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Created February 20, 2012 12:30
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Polygon - calculate the coordinates of a polygon
Function: Polygon
calculates the coordinates for a polygon
count - the number of corners the polygon should have
radius - the radius of the polygon
[opt, byRef] x - receives an array of the x-coordinates. Omit this if not needed.
[opt, byRef] y - receives an array of the y-coordinates. Omit this if not needed.
[opt] xoffset - an optional x-offset to add to the coordinates
[opt] yoffset - an optional y-offset to add to the coordinates
[opt] rotate - by default, the polygon is aligned so that one of the corners is the highest point. Change this by setting this param to the amount (in degree) to rotate the polygon.
coords - a string containing the coordinates as x-y pairs, separated by a space. This is the form taken by the "WinSet Region" command.
Polygon(count, radius, byRef x := 0, byRef y := 0, xoffset := 0, yoffset := 0, rotate := 0)
pi := 4 * ATan(1)
x := [], y := [], list := ""
Loop count
arc := ((A_Index-1)/count + rotate/360) * (2 * pi)
x[A_Index] := round(radius + cos(arc)*radius + xoffset)
y[A_Index] := round(radius - sin(arc)*radius + yoffset)
list .= x[A_Index] . "-" . y[A_Index] . A_Space
return list . x[1] . "-" . y[1]
#SingleInstance force
Loop 20
Gui g%A_Index%: +LastFound +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
width := A_Index * 20
WinSet, Region, % Polygon(360, A_Index * 20) A_Space Polygon(360, width - 5,,, 5, 5)
Gui g%A_Index%: Color, % A_Index * 0x00FFFF
Gui g%A_Index%: Show, % "w" A_Index * 45 " h" A_Index * 45 " center"
#SingleInstance force
Gui outer: +LastFound +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
WinSet, Region, % Polygon(6, 200,,,,,30) A_Space Polygon(6, 190,,, 10, 10, 30)
Gui outer: Color, 0
Gui outer: Show, w400 h400 center
Gui inner: +LastFound +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
WinSet, Region, % Polygon(3, 165,,,35,35,-30) A_Space Polygon(3, 165,,, 35, 35, 30)
Gui inner: Color, 0
Gui inner: Show, w400 h400 center
Function: Polygon
calculates the coordinates for a polygon
count - the number of corners the polygon should have
radius - the radius of the polygon
[opt, byRef] x - receives an array of the x-coordinates. Omit this if not needed.
[opt, byRef] y - receives an array of the y-coordinates. Omit this if not needed.
[opt] xoffset - an optional x-offset to add to the coordinates
[opt] yoffset - an optional y-offset to add to the coordinates
[opt] rotate - by default, the polygon is aligned so that one of the corners is the highest point. Change this by setting this param to the amount (in degree) to rotate the polygon.
coords - a string containing the coordinates as x-y pairs, separated by a space. This is the form taken by the "WinSet Region" command.
Polygon(count, radius, byRef x = 0, byRef y = 0, xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0, rotate = 0)
pi := 4 * ATan(1)
x := [], y := [], list := ""
Loop % count
arc := ((A_Index-1)/count + rotate/360) * (2 * pi)
x[A_Index] := round(radius + cos(arc)*radius + xoffset)
y[A_Index] := round(radius - sin(arc)*radius + yoffset)
list .= x[A_Index] . "-" . y[A_Index] . A_Space
return list . x[1] . "-" . y[1]
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