UINT16 TypeInfoSize; // Only present if (InType & CountMask) == Custom.
char TypeInfo[TypeInfoSize]; // Only present if (InType & CountMask) == Custom.
# Build up the field name string until a null is reached.
$StrBuilder = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
do {
$CharVal = $BinaryReader.ReadChar()
$null = $StrBuilder.Append($CharVal)
} while ($CharVal -ne "`0")
$FieldName = $StrBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd("`0")
$InTypeVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$InTypeMask = 31
if ($InTypeVal -band 64) {
Write-Warning "VCount Tag Flag Encountered! Current position: 0x$($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position.ToString('X8'))"
$OutType = $null
$OutTypeVal = $null
$FieldExtensionList = $null
if ($InTypeVal -band 128) {
# This means that the OutType field is populated.
$OutTypeVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$OutTypeMask = 127
if ($OutTypeVal -band 128) {
$FieldExtensionList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Byte]'
do {
$ExtensionVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
# To-do: inspect to see if this is ever non-zero. It is currently unclear what these are used for.
} while ($ExtensionVal -band 0x80)
$MaskedOutTypeVal = $OutTypeVal -band $OutTypeMask
if ([Enum]::IsDefined([TlgOut], $MaskedOutTypeVal)) {
$OutType = ([TlgOut] ($MaskedOutTypeVal)).ToString()
} else {
Write-Verbose "Unsupported field out type: 0x$($MaskedOutTypeVal.ToString('X2')); File path: $FullPath"
$OutType = $MaskedOutTypeVal.ToString()
[UInt16] $ValueCount = 0
if ($InTypeVal -band 32) {
$ValueCount = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
[UInt16] $TypeInfoSize = 0
$TypeInfo = $null
if (($InTypeVal -band (32 -bor 64)) -eq (32 -bor 64)) {
$TypeInfoSize = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
[String] $TypeInfo = $BinaryReader.ReadChars($TypeInfoSize) -join ''
$InType = ([TlgIn] ($InTypeVal -band $InTypeMask)).ToString()
$FieldMetadata = [PSCustomObject] @{
PSTypeName = 'TraceLogging.FieldMetadata'
FieldName = $FieldName
InType = $InType
OutType = $OutType
Extension = $FieldExtensionList
ValueCount = $ValueCount
TypeInfo = $TypeInfo
$EventMetadata = [PSCustomObject] @{
PSTypeName = 'TraceLogging.EventMetadata'
EventId = $EventID
Channel = $Channel
Level = $Level
Opcode = $Opcode
Keyword = $Keyword
KeywordName = $KeywordFriendlyName
Extension = $ExtensionList
EventName = $EventName
FieldInfo = $Fields
6 { # _TlgBlobEvent4 Same as _TlgBlobEvent4 but EventID is always 0. Thanks Alex Ionescu for the explanation!
$Channel = $BinaryReader.ReadByte() # This _should_ always be 11 (TraceLogging - Event contains provider traits and TraceLogging event metadata.)
$Level = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$Opcode = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$KeywordVal = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt64()
$KeywordFriendlyName = $KeywordMapping[$KeywordVal]
$Keyword = "0x$($KeywordVal.ToString('X16'))"
$RemainingSize = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$ExtensionList = $null
$EventName = $null
$Fields = $null
# Non-null remaining size implies that event/field metadata exists.
if ($RemainingSize) {
# Calculate the end stream position and validate along the way that it hasn't been exceeded.
# This is required due to how structure are stored in tightly-packed streams that don't
# contain fields about metadata length.
$EndPosition = $BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position + $RemainingSize - 2 # 2 - sizeof(RemainingSize)
<# What follows is an EventMetadata structure:
struct EventMetadata // Variable-length pseudo-structure, byte-aligned, tightly-packed.
UINT16 Size; // = sizeof(EventMetadata)
UINT8 Extension[]; // 1 or more bytes. Read until you hit a byte with high bit unset.
char Name[]; // UTF-8 nul-terminated event name
FieldMetadata Fields[]; // 0 or more field definitions.
if ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -ne $EndPosition) {
# Read extension array
$ExtensionList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Byte]'
do {
$ExtensionVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
# To-do: inspect to see if this is ever non-zero. It is currently unclear what these are used for.
} while ($ExtensionVal -band 0x80)
if ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -ne $EndPosition) {
$StrBuilder = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
# Build up the event name string until a null is reached.
do {
$CharVal = $BinaryReader.ReadChar()
$null = $StrBuilder.Append($CharVal)
} while ($CharVal -ne "`0")
$EventName = $StrBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd("`0")
$Fields = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]'
while ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -lt $EndPosition) {
# Parse out all fields in the event. Fields are optional.
struct FieldMetadata // Variable-length pseudo-structure, byte-aligned, tightly-packed.
char Name[]; // UTF-8 nul-terminated field name
UINT8 InType; // Values from the TlgIn enumeration.
UINT8 OutType; // TlgOut enumeration. Only present if (InType & 128) == 128.
UINT8 Extension[]; // Only present if OutType is present and (OutType & 128) == 128. Read until you hit a byte with high bit unset.
UINT16 ValueCount; // Only present if (InType & CountMask) == Ccount.
UINT16 TypeInfoSize; // Only present if (InType & CountMask) == Custom.
char TypeInfo[TypeInfoSize]; // Only present if (InType & CountMask) == Custom.
# Build up the field name string until a null is reached.
$StrBuilder = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
do {
$CharVal = $BinaryReader.ReadChar()
$null = $StrBuilder.Append($CharVal)
} while ($CharVal -ne "`0")
$FieldName = $StrBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd("`0")
$InTypeVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$InTypeMask = 31
if ($InTypeVal -band 64) {
Write-Warning "VCount Tag Flag Encountered! Current position: 0x$($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position.ToString('X8'))"
$OutType = $null
$OutTypeVal = $null
$FieldExtensionList = $null
if ($InTypeVal -band 128) {
# This means that the OutType field is populated.
$OutTypeVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$OutTypeMask = 127
if ($OutTypeVal -band 128) {
$FieldExtensionList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Byte]'
do {
$ExtensionVal = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
# To-do: inspect to see if this is ever non-zero. It is currently unclear what these are used for.
} while ($ExtensionVal -band 0x80)
$MaskedOutTypeVal = $OutTypeVal -band $OutTypeMask
if ([Enum]::IsDefined([TlgOut], $MaskedOutTypeVal)) {
$OutType = ([TlgOut] ($MaskedOutTypeVal)).ToString()
} else {
Write-Verbose "Unsupported field out type: 0x$($MaskedOutTypeVal.ToString('X2')); File path: $FullPath"
$OutType = $MaskedOutTypeVal.ToString()
[UInt16] $ValueCount = 0
if ($InTypeVal -band 32) {
$ValueCount = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
[UInt16] $TypeInfoSize = 0
$TypeInfo = $null
if (($InTypeVal -band (32 -bor 64)) -eq (32 -bor 64)) {
$TypeInfoSize = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
[String] $TypeInfo = $BinaryReader.ReadChars($TypeInfoSize) -join ''
$InType = ([TlgIn] ($InTypeVal -band $InTypeMask)).ToString()
$FieldMetadata = [PSCustomObject] @{
PSTypeName = 'TraceLogging.FieldMetadata'
FieldName = $FieldName
InType = $InType
OutType = $OutType
Extension = $FieldExtensionList
ValueCount = $ValueCount
TypeInfo = $TypeInfo
$EventMetadata = [PSCustomObject] @{
PSTypeName = 'TraceLogging.EventMetadata'
EventId = 0
Channel = $Channel
Level = $Level
Opcode = $Opcode
Keyword = $Keyword
KeywordName = $KeywordFriendlyName
Extension = $ExtensionList
EventName = $EventName
FieldInfo = $Fields
default {
# To-do: logic goes here to account for unparsed structures.
# e.g. I will need to get to parsing provider metadata next.
Write-Error "Unparsed blob type enountered! Blob type val: 0x$($BlobType.ToString('X2')); File path: $FullPath; Current position: 0x$($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position.ToString('X8'))"
$BlobType = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
[PSCustomObject] @{
PSTypeName = 'TraceLogging.Schema'
FilePath = $FullPath.Path
Providers = $ProviderList
Events = $EventList
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-TraceLoggingMetadata'
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