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Last active June 23, 2016 16:19
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Port of React Mobservable ObserverMixin to Deku
import mob from 'mobservable'
export default function observant( target ) {
let _unsubscriber = null,
_updateCount = 0,
_render = target.render,
_beforeUnmount = target.beforeUnmount
target.render = ( component, setState ) => {
_unsubscriber && _unsubscriber()
let [result, unsubscribe] =
() => _render(component, setState),
() => setState({ __updates: _updateCount++ })
_unsubscriber = unsubscribe
return result
target.beforeUnmount = ( component, el ) => {
_unsubscriber && _unsubscriber()
_beforeUnmount && _beforeUnmount(component, el)
// If there's already a shouldUpdate, don't overwrite it.
target.shouldUpdate = target.shouldUpdate || _shouldUpdate
return target
function _shouldUpdate( component, nextProps, nextState ) {
let {props, state} = component
// update on any state changes (as is the default)
if (state !== nextState) {
return true
// update if props are shallowly not equal, inspired by PureRenderMixin
let keys = Object.keys(props), key
if (keys.length !== Object.keys(nextProps).length) {
return true
for(var i = keys.length -1; i >= 0, key = keys[i]; i--) {
if (nextProps[key] !== props[key]) {
return true
return false
/** @jsx dom*/
import {dom, tree, render} from 'deku'
import mob from 'mobservable'
import observant from './observant'
let links = mob.fromJson([
{ name:'Google' },
{ name:'Github' }
function addLink() {
let name = prompt("Name:")
if( name ) {
links.push( mob.fromJson({ name }) )
const Link = observant({
render({ props }) {
return (
<li>{ }</li>
const List = observant({
render({ props }) {
return (
{ link => (
<Link link={ link }/>
<button onClick={ addLink }>
Add Link
let root = tree( <List links={ links }/> )
render( root, document.body )
Copy link

orrybaram commented Jun 21, 2016

@mattmccray Hey! I wanted to pick your brain for a second. I've been trying to port this gist to use modx, and have been running into some issues getting it to work. If you have a sec, can you check out (the deku binding can be found here) and let me know if you have any ideas on how to pull it together? I essentially swapped out the function for modx.autorun() but it doesn't seem to work the same. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Any help would be appreciated!

Update Nevermind, got it to work! Thanks for this starting point!

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