I am submitting the inital stable version of a pagerduty module that will allow a developer the following functionality:
- add users
- update users
- remove users
- add teams
- update teams
- remove teams
- add a user contact method
- update a user contact method
- remove a user contact method
I did this by creating a pagerduty directory under monitoring as an initial place to store these modules. This is done as they all share a common purpose and code which I have placed in module_utils. According to the docs and conversations I have had in IRC, this is allowable and in fact makes sense.
There are already two pagerduty modules that do not yet share code with the three I have written but I am in the process of refactoring them to bridge that gap. This will entail a breaking change as they will be renamed to follow my convention of naming after the api endpoint they hit. The first, pagerduty_alert, allows a developer to trigger, acknowledge or resolve a PagerDuty incident. The second, pagerduty, allows a developer to create PagerDuty maintenance windows.
These will be refactored and renamed as necessary.
The three new modules are broken up in such a manner that each is as complete a wrapper of the endpoint it hits as I initially needed. As time goes on and things evolve I have plans to port the services endpoint and possibly the escalation policies endpoint. I can elect myself to be the maintainer of these modules if the community wishes as I am currently running them in production so it is in my personal intreast to ensure they are stable
Documentation is nearly complete but I need to update two of the options. Return values are stable but I am unsure if they are correct per community standards. I have not yet written unit tests for these modules but they are on my roadmap for next week. Next to those items I am not sure what else needs to be done to make them stable.
This is my first commit to Ansible and my first time writing a module, for all I know I may be way off base here. Please feel free if anyone is so inclined to tell me I am off my rocker and I will go back to the drawing board and refactor the code as needed. I have read through all the docs for submitting a module and writing a module and I feel this is in a solid, initial stable state. I have been using it for a few weeks now without issue. I can share my roles that implement this as well if the community thinks that will be of value.