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Matt Long mattlong

  • Medplum
  • San Francisco, CA
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dhh / Gemfile
Created June 24, 2020 22:23
HEY's Gemfile
ruby '2.7.1'
gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'
gem 'tzinfo-data', '>= 1.2016.7' # Don't rely on OSX/Linux timezone data
# Action Text
gem 'actiontext', github: 'basecamp/actiontext', ref: 'okra'
gem 'okra', github: 'basecamp/okra'
# Drivers
mattlong / pg.sql
Last active February 12, 2025 19:11
Useful Postgres Queries
-- all connections
select pid, datname, usename, left(application_name, 15) as app_name, state, backend_start, xact_start, query_start, state_change, wait_event_type, wait_event, left(regexp_replace(query,E'[\\n\\r]+',' ','g'), 40) from pg_stat_activity WHERE pid<>pg_backend_pid() ORDER BY datname, usename;
-- active connections
SELECT application_name, state, age(now(), xact_start) age, query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state <> 'idle';
SELECT application_name, pid, state, age(now(), xact_start) age,
left(regexp_replace(query,E'[\\n\\r]+',' ','g'), 100)
FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state <> 'idle' ORDER BY age;
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
chantastic / on-jsx.markdown
Last active November 10, 2024 13:39
JSX, a year in

Hi Nicholas,

I saw you tweet about JSX yesterday. It seemed like the discussion devolved pretty quickly but I wanted to share our experience over the last year. I understand your concerns. I've made similar remarks about JSX. When we started using it Planning Center, I led the charge to write React without it. I don't imagine I'd have much to say that you haven't considered but, if it's helpful, here's a pattern that changed my opinion:

The idea that "React is the V in MVC" is disingenuous. It's a good pitch but, for many of us, it feels like in invitation to repeat our history of coupled views. In practice, React is the V and the C. Dan Abramov describes the division as Smart and Dumb Components. At our office, we call them stateless and container components (view-controllers if we're Flux). The idea is pretty simple: components can't

vsouza / .bashrc
Last active February 14, 2025 14:06
Golang setup in Mac OSX with HomeBrew. Set `GOPATH` and `GOROOT` variables in zshell, fish or bash.
# Set variables in .bashrc file
# don't forget to change your path correctly!
export GOPATH=$HOME/golang
export GOROOT=/usr/local/opt/go/libexec
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
staltz /
Last active March 3, 2025 08:27
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing

Glad you're here!

PuppetConf 2013 Presentation (fryman)


let's keep this our secret. If the talk hasn't started yet, please don't tell those around you about this page. sure, hint and all... but it's more fun if they find it themselves. Also, don't tweet about this until I ask you to (and yes, I'll ask you to. Pretty please? can you? oh, you're the best. I knew you would.).

I do promise I'll tell everyone eventually, but for now you can feel good you found this page before your friend Bob.

johnjohndoe /
Created November 6, 2012 11:48
Git pre-commit hook to add a new line at the end of a file and remove trailing whitespaces
# An example hook script to verify what is about to be committed.
# Called by "git commit" with no arguments. The hook should
# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message if
# it wants to stop the commit.
# Usage:
# Remove the .sh file extension when you put the script in your hooks folder!