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Created May 29, 2015 19:24
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Conditional ORKOrderedTask
#import <ResearchKit/ResearchKit.h>
@interface MyConditionalTask : ORKOrderedTask <ORKTask>
#import "MyConditionalTask.h"
@implementation MyConditionalTask
- (instancetype)init
// I would not use hard coded strings for a production app, of course.
ORKInstructionStep *introductoryStep = [[ORKInstructionStep alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"kIntroStep"];
introductoryStep.title = @"A Survey with a Conditional Question";
ORKStep *feverStep = [ORKQuestionStep questionStepWithIdentifier:@"kFeverIdentifier" title:@"Do you have a fever now?" answer:[ORKBooleanAnswerFormat booleanAnswerFormat]];
// Was testing this out to see what would happen.
ORKAnswerFormat *tempFormat = [ORKHealthKitQuantityTypeAnswerFormat answerFormatWithQuantityType:[HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyTemperature] unit:[HKUnit degreeFahrenheitUnit] style:ORKNumericAnswerStyleDecimal];
ORKQuestionStep *currentTempStep = [ORKQuestionStep questionStepWithIdentifier:@"kTemperature" title:@"What is your current body temperature?" answer:tempFormat];
currentTempStep.placeholder = @"Fahrenheit";
ORKStep *lastFeverDateStep = [ORKQuestionStep questionStepWithIdentifier:@"kLastFever" title:@"What was the date of your last fever?" answer:[ORKAnswerFormat dateAnswerFormat]];
self = [super initWithIdentifier:@"kConditionalTask" steps:@[introductoryStep, feverStep, currentTempStep, lastFeverDateStep]];
return self;
#pragma mark - ORKTask
- (nullable ORKStep *)stepAfterStep:(nullable ORKStep *)step withResult:(ORKTaskResult * __nonnull)result
NSString *currentStepIdentifier = step.identifier;
// I would not use hard coded strings for a production app, of course.
if ([currentStepIdentifier isEqualToString:@"kFeverIdentifier"])
ORKStepResult *currentStepResult = [result stepResultForStepIdentifier:currentStepIdentifier];
ORKQuestionResult *currentQuestionResult = (ORKQuestionResult *)currentStepResult.firstResult;
if ([currentQuestionResult isKindOfClass:[ORKBooleanQuestionResult class]])
ORKBooleanQuestionResult *booleanResult = (ORKBooleanQuestionResult *)currentQuestionResult;
NSNumber *booleanAnswer = booleanResult.booleanAnswer;
if (booleanAnswer)
// Too simplistic for production, but good enough for this early testing.
return booleanAnswer.boolValue ? self.steps[2] : self.steps[3];
// Fall-through
return [super stepAfterStep:step withResult:result];
- (nullable ORKStep *)stepBeforeStep:(nullable ORKStep *)step withResult:(ORKTaskResult * __nonnull)result
NSString *currentStepIdentifier = step.identifier;
// I would not use hard coded strings for a production app, of course.
if ([currentStepIdentifier isEqualToString:@"kLastFever"])
ORKStepResult *feverStepResult = [result stepResultForStepIdentifier:@"kFeverIdentifier"];
ORKQuestionResult *feverQuestionResult = (ORKQuestionResult *)feverStepResult.firstResult;
if ([feverQuestionResult isKindOfClass:[ORKBooleanQuestionResult class]])
ORKBooleanQuestionResult *booleanResult = (ORKBooleanQuestionResult *)feverQuestionResult;
NSNumber *booleanAnswer = booleanResult.booleanAnswer;
if (booleanAnswer)
// Too simplistic for production, but good enough for this early testing.
return booleanAnswer.boolValue ? self.steps[2] : self.steps[1];
// Fall-through
return [super stepBeforeStep:step withResult:result];
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