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Last active July 17, 2024 09:21
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// CircularProgressView.swift
// SwiftUI30WWDC2021
// Created by Mateo on 5/6/22.
// dependency:
import SwiftUI
struct AnimatablePercentModifier: AnimatableModifier {
let animatableData: Double
let label: Text
init(number: Double) {
animatableData = number
label = Text(Self.applyingFormatStyle(number))
static let font = Font.system(size: 250, weight: .bold, design: .rounded)
static let fontSmall = Font.system(size: 150, weight: .bold, design: .rounded)
static func applyingFormatStyle(_ value: Double) -> AttributedString {
var s = value.formatted(.percent.precision(.fractionLength(1...2)).attributed)
var integerRange: Range<AttributedString.Index>?
var decimalSeparatorRange: Range<AttributedString.Index>?
var fractionRange: Range<AttributedString.Index>?
var percentRange: Range<AttributedString.Index>?
s.runs.forEach { run in
if let numberRun = run.numberPart {
switch numberRun {
case .integer:
assert(integerRange == nil, "Seen integer part already form input \(value)")
integerRange = run.range
case .fraction:
assert(fractionRange == nil, "Seen fraction part already form input \(value)")
fractionRange = run.range
@unknown default:
if let symbolRun = run.numberSymbol {
switch symbolRun {
case .decimalSeparator:
assert(decimalSeparatorRange == nil, "Seen decimalSeparator part already form input \(value)")
decimalSeparatorRange = run.range
case .percent:
assert(percentRange == nil, "Seen percent part already form input \(value)")
percentRange = run.range
case .groupingSeparator:
case .sign:
case .currency:
@unknown default:
guard let integerRange, let decimalSeparatorRange, let fractionRange, let percentRange else {
fatalError("This AttributedString is not in percent format")
s[integerRange].font = font
s[decimalSeparatorRange].font = fontSmall
s[fractionRange].font = fontSmall
s[percentRange].font = font
return s
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
extension View {
func animatingPercent(for number: Double) -> some View {
modifier(AnimatablePercentModifier(number: number))
struct CircularProgressView<RingStyle: ShapeStyle, TextStyle: ShapeStyle>: View {
let progress: Double // 0 to 1 display as percent
let ringStyle: RingStyle
let textStyle: TextStyle
// "SE-0347 Type inference from default expressions" will allow default values:
// init(progress: Double, ringStyle: RingStyle = .tint, textStyle: TextStyle = .primary) {
// as of now, we use conditional extension to provide these defaults
init(progress: Double, ringStyle: RingStyle = .tint, textStyle: TextStyle = .primary) {
self.progress = progress
self.ringStyle = ringStyle
self.textStyle = textStyle
@State private var viewSize =
var lineWidth: CGFloat {
min(viewSize.width, viewSize.height) * 0.13
var body: some View {
.trim(from: 0, to: progress)
.stroke(ringStyle, style: .init(lineWidth: lineWidth * 0.7, lineCap: .round))
.overlay {
Text(1.0, format: .percent.precision(.fractionLength(0))) // invisible template view for Text sizing
.padding(.horizontal, min(viewSize.width, viewSize.height) * 0.125)
.frame(width: min(viewSize.width, viewSize.height))
.animatingPercent(for: progress)
.background {
.stroke(ringStyle, lineWidth: lineWidth)
.animation(.easeOut(duration: 0.8), value: progress)
.readSize($into: $viewSize)
//// provide init parameters default values for ringStye = .tint and/or textStyle = .primary
//extension CircularProgressView where RingStyle == TintShapeStyle, TextStyle == HierarchicalShapeStyle {
// init(progress: Double) {
// self.init(progress: progress, ringStyle: .tint, textStyle: .primary)
// }
//extension CircularProgressView where TextStyle == HierarchicalShapeStyle {
// init(progress: Double, ringStyle: RingStyle) {
// self.init(progress: progress, ringStyle: ringStyle, textStyle: .primary)
// }
//extension CircularProgressView where RingStyle == TintShapeStyle {
// init(progress: Double, textStyle: TextStyle) {
// self.init(progress: progress, ringStyle: .tint, textStyle: textStyle)
// }
struct CircularProgressViewDemo: View {
@State private var progress = 0.0
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { proxy in
VStack(spacing: 0) {
let angularGradient = AngularGradient(colors: [.green, .yellow, .orange, .red, .purple, .blue, .green], center: .center)
let ellipticalGradient = EllipticalGradient(colors: [.green, .yellow, .orange, .red, .purple, .blue])
CircularProgressView(progress: progress, ringStyle: angularGradient, textStyle: ellipticalGradient)
.frame(height: proxy.size.height / 2.5)
HStack {
CircularProgressView(progress: 1 - progress, ringStyle: .red)
CircularProgressView(progress: progress, textStyle: .red)
.frame(height: proxy.size.height / 3)
HStack {
CircularProgressView(progress: progress)
CircularProgressView(progress: progress, ringStyle: .indigo)
CircularProgressView(progress: progress, textStyle: .green)
CircularProgressView(progress: progress, ringStyle: .orange, textStyle: .orange)
Slider(value: $progress, in: 0...1)
Button {
progress = .random(in: 0...1)
} label: {
Label("Random", systemImage: "camera.filters")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .center)
struct CircularProgressViewDemo_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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