A simple Mikado diagram using Mermaid based on the example here: https://mikadomethod.info/index.html
flowchart BT
Goal((("Encapsulate FileDB
to be able to switch
ReplaceInterface(("Replace FileDB
with database interface
for load()/store()"))
database interface
in UI"))
Create(("Create database
interface for FileDB
load()/store() ☑️"))
Configure(("Configure file
for FileDB in
constructor ☑️"))
app setStorageFile()
methods ☑️"))
ToLauncher(("Pull up
creation of FileDB
to launcher ☑️"))
Goal --> ReplaceInterface
ReplaceInterface --> UseInterface
%% ReplaceInterface --> Create
%% ReplaceInterface --> Configure
%% The arrows were hard to follow here, so I simplified the diagram.
UseInterface --> Create
UseInterface --> Configure
Goal --> Remove
Remove --> ToLauncher