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Created August 14, 2012 11:32
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Save mauriciofierrom/3348467 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This little code logs in to Wowlatinoamerica's web site and then votes on every page automatically. It also checks for an internet connection 20 times before shutting down because I set it to run on boot in my machine.
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
require 'open-uri'
def internet_connection?
true if open("")
attempts = 1
log ="voting.log", "a")
while not internet_connection?
puts "no internet connection"
log.puts "Attempt #{attempts}: No internet connection"
attempts += 1
if attempts >=20 then
log.puts "Attempt #{attempts}: Cant't vote. No internet connection"
abort "Cant't vote. No internet connection."
puts "Attempt #{attempts}: Internet Connection Found. Voting..."
log.puts "Attempt #{attempts}: Internet Connection Found. Voting..."
agent =
page = agent.get('')
pp page
#login_form = page.form('loginForm')
# get the login form, which doesn't have a "name" attribute anymore,
# but its the first, ergo the first in the Page#forms array of the
# page.
login_form = page.forms[0]
pp login_form
login_form.username = ''
login_form.password = ''
#pp page
page = agent.submit login_form
pp page
#page = agent.get('')
#page = agent.get('')
#page = agent.get('')
#page = agent.get('')
#page = agent.get('')
#page = agent.get('')
#page = agent.get('')
#page = agent.get('')
#page = agent.get('')
#page = agent.get('')
#page = agent.get('')
#new pages
page = agent.get('')
page = agent.get('')
page = agent.get('')
page = agent.get('')
page = agent.get('')
puts "Voting achieved. Happy Credit Changing"
log.puts "Voting achieved. Happy Credit Changing"
2013-06-11 22:58:38 -0500
Attempt 1: Internet Connection Found. Voting...
2013-06-11 23:00:04 -0500
Attempt 1: Internet Connection Found. Voting...
2013-06-11 23:02:31 -0500
Attempt 1: Internet Connection Found. Voting...
2013-06-11 23:06:36 -0500
Attempt 1: Internet Connection Found. Voting...
2013-06-11 23:09:53 -0500
Attempt 1: Internet Connection Found. Voting...
Voting achieved. Happy Credit Changing
2013-06-11 23:11:29 -0500
Attempt 1: Internet Connection Found. Voting...
Voting achieved. Happy Credit Changing
2013-06-11 23:22:17 -0500
Attempt 1: Internet Connection Found. Voting...
Voting achieved. Happy Credit Changing
2013-06-11 23:27:14 -0500
Attempt 1: Internet Connection Found. Voting...
Voting achieved. Happy Credit Changing
2013-06-11 23:29:31 -0500
Attempt 1: Internet Connection Found. Voting...
Voting achieved. Happy Credit Changing
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