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Created March 14, 2024 10:44
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import SwiftUI
import AsyncAlgorithms
struct AsyncChanges<V>: ViewModifier where V : Equatable, V: Sendable {
typealias Element = (oldValue: V, newValue: V)
typealias Action = (AsyncStream<Element>) async -> Void
@State private var streamPair = AsyncStream<Element>.makeStream()
private let action: Action
private let value: V
init(of value: V, initial: Bool, action: @escaping Action) {
self.action = action
self.value = value
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.onChange(of: value, initial: true) { oldValue, newValue in
streamPair.continuation.yield((oldValue, newValue))
.task {
await action(
extension View {
public func asyncChanges<V>(
of value: V,
initial: Bool = false,
action: @escaping (AsyncStream<(oldValue: V, newValue: V)>) async -> Void
) -> some View where V: Equatable, V: Sendable {
modifier(AsyncChanges<V>(of: value, initial: initial, action: action))
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var username = ""
var body: some View {
TextField("Username", text: self.$username)
.asyncChanges(of: username) { sequence in
for await value in sequence.debounce(for: .seconds(0.25)) {
print("debounced value: \(value.newValue)")
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