I hereby claim:
- I am matula on github.
- I am matula (https://keybase.io/matula) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDWtZbNI9uI4Tfizwme1WTwq2foq7_3bxY5_cqgIbYd2go
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Library "Roku_Ads.brs" | |
sub init() | |
print "PlayerTask.brs [init]" | |
m.top.functionName = "playContentWithAds" | |
m.top.id = "PlayerTask" | |
end sub | |
sub playContentWithAds() | |
print "PlayerTask.brs [playContentWithAds]" |
<?php | |
// Server file | |
class PushNotifications { | |
// (Android)API access key from Google API's Console. | |
private static $API_ACCESS_KEY = 'AIzaSyDG3fYAj1uW7VB-wejaMJyJXiO5JagAsYI'; | |
// (iOS) Private key's passphrase. | |
private static $passphrase = 'joashp'; | |
// (Windows Phone 8) The name of our push channel. | |
private static $channelName = "joashp"; |
PHP | Laravel | Web Scraping
A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
var param = "something"; | |
var my_src = "{{ URL::route('route', ['myparam' => 'xxx' ]) }}"; | |
var src = my_src.replace('xxx', param); |
{"public":true,"files":{"undefined.skema":{"content":"[{\"name\":\"Bears\",\"color\":\"Blue\",\"position\":{\"x\":177,\"y\":85},\"modelclass\":\"Bear\",\"increment\":false,\"timestamp\":false,\"softdelete\":false,\"column\":[{\"colid\":\"c217\",\"name\":\"id\",\"type\":\"increments\",\"length\":\"0\",\"order\":0,\"defaultvalue\":\"\",\"enumvalue\":\"\"},{\"colid\":\"c218\",\"name\":\"name\",\"type\":\"string\",\"length\":\"200\",\"order\":1,\"defaultvalue\":\"\",\"enumvalue\":\"\"},{\"colid\":\"c219\",\"name\":\"danger_level\",\"type\":\"string\",\"length\":\"200\",\"order\":2,\"defaultvalue\":\"\",\"enumvalue\":\"\"}],\"relation\":[{\"extramethods\":\"\",\"foreignkeys\":\"bear_id, picnic_id\",\"name\":\"picnics\",\"relatedmodel\":\"Picnics\",\"relationtype\":\"belongsToMany\",\"usenamespace\":\"\"}],\"seeding\":[]},{\"name\":\"Picnics\",\"color\":\"Red\",\"position\":{\"x\":201,\"y\":520},\"modelclass\":\"Picnic\",\"increment\":\"\",\"timestamp\":\"\",\"softdelete\":\"\",\"column\":[{\"colid\":\"c272\",\"nam |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
<?php | |
if (DB::getName() == 'pgsql') { | |
DB::statement('TRUNCATE users CASCADE'); | |
DB::statement('ALTER SEQUENCE users_id_seq RESTART WITH 1'); | |
} |
##Things a "full stack" developer needs to know...
<?php | |
function sd($obj) { | |
if ($obj instanceof Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection) { | |
var_dump(json_decode((string)$obj, true)); | |
} else { | |
var_dump((array)$obj); | |
} | |
} |