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Created December 3, 2012 11:45
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Pandoc template
TEMPLATE = template.tex
STYLESHEET = style.css
MD = $(wildcard *.md)
TEX = $(patsubst,%.tex,$(MD))
HTML = $(patsubst,%.html,$(MD))
PDF = $(patsubst,%.pdf,$(MD))
.PHONY: clean pdf html
all: pdf html
html: $(HTML)
pdf: $(PDF)
%.html: $(STYLESHEET)
pandoc $< -s -S -c $(STYLESHEET) -o $@
%.pdf: %.tex
pdflatex $<
%.tex: $(TEMPLATE)
pandoc $< -s --template=$(TEMPLATE) -o $@
rm -f $(TEX) $(HTML) $(PDF) *.log *.aux *.blg *.bbl *.out
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% --- Preamble -----------------------------------------------------------------
\usepackage{graphicx, xcolor}
% --- Font adjustment
% --- hyperref
% --- TikZ basics
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